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Everything posted by tweak

  1. * Zcam E2. I'd agree. They should have done a BMMCC style body with EVF on top. Makes a lot more sense to me, then you can also choose the screen you want without having to lug an obsolete one around with you.
  2. Honestly I drew the same conclusions as this person - https://lensqaworks.com/2018/09/12/lenswars-canon-fdn-50mm-f-1-2-vs-canon-fdn-50mm-f-1-4/ I just can't justify the price or weight when I'm carrying this stuff around 80% of my life, especially if there's no perceivable advantage to me. Who knows, maybe there's some super copies out there that tip the scales, but I'm sure it still wouldn't be enough for anyone but yourself to notice.
  3. Well yeah, my other thoughts are that I never shoot video at 1.2 let alone 1.4 anyway, so I don't see the point of carrying the extra weight and cost around with me when I believe they look very similar.
  4. Sounds good man! Glad you are enjoying yourself. I hate to tell you this, but people have been doing similar mods for closer focus for quite some time.
  5. You should do a test after this on the L versus the peasant models ? . From my tests the L simply aren't worth the extra over the slightly slower models, most the time the Ls aren't really sharp enough to use wide open anyway and at the same apertures both lenses are so close it's hard to pick them apart, sometimes the slower is even better ? . I have a set of nFD, I really like them.
  6. I'm thinking about that too, but I also know I should probably just stick to the E2 and worry about other stuff .
  7. Using the OFX Zcam plugin it's my favourite affordable camera to work with so far. If you want Alexa colours you can get them with ease. Most the tests I've seen are from people who hardly know how to use a camera let alone the E2. If I compare it to my GH5 colours (and ease of use manipulating those colours and whitebalance/ exposure) it's worlds apart.
  8. That screen is pretty useless for me personally, but I could see it maybe being useful if you shoot dslr style (something the E2 isn't primarily designed for of course). My use of the P4K was pretty awkward, maybe it's just me but that screen is odd to use, I wish they had just given it an EVF and not a screen (also a smaller body). They wont be addressing any of those things in BM firmware updates, they have already said that. Also it will never have anamorphic modes as BM have said it's a 16:9 sensor, which really makes me question whether it is indeed the exact same sensor as E2 or GH5s in the first place. Don't get me wrong P4K is an amazing buy, so is E2.
  9. Sensors are important, but doesn't make different cameras the same because of it. P4K, E2, GH5s should tell you that. P4K is "cheaper" because it lacks many options that the E2 delivers on (full sensor use, anamorphic modes and de-squeeze, multicam pixel level sync, 120fps 4K, etc, etc), also because it has a cheap ergonomic nightmare of a body that batteries get stuck in and dirt/dust gets trapped in. It doesn't surprise me at all that it's cheaper than E2, if P4K were the same price it would be a rip off in comparison. Personally I bet Zcam will sell a ton of their cameras over the 2K price point.
  10. The product isn't for sale yet... Yes maybe it will be that sensor, but talking about products that don't even exist based on having an inkling about the sensor it will have is pretty stupid, which is the part of his posts I'm opposed to. You talk so much crap it's insane. You clearly haven't had or used either of these cameras. They are totally different cameras, of which I'd argue E2 has many better features, also better colour.
  11. Exactly what I'm saying... "probably going to be", i.e. you actually have no idea. Exactly.
  12. All good ??. You talk a lot about what is "better" for a product that doesn't actually exist and you have no real idea of what it will be.
  13. Do you read threads or just post whatever you are thinking at the time? ? Sorry I had to say it ✌️?‍♀️.
  14. I've heard the A7siii will make all cameras obsolete.
  15. Yes. The HDMI protocol doesn't support above 4K signal (same issue as previously in this thread and also on GH4). 2496 high is more than 2160 which is 4K spec that GH5/4 sends over HDMI for recording. see - https://www.hdmi.org/manufacturer/hdmi_1_4/4k.aspx
  16. Yep you want to get the new Portkeys 5inch monitor (BM5) releasing soon. 2000nit brightness and can control the camera via touchscreen (HDMI and SDI compatible). I've heard there's some issues with the Shinobi + Zcam already, not sure if it's sorted yet. p.s. Not to mention you get better quality and options recording internal with the Zcam, external recorders are pointless with such a camera. Something to keep in mind for those thinking of getting the Ninja. There won't be ProRes Raw or Braw, they have already said many times.
  17. Keep in mind that E2 footage is using older firmware and I'm pretty sure also not using the Zcam OFX plugin (which is an amazing tool for accurate changes).
  18. What are you shooting (and in what modes) that rolling shutter is such an issue? I moved from GH5 to E2 shooting sports and watching my footage back I can't see a difference in rolling shutter, they are almost identical and certainly not an issue unless I'm freezing frames on a whip pan. All Zcams have anamorphic modes and de-squeeze pre-sets in camera for monitoring. It's really nice because you will use full screen realestate on monitors un-like GH5, where I get a smaller windowed de-squeeze on some monitors. Also it supports more de-squeeze options than GH5.
  19. Looks good, not really "affordable" either though. Would have been cool if they made it more universal (or made some kind of break out plug for it) as I'm sure they would sell a ton more of them at the size and price over Zacuto. But then again I have a suspicion it's probably made by Zacuto and they may have an agreement to keep it proprietary.
  20. 1. They listen to people, but I don't think that group is dictating their sole direction, the biggest thing they take from there is small feedback on how to improve their existing designs and ideas. m43 mount on an ASPC cam as an example. 2. Their prices haven't been made public yet for the FF cams. APSC cam is 4K, which if you analyse the market would still be the best value for money 6K 60fps camera available by a decent margin. The pocket isn't the same as the Terra IMO, not really close. Have you used them both? Sensor doesn't = camera. Try an E2 and a P4K and you will see. There's a lot of what ifs in your statement. For one we have no idea of what, and how much the A7s3 will be, certainly we have no idea whether it will have ProRes or Raw video internal. Also we can almost guarantee the A7s3 won't have the same convenient form factor as an E2 with zero overheating issues (that we already know). Also Kinefinity and Zcam are pretty far apart in price, I wouldn't really lump them together.
  21. All these cameras share a lot in common, the main thing is switching out the sensors, it's not as though they are designing totally new cameras from scratch. It's amazing really that camera companies have somehow convinced us all that this type of thing takes years to do... Hats off to Zcam shaking things up.
  22. They are using the same bodies and systems etc. I have faith, they are making huge leaps all the time. People said Prores would never happen, yet they have delivered and are about to release a new firmware with Raw, HLG and some other goodies. I don't know how they do it, but they do. I recently purchased an E2 and I'm really impressed, for the money it's amazing, even if they changed nothing from this point I'd still be satisfied I got my monies worth.
  23. They've said before it won't be fixed.
  24. Yep, me to. Disappointing but expected. I'm sure someone will come to the party under the $800 mark soon. I mean it's so hard to justify that price when I could just buy a whole GH5 for the same price with pretty good EVF built in + camera on top.
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