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Everything posted by noone

  1. The way things are going MY camera of 2025 will either be another A7s mark 1 or i get to play with Ansel Adams' camera as he shows me how to use it! I would just like an A7s type low light sensor with PDAF and built in NDs, by then 4k 24/25/30p will probably be what i am using and all i need.
  2. Great so you got a link to some of your work for me to learn from?
  3. Question, could it be the XAVC-s that is holding Sony back? I thought i saw in one of Philip Bloom's reviews that it can not handle 4k 60p. Makes some really nice 1080p and lower 4k rates but not higher?
  4. And if someone else's experience and research is different to yours? I am NOT a colourist or even a full on videographer but if what you say is true, there would not BE any other cameras used for ANYTHING that required colour. So, are you a professional colourist?
  5. Nikon 1 V1 (but only for half a second). Does that count?
  6. If it IS a Sony camera that takes apps maybe using the colour grading app? It could take you years to find the same combination though.
  7. True but i have a strange feeling the disappointment will be a fraction less this time. I am considering getting an RP as a general photography camera (either that or an AF Sony portrait lens later this year). Is the RP video THAT bad?
  8. The future for Canon video DR is not going to be the sensors DR but the use of combining like in the C300 iii. Still, nice to see Canon catching up for stills at least at and near base ISO (the average canon sensor has been competitive around 200/400 ISO and up with the average Sony/Nikon camera I think). Mind you, the R and RP are a bit low compared to Sony and Nikon. I have never understood why Canons FF cameras started at a lower point especially when in the APSC 6mp days all (except Fuji) were around 10 to 11 stops of DR.
  9. Yes, I was tempted to post that it seemed to be the reverse of how things were!. Sony DOES seem to be doing pretty much what Canon has been and Canon is now going back where it was with the 5Dii. Seriously though, there is ENOUGH video capability now for those who are not going to colour grade in eight bit cameras.. There will be some people who want the new Canon just because it HAS it but will never use its video beyond hitting record (like me most of the time). When cameras moved from VGA to HD and full HD many people were quickly able to USE them with normal computers and TVs. TV stations STILL have a lot of SD content and 4k TVs still are not universal. I would not be surprised if I NEVER have a 8k TV and it will probably be a few years before i even get a 4k one (Geez, i only just stopped using my decades old tube TV with a set top box (anyone wanna buy a set top box??) when it started playing up and replaced it with a cheap HD one). Reporters these days use 4k PHONES for TV news sometimes.
  10. I am not so sure. The video specs look seriously nice but they are going to add cost to the camera. The vast majority of Sony mirrorless cameras are sold to stills photographers and for those, video only needs to be good enough and 8 bit is not an issue for them. The exception being the A7s line but is that even still a thing? Sure Sony will use a higher bit rate in the higher end A7# at some point but do they NEED to compete? Panasonic on the other hand would be very worried for their next GH# camera maybe.
  11. The new C300 looks like it will make a very nice accessory add on for buyers of the new 25-250 T2.95 lens they are releasing as well.
  12. noone

    Step Back

    It just dawned on me that NOTHING I own in photo/video currently is newer than about six years old! (My current A7s was brand new a few months ago but would have still been made years ago) so would not get all that much for any of it.
  13. noone

    Step Back

    Amateur use only! The now aging A7s is STILL the camera I have always wanted and it is staying for as long as it lives (still have my first A7s which i keep, thinking I will get fixed but it would probably cost more to fix than get another and would cost me just to see how much it would cost to fix). My superzoom camera is a Fuji HS 30 EXR and i inherited it from my late Dad so it is staying put (sold my smaller canon superzoom when i got the Fuji). My odd ball camera is also from my late Dad, a ancient Canon G10 and video is only VGA with little control and the camera is rubbish above ISO 400 but four control wheels in a P&S pants pocketable camera and an ND filter (simple one) ....Image quality as good as an old DSLR in many ways at base ISO.....such a fun camera (if i could cross breed it with my A7s I doubt I would ever want another camera though knowing my luck the pups would be the worst of both)...keeping out of sentiment (plus is just so much fun to use). My small pocket camera (well I have a few mostly unused) is probably a little Nikon P&S but it and all the others are pretty much throw away and only one has even full HD the others just 720p ...due to some bargains and some surprise available money, i WILL get a better small camera preferably with a larger sensor and 4k and at least some video control in the next couple of months...which one though??? Underwater pocket camera is a crap little Panasonic but since I hardly use it no rush to replace and not worth selling. Other pet film cameras can stay (another Spotmatic and FD film SLR) plus a Polaroid 600SE among them....that 600se COULD go at some point as they sell for silly money as do the lenses and I have not used it for ages (would love to stick a digital back on it though). Lenses and after getting rid a of a lot over the last few years and adding/replacing/adding again I think I am set though do want to add a new AF portrait lens for FE. Do not think i will get rid of any more now or add anything much with a core group of about 6 lenses.....Again, any portrait lens will likely be because others are selling but that will be a few months if I do. Need a new on camera mic and i would not mind a portable sound recorder (last one died too long ago). Oh and a EF to E speedbooster/focal reducer but only so I can try my 17mm tilt shift lens boosted FF to see if i get a much wider FF lens but it will need to be cheap. If I lived in a larger city, i would get rid of a lot of camera "stuff" including some old unused lenses.
  14. Maybe. The thing with all these DR tests is they only apply to the light used for the test. In the real world, changing just about anything will affect different cameras differently so any "league table" at the settings used could change dramatically just by shooting in slightly lower light. The camera that "wins" at ISO 100 could be last by ISO 800. In lower light, the human eye has a greatly reduced DR to what it has in good light. As an example, my now aging A7s has a stop less DR at base for stills than the S1R but by ISO 12800, it has more than a stop more and by iso 25600, about 2 stops more. EDIT That is from DXO and is for print, changed to screen and the A7s is the same at base as the S1R but the difference is even greater as you up the ISO. I may be a little odd but i tend to shoot more at ISO 12800 than i do at base iso. As long a the DR is ENOUGH should be all that really matters.
  15. Does Fuji use EXR type technology in their larger sensor cameras? Works great in their small sensor superzooms (sort of kind of turns a 16mp half inch sensor into an 8mp 1 inch sensor camera).
  16. Its not like it should be hard to do either. I keep looking at my Canon G10. I inherited it form my late Dad but geez i love it. In 2008 Canon could make a camera that is (pants) pocketable , with FOUR control wheels, (simple) ND filter that works in video (can not be turned on or off while recording but set before hand), with a reasonably nicely stabilized 28-140 FF angle of view, with a spot meter that can be linked to face detect (does Sony do THAT with ANY camera?), with (for the time) image quality in stills about as good as a DSLR at base ISO but with a tiny P%S sensor (absolute shit above ISO 400)....but make the video seemingly reasonable for the time VGA...but give it little control for video! I would love to see some of the prototypes some of the manufacturers must make...they would be truly amazing with everything until the defeatures engineers get to them (the ones they must employ to say, take that out, cripple this, "they" don't need that ETC). EDIT The ND filter must be a real one and not electronic. It works in RAW stills as well as jpeg and video. This would be a fantastic camera to hack if it was possible for larger sized video at ISO 80/100 maybe 200 (the earlier G9 DID have a slightly larger size video mode than VGA). In stills DPR found it out resolved the APSC 1000D DSLR with a 50mm prime at base but was left left behind at 400 and above that was chalk and cheese.
  17. Maybe but i would not even mind a simple non variable one. The Canon G# Powershot higher end P&S cameras have ND filters like my old G10 and while just the on/off settings, it is brilliant. I have been looking at the G1x cameras with them...a lot to like, a sensor larger than M43 and a lot of controls (like the old G10)...trouble is that Canon seems to have greatly crippled video deliberately in all of these, the G10 has VGA and it is supposed to be quite nice but no real control other than the ND filter (I have not tried it other than mucking around). The G1x has full HD but again, i do not think it has much (if any) real control. The first version G1x is quite cheap second hand.
  18. I don't understand why internal ND filters are not included in more cameras INCLUDING hybrid/stills cameras. Having a built in ND filter that can be switched on and off at the flick of a switch is one thing i love about my ancient Canon G10 camera with a P&S sensor. I wish it had better video but is from a time when that was just an add on.
  19. I had the EF 135 f2 L and loved it. In the end, I had to sell a lens and it was either that or the Sigma 150 2.8 APO macro (also in EF mount though both used on Sony FE). I kept the macro because it is a bit more versatile for me while doing much of what the 135 can. I do/did not use either in a studio though. I have since gotten (and since sold out of necessity, a Canon EF 100 f2 and Sony FE 85 1.8). All would be great lenses for you (not the Sony obviously). Depending on having the room, the 135 would be a great choice but so would the EF 100 f2 (plus it is cheaper still). Looks like I might have a bit more money soon after all (enough for one lens before returning to poverty) and I am considering a AF portrait lens (though i still have and love the Sigma used as a MF lens). The Sigma 105 1.4 would be a dream as it is a lot more expensive and even more so the Canon 200 f2. Macro lenses from Canon and Sigma around 100 mm would also work and some are cheaper. Price wise and AF ease of use though for me, it would come back to either the 100 f2 or 135 f2 (the 100 does not have the red ring but inside a studio the lower build quality is not going to matter and means you can have a smaller studio). That said, my favourite portrait lens when I have the room and time is an old manual focus 300 2.8 and if lucky could be found around the same price....just as an odd ball idea.
  20. One little sliver for me during this crap is that some buildings I go past on my daily walks usually have a heap of cars blocking the view but right now I get a clear view.
  21. That is insane! I was looking on Ebay for the price of a Xc10 here in Australia and then extended it to look at the C## Canon cameras. There are not very many here but the prices i found were XC10 about $1400 to $1900 Australian C100 $1650 and $1700 Australian C100 ii $4000 New and $2753 and $3300 used Australian C200 $8000 Australian ( refurbished) C300 $2287 Australian (ex rental) C300 ii $13269 new $11500 used Australian. the exchange rate is about .59 Euro = 1 dollar AU so that new C300ii is pretty much just over 7800 Euros. I thought our prices were ridiculous. They are just the camera only mostly and would have to add GST probably but still...
  22. Update. I have retried it at different times and in different light. It seems it ONLY applies in certain light and when it does is repeatable and predictable but really only happens when light seems bluer and a cool WB setting would not be my choice (unless I had some weird reason for it to look like that).
  23. Slow learner! I am on my second A7s and have just noticed (after several years) that when I select a cooler white balance, Face detect AF does not work and neither does eye AF (A7s has a very crude early eye AF only in AFS mode). RAW or Jpeg makes no difference and I am assuming it must also affect AF in general and including for video...AF does still work but I am guessing just not quite as well. I thought it might just be a Sony "thing" (maybe just an A7s thing) but a search found a few older items in various places on colour temp affecting AF. Are recent cameras affected by this? This is not a huge issue (or much of any issue really) for me since most of my lenses are MF on the camera and only my 55 1.8 is proper AF and used for that now and it has always worked as required. Just curious since I am bored out of my tree stuck at home most of the day ( eating three days worth of food in one).
  24. Indeed. It was a lot of fun to use but not something I would use in low light very much (though with the right lens, more than any P&S camera with the same size sensor)....but that ALSO applies to M43 for me and it really is chalk and cheese since getting an A7s. My last M43 camera was a GX7 and I loved it (a wonderful day time street camera and it did ok in low light...better than the first APSC DSLRS i used and better than the 35mm film cameras I used) and if i never got a A7s I may have been happy enough though still looking for more....with the A7s I am not looking for more even if "more" comes along. Being able to stick ANY lens on the camera and walk around in any light (you have to have SOME light no matter how dim) is what i have always been looking for. Funny thing is the GX7 could auto focus at EV -4 but that is not a light level i would ever want to USE it at unless on a tripod at or near base ISO). A7s is horrible for tracking or even AFC other than slow moving things that do not move far but it also has EV -4 AF and workd even beyond that for AFS (DPreview said EV -5) and it really works that low.....I would endlessly turn the lights off and put them both up against each other experimenting (playing more like it) with how low i could go.
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