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Everything posted by kidzrevil

  1. kidzrevil


    Eewww that skin tone is ugly as hell ! Olympus lenses are probably fine tuned for olympus color science ? Idk but this looks bleh. The voigtlander and pana-leica lenses had way better results
  2. kidzrevil


    Thank you ! @Gregormannschaft i really love the black pro mist on contrasty lenses. The effect is beautiful and makes the highlight roll off look so good !
  3. kidzrevil


    nikkor 35mm f1.4 ais & nikkor 85mm f2 ais on a metabones speedbooster xl. I love how these things perform especially with a black pro mist filter ??‍♂️
  4. I agree with Shane's findings now that I am more clear as to what he's actually testing. As he raises exposure you can see how the skin color is shifting. Maybe the camera sensor can only handle a certain amount of light ? Maybe the curve of the picture profile (especially v log) is designed in a way where it loses saturation when exposed a certain way ? Idk exactly what it is but what I do know after testing extensively is that 1/3 - 2/3 underexposure at the lowest possible iso for each scene yields great color with no need to boost shadows in post. Im going to sunny california on the 15th so I will have a bunch of tests
  5. Yeah its pretty clean ! Works great for me. I use the nikon speedbooster to take advantage of all that great AIS glass ! If your not into doing side by side tests between the nx1 and the g80 your viewers will never notice the difference ??
  6. Im still praying for a bit rate hack am I the only one ? Lol
  7. Since the sensor moves for IBIS to work you will see vignetting as the sensor moves toward the corner of the lens.
  8. The NX1 still has superior image quality to me. In both color and resolution it was ahead of its time and would've been amazing if they brought out an nx2 with ibis. I wanted to keep it and get their optically stabilized glass but then I heard Samsung's initial response to their exploding phones and thats when I made the decision to get rid of it. After the NX1 I got the XC10 for the ibis and the ergonomics now I am shooting with a Panasonic G80 with speedbooster xl. Non can compare but The image quality of the pana g80 comes close to the nx1 to me when downscaled to 1080p to the average eye so im fine with that @Kisaha
  9. I love the softness ! Reminds me of shooting with a tiffen soft fx filter
  10. I have owned 2 cameras since then. I don't quite understand if that was a question or if you are insinuating that I am wrong for changing camera bodies (?) so forgive me if I answer you incorrectly. My camera purchases have nothing to do with manufacturer support, they are always centered around the usability and performance of the body. In the case of the NX1 I jumped ship when it became obvious that Samsung was pulling support for the hardware. He's lucky to have gotten a refund based off the proof of purchase especially with the amount of time its been off the market
  11. Not to jump off topic but the rendering of that lens is amazing. Def want to see this still graded because the microcontrast of the lens is bringing new life to cined flat footage wow
  12. nah I haven't tested without the grip ! its harder for me to shoot handheld without battery grip :-(
  13. your smoked man thats why I got rid of the thing, I knew samsung wasn't gonna support it. Put it on ebay or something
  14. get xl and use full frame lenses for the aps-h look
  15. @mercer I use the g85 with the battery grip and its a dream ! I love how panasonic also allows you to use the touch screen to move the manual focus assist while you are looking through the viewfinder. The grip + IBIS + touch screen = a dream
  16. @Orangenz "Exposure is normally 70 IRE for skin tones, and 100 IRE for highlights. When shooting in REC 709 gamma, I’m used to setting my zebras at 70 and 100; I would expose for there to be just a little bit of 70-IRE zebras on the brightest highlights on Caucasian skin tones; then I would swap over to Zebra 2 (set to 100 IRE) to check for highlight clipping." a part of me highly doubts panasonic used language like this in an official white paper. Do you have the direct link to the white paper ? this information as much as I appreciate it doesn't really confirm anything for me about the design of the Cine D curve and its behavior for example in the upper region of the curve. Is a knee applied to the curve ? Is there highlight compression ? At what point in the curve does the image start losing saturation from over exposure ? This is why camera manufacturers list the reccomended white point of each profile (think SLOG or Hypergamma on SONY cameras). A general set of ETTR rules & best practices is not universal across all makes and models. Our best bet at this point is to start posting our own footage from our own cameras. Again these are general rules to ETTR and does not address the specific curve of the Panasonic cameras.
  17. Just to stay on topic I would REALLY love VLOG for the G80/G85. if we can't make this happen i'd just settle for a nice lil bitrate hack
  18. Whatever works for you is my universal rule. It works for every camera manufacturer & model I would actually donate/hire someone to test this using this stuff. Diagnosing how the Cined curve works would help the community tremendously
  19. Im gonna start doing that more often, posting originals with waveform and such so we can all collectively come up with a better understanding of the hardware. I usually just share links cause its super convenient as Im usually posting on here when im running around the city Here is the link. Panasonic is far from clear but I assume "half video levels" is half a stop ire below reccomended exposure that would put us at 1/3-2/3 underexposre https://eww.pass.panasonic.co.jp/pro-av/support/content/guide/EN/AG-AC90handbook_en.pdf
  20. This IS cinelike d. It has been graded to taste. I get way better results exposing to 90 ire thats my point and you can see the same thing in the panasonic white paper and how cine d handles highlights Whoops sorry
  21. Whatever works for you. I tested 90,100 & 105 ire and colors shift as soon as the exposure goes above 90. Again whatever works for you, I see the difference in my work as clear as day and will not shoot over 90 ire.
  22. yeah panasonic whitepapers put the cine curves white point at 90 IRE. The only difference between cine v and d in the highlights is the fact that cine d doesn't apply a knee in the portion of the curve above 90 so the clipping looks worse than in cine v. I personally use Cine v as well for the improved highlight rolloff and ettr to 90 zebras at default settings -5nr and -3 sharpness
  23. this is cinelike d. I think the 1080 mode will benefit the most from the bitrate hack. Plus higher bitrates benefit low contrast profiles like cinelike d the most Yup !!!! Im praying for it ?
  24. It would be lovely if we got a bitrate hack for the g85 like we did with the nx1. Higher bitrate 1080 60p and 4K would push it into gh5 territory :-)
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