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About shotbyshaun

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  1. Hi. I ran into video playback issues using v2.2.6. I suggest using a nightly build which you can download here. Hopefully that will resolve your issues.
  2. Did you order this adaptor? If so, any good? Also, can you recommend an adaptor for m42 lenses?
  3. Hi guys. First and foremost thank you for your quick, common sense responses to my question. @Julian thank you kindly for the GH2 nod. On reflection, the simplicity of two G6 cameras makes perfect sense so I will work towards that outcome. Once again, thanks for your feedback.
  4. Hi All Could you recommend a B roll camera to use alongside a Panasonic G6? My budget will allow for a second G6. but is this really necessary? Thanks in advance for your recommendations. Regards Shaun
  5. Thanks for the sage advice. I have no intention to shoot and edit 4K so I'll spec a system accordingly. I've also read a technical guide on suitable systems to run Davinci Resolve which presented food for thought. My journey continues.
  6. Which Minolta MC/D to m43 lens adapter would you recommend?
  7. Thanks for the hot tip which sounds like a must buy. Out of interest, what 'regular' FD>m43 adapter do you use/recommend?
  8. Today I saw a Canon FD 28-50mm f3.5 lens. Would that be worth picking up?
  9. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! I really appreciate your advice. I'm going to call my local component seller and price it all up.
  10. Excellent video. What lenses do you use with your D5200?
  11. Thanks for the info! A laptop is non essential. If it makes more sense to go with a desktop then I am happy to trade convenience for power. What desktops would you recommend?
  12. Thank you for your replies. A Macbook Pro is probably beyond current budget. Thankfully, I've just come across an affordable alternative - the Asus N56 laptop. My current thinking is to edit in Premiere Elements and grade in Resolve Lite (thanks to jonpais for the Resolve Lite recommendation). I've noticed that many video editors opt for external drives to store footage. Would a standard USB3 drive be sufficient or would a RAID drive be more appropriate?
  13. Having read through many EOSHD forum threads, I've happy to purchase two G6's with Canon FD or Yashica ML lenses (subject to availablity) to film events, interviews and short documentaries. With regard to editing, my instinct is 15" Macbook Pro + FCP, however, my budget points towards a Windows laptop + Premiere Elements. Is a i7 quad core laptop overkill? Would I need additional hard drives and hardware? I'd welcome your help and suggestions for a good photographer yet novice film-maker.
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