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  1. Thanks glad you like it. Curious to hear what you mean by lite setting. Thanks Zeek! Bought the EOS M because of your great video's ? Yeah, it was my first time shooting and was a bit enthusiastic. Already filled a 64GB card as soon as we left the house... Super cool framegrabs with the Transformers by the way! Looking forward to your new video. Forgot to mention I used the Viltrox speedbooster too.
  2. Wanted to share my first trial with Canon EOS M, Magic Lantern RAW and vintage lenses. Also the first time I use Davinci Resolve for editing and grading. Overall I'm quite happy with the results. Here's the link: https://youtu.be/bDT8-ChgzrE. Make sure to watch it in 4K, even on non-4K screens, because it has way less compression artefacts. Shot in mv1080 at 1736x976 resolution, 25fps. Using Helios 44-2, Mir 1B and maybe in some shots the Jupiter 9. Also used two stacked polariser filters as variable ND. Didn't use a LCD viewfinder, but plan to use one next time. Need to get more stable shots, so I applied stabilisation in post. Sound recorded with Rode VideoMicro.
  3. Andrew I'm wondering about your view on the EOS M and the latest developments with ML raw. I bought this camera as an occasion, good as new, for €100. With a speed booster it's close to full frame and without it you can also use cmount lenses. Haven't really experimented with raw video yet (still buying some lenses for it). But have seen some beautiful results. It probably won't beat the image of the 5D II, but EOS M is even cheaper and has the advantage of being really small. I think it has the potential to make it to this list! Hope you get a chance to try it out
  4. Video AF can be enabled, also when using ML. Didn't really test it, but when I noticed the lens started to autofocus I turned AF off. Don't think the AF will be usable in video mode on this camera.
  5. timpy, how did you post process the footage?
  6. Looks lovely with the anamorphics! Would really like to try that out myself :) I've already posted a few videos here where I used the V2's Burst Mode, but I haven't yet shown you my first! It's the best so far and took my quite a while to finish editing. You can read about the process of making this short film on my blog if you're interested: https://jip.debeer.it/pyro-the-experiment-of-my-first-nikon-1-4k-raw-film/
  7. Made another video using the burst mode. Too bad the only supported frame rate in video mode is 30p. Really doesn't play well together with the burst mode in 24p.
  8. Future phones could house a terabyte of memory: http://www.engadget.com/2014/07/24/future-phone-terabyte-storage/ That kind of RAM would be nice to have in a future Nikon 1 camera!
  9. Wanted to share my first video shot with the V2's burst mode. I used in camera JPEG for this video. My girlfriend and I are on exchange to Singapore for half a year and I had to leave my desktop workstation behind. My 4 year old MacBook Pro doesn't have the power to cope with raw burst sequences and since I'm on holiday at the moment I didn't want to spend too much time editing this. Premiere Pro already crashed on me enough times during this project xD Next time I'd like to make some more 'longer' shots using e.g. Twixtor. I rendered a 4k ProRes proxy and uploaded the 2gb video to YouTube so 4k is available for people with a 4k monitor.
  10. I don't think so... I thought I read the AW1 is a waterproofed Nikon 1 J camera. Only the V series (as far as I know) is capable of the 4K raw burst with enough frames to use it for video purposes.
  11. Great suggestion! I was convinced that Twixtor would be the key to the Nikon 1 4k raw workflow (as everybody seemed be using it), so I completely overlooked the possibility of not using Twixtor (or applying it later on in the process of editing). Good to know you think the rendering time is about right. I don't think rendering out ProRes instead of uncompressed AVI would speed up the progress (compressed ProRes seems more CPU intensive to me vs uncompressed AVI). I think I'll make use of Adobe Dynamic Link with Premiere to cut rendering intermediate files anyway. I just quickly experimented with creating a jpeg proxy in After Effects and it greatly increases preview speeds when editing (instead of using the full raw files), I also tried using the native AE time remapping with pixel motion and it seems usable and is indeed many times faster compared to Twixtor. I'll probably just use Twixtor for the final render or when I see problems like you suggested. I've now turned on RAW+jpeg in the camera settings to have it create a ready to use proxy of half the file size of the raw NEF. This speeds up time in post at the expense of sd-card memory space. I think I'll experiment more with proxies for quickly editing together a sequence (with faster preview speeds) but turn off the proxy (and use the original RAW file with all the possibilities of adjusting in ACR) for final rendering. Thanks for the helpful suggestion, I'm looking forward to further experimenting and making a cool little video in this way :) P.S. Looking forward to another project with the V1 from thlbeal.
  12. Thanks! Keep up the good work :) I'm always looking for new and free music for my hobby video projects!
  13. Dear all! I realize I'm late to the party... but I bought a Nikon 1 v2 immediately after I came across the original article on EOSHD and seeing the amazing results in this thread. I read all these 18 pages with great excitement. The video's of Tom Beal are my favorites and I really see myself using this kind of shooting during my study exchange to Singapore and while traveling in general. I think it's actually really cool to 'document' a trip in this way. You have nice moving images to show friends and family and you can still enjoy your trip and the nature surrounding you without loosing much time fiddling with a camera (all the time gained here is lost in post of course... but it's a fair trade off) I have two questions though. Andrew, did you ever upload any Nikon 1 4k raw footage? I'm curious to see how you put it to use and I don't think I've come across anything from you yet. Second question is regarding the post processing workflow. Some people already mentioned a few bits and especially that post processing this footage is killing. I typically ignore these comments since I just want amazing footage :) (same reason I bought a 50D for Magic Lantern raw) Now that I'm processing it though, it is killing me. I already have a fair amount of experience with Premiere Pro, After Effects (including Twixtor) and Adobe Camera Raw but I was wondering if anybody could help me with the workflow. I just imported a single burst from 40 raw frames (graded in ACR) into 16bit comp at 4620x3084 resolution and 24fps into After Effects. I applied Twixtor, changed the speed to 33.33% and the input framerate to 24fps. The result is a 5 second clip which I rendered out at half resolution (2310x1542) to a lossless AVI to see how Twixtor performed on my test burst. The problem is, it took me 25 minutes to render this out... I'm on a first generation i7 920 @ 2.67 GHz with 16GB RAM and a GeForce GTX 285 graphics card. During rendering the CPU is at 100% constantly and RAM is at about 12GB usage. I'm not using the fastest hardware, but what are you guys using? How many hours did it take you to render out your final video's? Any suggestion to how I should be working? I'll probably buy a new MacBook Pro in the near future but I think it shouldn't have to take 10 hours to render a 2 minute video (which is a rough calculation of what it would take using my current workflow). I also can't seem myself cutting together a video in Premiere when the preview speed is so low. Did any of you use proxies? If so, how? Never used/needed them before. Any workflow tips will be most welcome!
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