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Everything posted by kidzrevil

  1. At this point sony is like fuck it. We made some new tech AND some TV’s to go with it soooo lets just slap a random # on it and put it out lmao Same. Im hoping the a7siii has 10bit output. If not then I look forward to getting a cheap a7sii on ebay This shows the difference when grading. Unless you have a 10bit monitor (which few of us do) the difference is imperceptible especially If you are uploading to the web. The web is still in an SRGB color space ?
  2. Sooooo....what was the point of the A9 again ?
  3. Understandable but I think you may be overlooking something bere. Art is literally content by definition. I think the discrepancy here is how you are defining whats content and whats art when they are in essence the same thing. You may not want certain forms of content to be considered art and vice versa because it doesn’t suit your personal taste but thats a very subjective way to look at it. Sidenote ”Birth of a nation” was racist af. Wasn’t the original title “klansmen” and painted the KKK as the heros of America ? Interesting that you find that to be a form of art. I doubt anyone is gonna be citing that as a reference for anything. As far as Citizen Kane goes good luck showing someone that today and holding their attention. Times are changing and cinema will change with it. Don’t believe me believe the box office sales
  4. @fuzzynormal a 10 minute feature is actually a good idea ! Sounds like some new wave shit ! I do agree that there will always be a market for those who like traditional film however I think as time changes how we consume content will and should change with it. Think of it as evolution because technically whether its 2 hours or 2 mins its all considered content. Lets not forget human beings were telling stories with still imagery since the dawn of our civilization...24 still images a second was a part of the evolution of our "content".
  5. The younger generation has an eye for visual communication for sure ! Lets keep in mind social media like snapchat and IG is rapidly curated micro content. Do you remember vine ? When I first seen it I thought “there’s no way someone can fit engaging content in a 10-15 second video. Im not even going to bother messing with that type of editing” it was too fast for me but after a month of seeing them the pace seemed...normal. I love heavy dialogue in movies and the subtle pacing that builds tension overtime but those storytelling elements are now lost in this generation. speaking of which I experimented with doing fan edits to make old movies more “digestable” for this generation. I’ll PM you let me know what you think @Kisaha
  6. @Kisaha if we could get 3200 iso without the nr or whatever that weird stuff was this camera would've been impossible to pass up on. Samsung would've made enough $$ to give us an nx2 lolll
  7. I use dali's mustache which was formerly known as v4 convert http://hdcinematics.com/ the benefits that I have noticed using their software is an increase in micro contrast thus making tonality better and the noise is masked due to the compression from 4k to 1080. Your perceptual resolution takes a huge leap and your workflow is faster if you transcode to something like dnxhd. Transcoding to 10bit is not going to give you increased DR or anything like that but the true oversampling from 4k to 1080 is visible. Works wonders if you deliver in 1080 like I do
  8. I can see 30 minute movies in the future ! Micro content on the web is impacting how we view things in a major way. What used to be considered feature length is just way too long for today’s attention spans.
  9. Those h.265 files transcoded to 1080 444 10bit were God like
  10. Nx1 is hands down the best but lack of manufacturer support and no ibis made me get rid of it @Pavel Mašek
  11. I can say to this day I have not used a camera with an image as brilliant as the hacked nx1. Too bad Samsung pulled support for a camera I still see as being ahead of its time ! a nx2 with ibis was my dream
  12. I don't take any offense by that, we are all learning and that's the best part about this forum I would take Mr.Chapman's words with a grain of salt. I know he's concerned with using all the available bits within the 8 bit codec but that would make more sense with linear encoding than in log ! Besides I use the zone system to expose my images rather than exposing for midgrey and stuff like he does. I am aware that I used a smaller available range with slog3 but the reason the image looks good is because it is exposed all the way to the final bit the curve can record. Since it LOG can take in a lot more light than the linear curves and that will always provide you a better looking image when pulled back in post. With linear gammas like cine4 you expose lower to protect the highlights then you raise the exposure in post thus moving the noise floor and chroma noise into the visible range like the midtones. So even though I may be using the 50-94 ire area of slog3 in post, when I take that 14 stop curve and shrink it down to the 7 stops I want by lowering the exposure all the noise in the image that lives in the lower stops gets graded away. So to answer your question my ability to expose so high without clipping provides me a much cleaner image than using cinegamma 4 at its proper exposure settings. Trust me I tried it before...but you should test it out yourself. I used the pro gamut as well. The pro gamut is designed for rec709 and WILL bring color inconsistencies when using a curve designed for LOG. I will only use the pro gamut with the itu709 or cinegamma curves. The most accurate color comes from custom white balance and using the lut's Sony provides for converting sgamut to rec709.
  13. this weekend I decided to use sony's official LUT for converting slog 2 & 3 to rec709 and the results were amazing to me. The image was converted from ugly sgamut colors to exactly the colors I seen as I shot these scenes. After further investigation of the LUT and research of sgamut I've concluded that sgamut is a little too complicated to be converted to rec709 with a LUT designed by anyone but a sony engineer. I tried visioncolor impulz,koji and filmconvert and none come close to sony's official lut in terms of color accuracy. I will be using these from now on to convert to rec709 then I'll grade from there. The images I attached were overexposed up to 3 stops and pulled back to the correct levels using colorista iv. This makes slog2 footage actually usable for me
  14. SLOG3 up to 12,800 iso w/ neat video noise reduction. Worked really well. Im considering upgrading my computer because Neat video does an outstanding job of cleaning up the image. Seriously. It brought the image to new heights with the impulz luts for slog3. Sgamut3 makes bright colors brighter instead of more saturated like film and the impulz luts do the same so they compliment each other ! Also colorista 4 does the best job of adjusting the exposure allowing you to get clean pull processed images
  15. an a7000 or something with 4:2:2 10 bit would be a game changer. Im already amazed at the fact that I get a full frame look out of this when using the speedbooster ! I wish they make an official battery grip for this thing too yeah @markr041 footage is amazing. The colors look so good
  16. smart move. Its a more effective use of the 0-255 range @markr041 honestly pp off will be the best option for many. Not many of us are great at color correction or grading so shooting LOG is overrated unless you know how to harness it. Standard is more than sufficient these colors look better than anything I can produce in LOG mode. Honestly.
  17. I tested SLOG2 with sgamut3.cine and I also tested SLOG3 with SGAMUT3.cine First I dowscaled this to 1080p 444 10bit. I use Dali's mustache to do the transcoding as I recently figured out premiere is not truly converting the files to 10 bit on downscaling. Premiere has the worst down scaling method Dali's mustache outputs a true 10 bit file. each with a dramatic boost of the in camera saturation and color corrected in post to look neutral. Im happy to say that the color's never clipped while recording. This is a testament to Sony's huge color gamut. Should we shoot everything in SLOG ? hell no. Not unless you have lots of time on your hands. I shoot for hire so I need to get the footage to clients as soon as possible and SLOG definitely slow's your workflow. Can you get great results ? Absolutely. You can get great results with any profile and better results with a profile that matches the dynamic range of the scene. I am currently testing Cinegamma 3 with the stills profile and it is amazing. A much better look than shooting in SLOG. I will also be testing cine 1 cinema to see how it matches with other cameras using a filmconvert workflow. The takeaway from my test is SLOG2 has the best tonality while SLOG3 has the best dynamic range for good signal to noise ratio when grading. With SLOG2 you usually have to push the image up when grading if you shoot to retain highlights but SLOG3 lets you pull the image down with better signal to noise ratio. I WILL ONLY USE SLOG IF IM A B-CAMERA ON A SHOOT WITH HIGH END CAMERAS THAT SHOOT LOG. CINEGAMMAS WORK BETTER FOR MY WORKFLOW AND I GET THE SAME RESULTS WITH BETTER COLOR FIDELITY Do not try to over tweak your log settings mixing a 8bit color space *cough* Pro color *cough* with a curve designed for 10bit & 14-16 stops of dynamic range. The color gamut directly correlates with the shape of the curve. Touching the color phase options will fix one thing and break another because Sony's color science is VERY complicated (but great on a technical level). I highly reccommend filmconvert for correcting and converting the image to rec709 before you apply LUT's etc. to the image. Filmconvert did a good job of remapping the color space without the dramatic shifts in color and color errors
  18. I totally agree. Never work for free & if you do make sure its on YOUR terms. You are going to edit the video the way YOU want to do it to showcase your style and make that clear. Your style is whats going to bring in future work so if you are asked to do something for free and its not on your terms decline. And PLEASE DO NOT WORK FOR EXPOSURE ! That’s another scam I used to be subjected too when I was now starting out with.
  19. Dont be worried ! You’re in the door and that is a great start ! organize your portfolio with only your best content. The first two videos you show have to make a strong impression. Aim for quality over quantity. as far as rates are concerned that’s tricky. Thats where your understanding of the market, the client, your reputation & caliber of work come into play. The great part about rates is that you can negotiate them. You can practice timing yourself as you shoot and edit to see how long it takes you to complete a project. You can use that to help come up with your rates ! If this is your first time working with an agency you’re probably going to be working for free (trade for portfolio) but you can use them to build your port and raise your rates.
  20. Im praying the big screen doesn’t die totally. I think Hollywood does play a role in the decline of movie sales because culturally their module doesn’t work anymore. You can’t just throw millions at a production and an actor we seen a thousand+ times and expect this new generation to care or even think its a good title. Web series & straight to neflix movies on shoestring budgets by comparison have been killing the box office. Some of these indie productions use no name actors and new ideas and the result is way more potent than hollywoods solution of making the budget as ridiculous as possible. Indie hands down is the closest thing to theatres roots imo featuring break out actors & creative use of a small budget. valeria,blade runner,ghost in the shell have failed miserably because the big budget,get the most expensive camera you can find,drown it in special fx and ignore the writing & pacing (i.e. Transformers) format no longer works. We’re looking at the case of tv killing the radio star ?
  21. In its defense the box office aint been doing too well in general. A movie breaking 30 million in the era of NETFLIX, HULU & video on demand is a miracle. 30 million at the box office is like splitting the red sea at this point ! People have abandoned the theaters and even broadcast television ! Imagine if they made Blade Runner a NETFLIX only movie release ? I've yet to see it and im pumped to see it even with movies like "It" out but less face it...the big screen is on its way to being a dead platform
  22. There is no information in the shadows that are lost. Check your waveform. Also feel free to play with the jpg for yourself being that its a log profile thats not clipped on either end all the luma and chroma information are still in thebfiles.
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