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Marshal Davis

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  1. Do we know if 6k photo mode will be able to send a signal to an external recorder? If so will it off any improvements, 4:2:2 or 10bit etc?
  2. Agreed, if anything they would let us use AVC-Intra 4:2:2, pro-res is not likely.
  3. Yah V-Log color science is amazing! I personally think this is bettter than Blackmagic, closer to the realm of Alexa. This seriously reminds me a ton of a feature I just finished grading that shot on Alexa. Nice work Aaron!
  4. If you want to use Zebras to catch clipping set it to 75% not 80%. V-Log clips at 75% I can tell you this from experience, and testing. Don't believe me? Open your aperture to the maximum, boost ISO to 6400, and shine a bright light at the camera. The exposure tops out at 75 (on 0-100).
  5. So... first impressions. V-Log is pretty underwhelming to say the least. I don't know if anyone's experience was different than mine, but I'll lay it out there. V-Log in 1080p is unusable IMO. No matter how you do it, it's got a ton of noise and banding. A very undesirable image. V-Log in UHD/4k is good. While I can still see noise and banding, it is spread out better (likely due to the increase of pixels) to the point where it is almost unnoticeable. My verdict as of right now is that you really need an external recorder with 10bit for V-Log to really shine, but if you expose properly, you will be happy with V-Log color in 4k. I was very pleased with the skin tones that I get out of this camera! I am attaching a text document with a detailed exploration of exposure with V-Log, but the short version is this... White Clips at 75 Gray is 43 Black Clips at 11 (Working on a video to demonstrate) Also I have attached my first version of an improved VLog-709 LUT, would love if anyone would test it out and tell me what they think, like/dislike to improve it. Exposure Research.pdf DM_VLOGto709_V1.zip
  6. So I am not as gifted as some of you, and I am still trying to understand this workflow. Regardless of if this works to increase bit depth or not. Is it as simple as importing the 4k into After Effects, and downsampling to 1080p? Or what other steps are involved. Thanks.
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