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Everything posted by kidzrevil

  1. Some new settings I came up with building off of my experience with the GH4. Let me know what you think everything is straight out of camera...the most I did is convert the footage from 0-255 to 16-235
  2. I still find it hard to believe 800 is the max usable ISO. Maybe its the noise reduction setting kicking in. If the video noise reduction is as aggressive as the jpg reduction I would set the thing to -5
  3. just bought the pro color LUT. What are the advantages of using 16-255 over 0-255 ? I am confused as to why 16-255 is the chosen luma range for this LUT. Is the 16-255 luma range used for the same reason technicolor cinestyle on Canon camera uses it for better compression ?
  4. I would love to see a noise reduction test using the gx85 & g85. It would be nice to know 1) exactly when the NR becomes noticeable 2) the maximum amount of noise reduction that can be applied in camera before detail smearing becomes noticeable as well. In theory less noise in the image before h264 compression will give us a better image
  5. what ?! lmaaaaoo why don't you just get a gh3 if all you need is good 1080 ?
  6. what is the max usable iso before massive noise reduction comes into play ? Does dialing down the NR to -5 preserve that detail ?
  7. I completely agree. I shot with so many cameras both pro & "consumer" and the things people scream about in these forums amaze me. Pretty much if a camera has an on/off switch and takes a memory card its a good camera....we just need better camera operators :-)
  8. Lol there is literally no camera that can capture all the tones from shadows to bright lights in a city shooting scenario??. Cinelike D & Natural have at least 9-11 stops of DR and thats more than plenty to me
  9. @Cary Knoop yup...you should only worty about vignetting from lenses designed for crop
  10. If the gh5 does full pixel readout then a speedbooster xl will give us a aps-h crop instead of super 35 with a full frame lens. I don't know about you guys but that sounds pretty damn exciting to me.
  11. Almost any lens made after the 1980 has enough resolution to resolve 4K. Thats 8mp from a 16mp sensor
  12. Thank you ! That was the answer I was looking for @jonpais I completely agree with your statement about the g85. For my usage the camera feels & more importantly the image out of it felt far superior to the gh4 from what I can remember. Some of my best work came from the gh4 and my only gripe was the micro jitter from hand held work and the noise. The g85 solved BOTH problems ! At this point im going to start playing with the in camera satuturation and noise reduction to find the optimal point for me. I always found tampering with contrast or boosting the shadows with the in camera settings on panasonic cameras introduces unneccessary artifacts with no significant gains in dynamic range & destroyed tonality (plastic skin)
  13. Do I put the 35mm equivalent of the new focal length or do I use the true focal length. For example a 50mm full frame lens is 100mm on m43 so which should I pick ?
  14. ok gotcha so 35mm equivalent it is. I wonder how it would be different with a speedbooster ?
  15. For the in camera stabilization do you put in the true focal length of the lens you are using or its 35mm equivalent ?
  16. How often do these situations demanding autofocus appear in your work ? @dantheman Hopefully by the end of the month I will have something to show ! :-D
  17. Phillip Bloom blocked me on social media after I asked him whether he prefers the Panasonicc gh4 or the sony a7s right after his a7s review. He replied "what the hell do you think ?" And blocked me. The guy is overrated anyway...I consistently see better quality stuff on this forum. Anyway I think what we are witnessing as far as the multitudes of Max Yurev clones and copy cat videos are people simply looking to be the next big household name of camera reviews. The market is changing and soon those youtube bloggers will have to find a new format to satisfy these new and emerging audiences
  18. @Brian Williams please be mindful that even though autofocus has come a long way in video its still a relatively underdeveloped piece of tech. You're better off manual focusing in video depending on your needs... your video looks amazing btw...nice dr and sharpness
  19. Same The #s they put out are hella inflated. You can get the quality out if it but dont trust those #s at all
  20. Haven't tested lowlight yet. When my speedbooster & lenses get in I will test it that way. I only have very soft m42 lenses on hand right now so it wouldn'T be a great test :-(
  21. I haven't used a gx85 but if its the same sensor then they both produce a damn good image. Highlight roll off looks good, sharpness at -5 looks organic with the M42 lens I used. I love it, if the gh5 looks better than this then God help us all cause the G85 ticks alot of the checkboxes for me
  22. All nikkor ais bro ! Wanted to use contax glass but that speedbooster is hard to find. Anyway I have a nikkor 35mm f1.4 ais and the other is a secret got some new tiffen diffusion too, can't wait to try it out !
  23. Just picked up the g85 and man the image out of it is beautiful ! Its like a GH4 but better :-D will have samples up once I get in my new lens set
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