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Santiago de la Rosa

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About Santiago de la Rosa

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  1. Hello all, I have been in Scotland for a week, what a beautiful country and people and I just want to share some pics and a short video playing with the very cheap 16-50PZ. All auto WB, 0 Sat, -10NR, +1 Contrast and 6ºHue. Video is just 7 seconds in Waverley Station testing autofocus. NX500 Hack NX-KS 140Mbps https://drive.google.com/open?id=107TcnejXJJDhx8RpX4SGEc9lg2OFUe3z All colour in camera, no post.
  2. The more I look that video, the pocket 4K it´s more a BMCC mini, I really like that big screen.
  3. They fk* nailed it! Great LCD, buttons, battery, 3DLut Direct rec to USBC disk awesome!
  4. Well I like that retro-style, it´s bulk, but better battery inside for sure. Front rec button, tilt screen, 1.495€ at least I think
  5. That last photo looks an MFT! Is S16? How to Know it?
  6. PLEASE S16, 13 stops, MFT, 4k Raw+Prores, better screen and battery. Ah and same price that original pocket at launch. I hope MFT Speedbooster will work on the Pocket 2.
  7. GoPro Hero 6 Black 505€ I bought a Yi 4K+ 268,06€ shipment included. That´s the problem of GoPro.
  8. A Nikon NX500, 10 bit 4:2:2 to use my nikon lenses without adapters. A Nikon NX1 with IBIS and anamorphic, same mount. Both fairly priced.
  9. Interested in Hero 6 Black, anyone has tested it? Image quality vs Hero5?
  10. BM Pocket and Sansung NX500. I want a GH5, maybe I will have the money for end of year.
  11. Thank you very much! Im going to test it.
  12. Personally, I dont think that using a 4.6K Ursa with Prores LT is a good idea. Buy 2x more Cfast and be ready to back up it at set. LT is just okay, test it yourself, if I would have an Ursa 4.6K I will rec at Prores HQ as minimun.
  13. You can see some NX-KS letters on screen? If not you can go here and install last version: https://www.facebook.com/NXKS2/
  14. Im using Sigma 18-35mm with nikon adapter, lot of detail and sharpeness and manual focus. The problem is that its huge in the nx500. Now Im waiting a 16-50mm S to test auto focus.
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