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Everything posted by kidzrevil

  1. Content over hardware people will literally hire you based off of how you brand yourself & quality of work. Cant tell you the last client I shot with that cared about what I was shooting on. Content is king and the pros will learn the hard way The gear doesnt matter, the marketing does
  2. @hyalinejim so its safe to say that eos standard is superior. 2 frames of ghosting will blend well with motion blur at slow shutters. EOS standadd Is tricky to expose for by eye so I just shoot 3/4 of a stop underexposed and it rarely clips in the shadows. Also I am shooting at 0 sharpening. The image looks way better and less "brittle" without it. I can see the subtle effects of the type of diffusion I am using. I wonder how cinema eos standard compares to eos standard ?
  3. what is the maximum in camera sharpness you can use before the artifacting sets in ? @nikos
  4. @hyalinejim I tested this today and I figure eos standard compresses far better than C-LOG.The compression probably hates low contrast areas and kicks up the NR to compensate for it. I am currently looking for the max sharpness I can use with this before artifacting kicks in. 0 sharpness has been good to me but I am trying to get it up to 2-3 my current settings are contrast 0 and saturation at -4. Testing the maximum amount of in camera sharpness that can be applied in 4k and HD is the last piece of the puzzle for me.
  5. they care more about the artistic aspects of the image. You know how much it bothers me when someone tells me they can't tell the difference between a bluray & a dvd ? It bothers me but I know the average consumer does not care about the things we rave about as filmmakers and enthusiasts. That was a tough pill to swallow when I seen people preferred my work with my Canon XC10 over my NX1 which I think is superior in image quality. The consumer gravitates towards contrasty & saturated images etc. and pretty much the opposite of everything we drool over on a spec sheet lol. I definitely agree with Andrew as well its going to be a good time for serious filmmakers
  6. I know people who personally are trash but because of nepotism and some industry connections they are getting high budget projects. and I also know people who take better pictures with their iPhones than some of these guys with their Canon 6D's and L glass. I've worked in this industry long enough to understand that gear won't take your career to the places it needs to be. It's all about your aesthetic and who you know and these iPhone photographer are reaching a huge user base cause they can create content in seconds. The pro's will learn the hard way and the consumer camera market will continue to plummet until camera manufacturers change their marketing and stop holding back on features they could easily implement in their cameras. The old era and old way of doing things are finished...it is 2016 after all Its about creating CONTENT. Keyword : content. The market for creating content is opening up big time with companies literally paying for content. I was in a meeting the other day with my partner and he told me companies like Tidal & Spotify are now offering to pay cash for content to add to their roster. The market isn't dying as much as it is evolving. We have a choice as to whether we are going to adapt to it so we can eventually innovate it or are we going to complain that things aren't the same as they were in the 80's lol
  7. Smartphones won and to be honest with you the average consumer doesn't know,doesn't care and doesn't see the difference between our 5D's,NX1'S & GH4's. The "pros" will have to start thinking like artists & not gear heads to survive
  8. Lmao it made me a nervous wreck knowing Samsung was no longer supporting the camera. Then the exploading phone news hit the web and I couldn't chance keepig the cam anymore
  9. The color grade was terrible. The SOOC shots from the XT2 look way better though. Glad to see fuji stepped up their video quality, hopefully this shakes up the camera market The NX1 was almost perfect but knowing Samsung your unit just may explode in your hands
  10. Idk but coming from using other cameras like the gh4 & a7s the xc10 is surprisingly a very useful tool under the right conditions. The image quality is very good at iso 1000 and below and passable up to 3200
  11. Generally speaking the average user doesn't notice it. It kinda looks like motion blur to the avg person
  12. @hyalinejim im sure they are aware of the ghosting it looks to me like NR. My guess is it would be bad for marketing if this camera was reviewed as being noisy and low resolution. The jacked up in camera sharpeness to increase apparent resolution and the black speckle issue to me are the end results of trying to doctor the image as much as possible in camera. Hopefully they'll address it in firmware updates. One theory I had about the camera is the details in the scene + the in camera NR + motion = is the recipe for the ghosting. The more optical resolution diffusion I've thrown at the camera the better the compression even in 1080p I treat this camera as a lo-fi, run & gun camera with amazing DR & Good ISO up to 1000 and I've seen an improvement in the quality of my work
  13. Wide DR is insanely noisy. I rather use C-LOG. @hyalinejim honestly I think Canon will hold off on updating this camera. Our best bet is to learn to work around the cameras flaws
  14. Whatever you are doing in post looks incredible ! Really filmic...Im wondering if we own the same camera ? I read that C-LOG is optimized for 8 bit. That plus your footage has me convinced I should shoot solely in Canon Log
  15. @BenEricson did you shoot that Ferry clip in C-LOG ?
  16. Do you know anything about the Lume cube? Im looking for some type of way to gel it or diffuse the light. Any ideas?
  17. Thanks man! Yeah I use an LED light but handheld though, not on a camera!
  18. @BenEricson @hyalinejim Again great work guys, you two are REALLY pushing the camera and getting some great images ! I am currently using a tiffen black satin 1 & 3 (the 3 is too strong for C-LOG but ok for the other profiles). It's more of an invisible diffusion it just helps reduce fine detail and subtle gradations in shadows that dont compress well. Also it affects the bokeh with a texture some people won't like but I don't mind it. The Tiffen Pearlescent is what I will use for C-LOG only because of how it affects highlights. That filter is purely for aesthetic purposes but is not as aggressive as a pro mist will be on a 4K camera. Im sure the tiffen black pearlescent will be better for this camera. the tiffen ultra contrast is good to lift the shadows from the problematic areas of the codec. An HDTV-FX is probably better cause of the reduction of fine detail and the ultra contrast element in it. @Jimmy I don't think you should get this camera for weddings. Its slow at the tele end and frustrating to use. You have to use it a lot to get used to how it works in the field. I use my xc10 as a 28mm prime & i highly doubt you would want that look for a wedding
  19. God damn that looks good ! Was this shot at the base iso for C-LOG ? This is amazing
  20. you should avoid watching what the pro's do. There are pro's who still shoot with Canon 5D mark ii & iii whats the highest usable ISO of the fuji in your opinion ? Also do you notice any macroblocking or artifacting ? @Inazuma
  21. Nah I haven't seen this. The xc10 is literally Pandoras Box. Damn thing is full of surprises lmao
  22. New video I shot in Canon LOG. BTW I am in love with this new batch of lens filters I picked up ! The grain was done in post
  23. Im all for destroying mainstream media. Aside how they fckd us royally enabling Trump to get a platform to speak his nonsense as a content creator its bad for us. ATT is in talks with buying Time Warner Canle for $80 billion and alot of companies are trying to make their mass exodus from cable television to the internet. I personally think this will have a negative impact on the indie film market & bloggers as the media giants try to muscle their way into other forms of media
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