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Everything posted by noone

  1. I am done with this story as again, if it looks like a duck....The chief investor (how it was put in the story) is quoted there. If you choose NOT to believe he said that, that is your problem. I DO hate trump with a passion but for many reasons including the already mentioned frequent lies and having no regard for "facts" what ever....IE even lying about where his family comes from, EG lying about WHY he had to close his "charity" (never mind the actual REASONS which were numerous), IE having to close his "university" under court order, IE for the way he treats the little business people he deals with, IE for his draft dodging and that if he was a serving member of the defence forces, he would be court martialled many times over ETC ETC ETC. I am out but as far as I am concerned, this issue is real and I believe he would have tried it on, even if "unofficially".
  2. I do not really care about new cameras now (ok I do but unlikely to get any) but i AM looking forward to photographing and recording the giant party that is gunna be here when "it's" over with what I have..
  3. Where did I SAY the former CEO rejected the deal? The Chief INVESTOR did (as was reported HE said he was told about it and HE rejected it). In any event, WHY did the CEO even meet with Trump? ETC ETC ETC. I am satisfied, if you are not, that is up to you but I can see a clear link (and if it was informal, that gives the company deniability). I am done.
  4. Of course it COULD be something as simple as Trump wanting to talk to the CEO and INFORMALLY putting it to him which he then INFORMALLY took to the company so that way, there IS no (official) attempt ...no matter, it stills says exactly the same.
  5. All your links rejecting it are effectively the same....IE back to the company. The thing is Trump DID talk with the former CEO. WHY? The chief investor DID say he had been told about the offer and rejected it (and that is before the stories about it being wrong were a thing). How could he have said that if it never happened? This all seems pretty typical of Trump. he will just deny and deny and changes the story regardless of facts (EG he even denied being of German heritage for years saying he was of Swedish heritage as did his father but now is proud of his (German) heritage, EG SAYING he had to close his charity under court order for minor accounting errors while what he actually AGREED to is available for all to see on the internet. In this case, if it walks like a duck....
  6. Same here in Australia. There is enough toilet paper to go around if everyone is sensible but at one point they had police and security guards with the staff handing it out. I thought it was funny until I realised I had less than a third of a roll left with a colonoscopy due a couple of days later (since postponed) and went looking and there was none. I went back later and there was a poor lady loading it onto shelves and it was walking out the door as fast as she could load it.
  7. In two weeks it will just be the START of the bedlam here (if not earlier). It might continue for the rest of the year. A lot depends on how fast they come up with a vaccine. I expect cures for the virus (once you have it) a lot sooner but you still get it before that works.
  8. Things were going better here in Australia than most places and they seemed to be getting to be able to flatten the curve.....then a couple of days ago they let FOUR cruise ship loads of people out into the wild in Sydney with several on EACH SHIP having the virus...Even if they CAN track down all those people, by now, it is far to late and so in a coupe of weeks it will be bedlam. Today the government put out a decent sized emergency package that has some on the left up in arms and some on the right as well so looks to me to be pretty right (a bit too generous maybe but better that than the other way). Not in lockdown YET (that will change any day now) but even so it can be pretty still out. This is a main street in Wagga Wagga a small city in regional NSW (and the centre of the Universe).
  9. Maybe good news! Australian scientists seem to have had some success killing the virus using a combination of existing drugs (HIV and Malaria drugs) in a limited clinical trial. They are now going to fast track roll it out to a full trial at a lot of hospitals around Australia! (almost seems like the full "trial" will be a lot more than that).
  10. Since there is a camera owning plans thread, why not? My plans are just to try and hang on to the lenses i currently have (five main ones and a couple of outliers anyway). Canon EF mount 17mm f4 L tilt shift Canon FD 24 1.4 L Sony Zeiss 55 1.8 Sigma 150 2.8 APO macro (EF mount) Tamron 300 2.8 adaptall MF I still have a heap of others but most not used...occasional use of a Canon EF 20-35 2.8 L and FD 85 1.2 L but both have issues. The 300 2.8 just might be my most used lens for people shooting over the coming months (perfect for portraits while social distancing). IF (big IF), I get some money later this year after the current mess is over and the Aussie dollar climbs the mountain again, I would like to get the new Sony 20 1.8 but that is more like I am dreaming.
  11. Well it is basically a joke thread so if the shoe fits????
  12. I will wait until the final firmware update (version) to it to get it though just in case the first version makes me freeze up (permanently) .
  13. I guess Brutus could do a day in the life in isolation type video (including when he watches porn)
  14. Other researchers have found that HIV and Malaria drugs also seem to kill the virus. There are well over thirty organisations around the world working on a vaccine and it should not take THAT long to develop one. I am having a lot of fun with my late dads old Fuji superzoom HS 30 EXR. It has replaced a Canon superzoom for me when I want to use that kind of camera. Not that great in normal modes (good but a bit blah) but I do like using the EXR modes (only 8 MP in some of them but that is ok by me). Sort of goes from a 1/2 inch camera to a 1 inch camera in high ISO or D range priority EXR modes ...16mp down to 8. Best point and shoot low light camera I have had (a LONG way off an A7s mind).
  15. On the other hand it means the Australian government will be able to pay everyone that loses their jobs the dole at least and bale out a lot of companies. I am just annoyed they are saying people should stop hoarding and stopping buying multiples of things but at the same time wanting people to self isolate if required so I can not buy two weeks worth of food now (and you can not buy it once you DO have to self isolate). Looking like 14 trips to the supermarket for me on payday.
  16. True but that money buys a lot less now in most places compared to the US. Bad luck also if your money is in shares. The Australian dollar for instance has recently gone down quite a bit so anything on Ebay unless it is from here is going to cost more even if it IS cheaper in US dollars.
  17. Yeah but I am not that bright and pretty much without ideas. A friend of mine is creative though so i might ask her for ideas (if it comes to that).
  18. Looks like a vaccine might be coming sooner than later. It also looks like a HIV drug and a Malaria drug can kill it too.
  19. Not in lock down YET but since my flat is 12 steps from one end to the other (I get another couple by turning left into the bathroom), my main plan is to just go crazy!
  20. The only ones who will be able to buy fire sale stuff now though will be people in the USA with plenty of money in the bank. Everyone else will be losing their jobs or getting much less work or seeing the prices of basic foods going up or living in countries that are seeing their exchange rates tank (The Aussie dollar is at a 17 year low against the US dollar this morning). I am poor anyway so none of this cheap good gear for me but I will get through this thing better than most (as long as I can buy two extra weeks worth of acceptable food on payday). I have the gear I want (for now anyway) but my biggest problem will be ALL the photo and video ops for me are vanishing for the next few months (most have already). I will be left with just local walks for now.
  21. HMM I can see myself playing but only once I have to self isolate for 2 weeks which is (hopefully) a while off if at all. No cat though and my flat is only two main rooms with a small kitchen and toilet/shower area so i WILL be going nuts. The only wildlife is the odd bug or two so maybe a macro video unless I can get one of the local feral cats wandering by out the bathroom window. Maybe a yellow ceramic rabbit as the "talent"?
  22. Some poor sod had BOTH strains at the one time already.
  23. Frame grab from a spur of the moment video shot this morning before dawn hand held and not even properly focused with a Canon 24 1.4 L lens at 5.6 and 1/50. Only have a 32GB card in so only lower quality AVCHD rather than XACVs as shot. Auto ISO but the photo I shot immediately after with the same settings was at ISO 32,000
  24. How is it coming? Should I go wait by the mailbox now?
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