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Everything posted by ken

  1. Hi all, this lens is on ebay too. http://www.ebay.com/itm/201442709002
  2. ken

    Good or bad flare?

    official website http://www.moondoglabs.com/store/
  3. ken

    Good or bad flare?

    Hi all, this lens is on ebay, will be sold soon, but now still have chance. http://www.ebay.com/itm/201442686654 BTW, I am currently using moondog lens for my iphone. So don't need other 1.33x lens.
  4. IMO, for closer focusing, it is not much useful. The ratio would drop too (might down to 1.6x), also difficult to get sharp image. Using dioptre is better.
  5. Basically cannot watch vimeo's video at home in Canada. '
  6. ken

    More spam

    I think the spams are kind of virus infection. Typing won't produce so fast. This forum was hacked.
  7. ken

    Question for Rich

    I think you can try other way. Just stack two front grass together, and rear glass together. Then the total ana lens won't be so long.
  8. ken

    aspect ratio help

    To me, all 2x lenses are always 2x if focus distance far enough. I think the reason is mounted, not closed enough. Here is an sample taken by ISCO's integrated projector lens. https://flic.kr/p/qqGzkQ
  9. ken

    aspect ratio help

    Usually, I think above 10m can be treated as 2x. Closer focus will reduce the ratio. Closest 5f/1.5m is about 1.85x, IMO. Also, center part is less ratio then left/right edge. There is always some distortion.
  10. This way is suitable for FF system. For most of anamorphic lens on FF, around 100mm is best focal length without vignetting. And 100mm's prime lens focusing moving distance is about 10~15mm, basically equals to anamorphic lens moving distance from 1.5m to infinity. Also only external focus lens can be used. The advance internal focus lens cannot.
  11. ken

    Good or bad flare?

    Like or dislike? Need your feedback, thanks.
  12. See draft. I did not finish adjustment yet, due to the tube is still too long. But it should work. I mainly focus on auto lens usage.
  13. Need to use two lenses, ISCO integrated lens and Schneider ES lens. No aperture control. Taking lens is from ES lens, FL=60mm. See pictures.
  14. My understanding is they are all share the same optics from the sizes told. The difference might be coatings.
  15. ken

    Good or bad flare?

    How do you think this one.
  16. 16h on FF max wide prime lens can be used is 75mm. I think 50mm is only in crop mode. IMO, to get widest, must use 1.33X. On iPhone 5s lens, 30mm original equivalent FL, gets 22.5mm wide angle using moondog.
  17. Maybe no filter thread. Then you need this. www.ebay.com/itm/201428210201
  18. Maybe too close, using 0.x diopter should be much better.
  19. I was told SLR lenses are made by http://www.zyoptics.net/ from China. So the price should have lots of drop space.
  20. 4M=+0.25, since 2M=+0.5, 1M=+1, 0.5M=+2....
  21. The B&L lens I owned before is not focusable. The focus ring is fake. I would say for the same price lens to me with similar size/weigh, ISCO HD attachment has 10 times better. There was a sample picture I posted before: http://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/8047-need-help-on-anamorphic-lens/
  22. I mean we can see the glass surface is rough, or not smooth.
  23. IMO, B&L lens has no more value than Russia lens on EBAY every day. Its uneven glasses are able to be seen by naked eye.
  24. All rings are available from eBay, step up or down one should work. The glue is better to use hot melt glue, getting it with the gun from digikey. That way you can easily remove it.
  25. Its sharpness is excellent, but no flare. Btw, it is over priced, IMO.
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