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Everything posted by kidzrevil

  1. Plus I don't need 10 bit ! Cinelike D was always good enough for me. That plus stabilization is a God send
  2. Panasonic g85 ! Not waiting for the gh5 !
  3. If anyone is looking for an xc10 to buy I am selling mine. PM me
  4. @studiodc thanks man you just saved me from overthinking myself to death !
  5. Do you apply that before you start grading or after ? I've tried this before and recovered highlights but I am not sure if it is compressing from 0-255 to 16-235 and then stretching it back out to 0-255 on export. Huge mystery I hope someone can explain to me !
  6. I do most if not all of my shooting handheld. If this camera can truly produce good 3200 video at 4k with the ability to disable in camera noise reduction then this is a beast of a camera. I don't need 10bit especially when shooting r709 and 420 color sampling isn't a problem when you can downres to faux 10bit 4444 1080. The olympus sounds like a dream camera when paired with something like a voigtlander 17.5mm f0.95
  7. kidzrevil

    EOS M5

    Damn looks like we will just have to use some really soft vintage lenses with this thing. I would use m42 lenses on this thing and treat it like a t3i
  8. kidzrevil

    EOS M5

    Same. I got used to that Canon soft look but I definitely can understand how it can be off putting coming from a camera like a Sony A6300 or something. The Canon's look more like vintage film to me like you said..I like it alot. Thinking about it I wouldn't mind this camera with an external recorder hmmm
  9. kidzrevil

    EOS M5

    If its anything like my xc10 35mbps is laughable. Needs 50mbps and better to be honest
  10. So long rolling shutter ! Olympus has officially stepped their game up damn
  11. As long as it looks good downscaled to 1080p thats all that matters to me. I've seen t3i footage that looked good on a 36" tv
  12. This is true. The max I have delivered in is 1440p. I only use 4K because it gives me detailed moire free images. If it weren't for that id stick with 1080
  13. You got some great shots here man ! Love the style of it
  14. @Batou Bato if you can hold off on buying it you should weigh out your options. WIDE DR mode is crap it exaggerates noise. You are better off shooting in C-LOG or Cinema EOS standard
  15. B&H won't let you do that. I don't think any camera store will let you do that unless you are renting the body. Once you open the box you bought it ?
  16. Its between the xt2,panasonic g80 & gh5 for me. Im gonna wait a lil while before I make my decision
  17. After months of using the xc10 and rx10ii I highly doubt the XC10 outperforms the rx10iii. Xc10 is a great camera but the RX10ii & iii renders a better looking image even at lower bitrates
  18. Seems to be a lack of quality control on Canon's part. The camera does work well within its limits and even better now that we know EOS standard alleviates some of these issues. Still these are things Canon needs to address but probably won't.
  19. @hyalinejim really appreciate you for this test ! I am going to now focus on getting the best results using the right combination of in camera tweaks to eos standard & diffusion filtration
  20. Dope! Notice any ghosting in this profile? How does it compare to eos standard?
  21. @hyalinejim looks really good! That black pro mist is kicking ass!
  22. Experimenting with Canon EOS standard
  23. @Lintelfilm wide dr has more noise & ghosting than c-log. When I shot with wide dr is when I figured out the camera had these problems but they have all but disappeared in the eos standard profile
  24. Most definitely ! I have a friend who rents a ridiculous amount of equipment just to justify the budget he's getting from the client. He can do the same job with a GH3 but it just looks cooler having all that equipment on set. I personally have done work assisting with other videographers and the images from my consumer camera looked better than the massive rigs they were using and I can get 10 shots off by the time they adjust their lighting etc. now imagine the VINE & youtube video star is shooting with low tier equipment, cell phones etc. and still has a bigger market than some of the pros. It kinda forces you to adjust who we consider to be a professional and by what standard do we use to judge who's a pro and who's an amateur. Amateurs push the culture & creativity forward and now thanks to the gap in technology between cell phones and cameras closing people have less of a desire to buy cameras outside of niche reasons and manufacturers find that hard to understand. im glad this shift in culture is happening. Look how stale hollywood is getting while indie filmmakers are doing more with less. Who cares about getting your film to the big screen when all the users are on instagram or on netflix ? The camera market dying is the revolution film needed !
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