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Everything posted by kidzrevil

  1. Same filter bro ! I changed the white balance on the last shot and got that effect on the skintones. @TheRenaissanceMan
  2. Please contact @hyalinejim with this footage he is collecting it to send to Canon
  3. This camera is a real challenge but I already feel like its making me more knowledgeable and more creative about video. When it works it works REALLY well ! Gonna have to study up on gain vs ISO. Hopefully gain could help us fine tune the noise in the video a bit better. Im gonna use the EBU chart as a reference. @mercer it could very well be a shutter speed thing so I will look into that today. My diffusion filtration has been helping. I think a big part of what the NR is looking for is high contrast edges. The drop in contrast from the filtration seems to "trick" the camera
  4. Lol here's the reply from Canon. Guess we gotta come up with our own solution or collectively send in our XC10 for repair ?
  5. Im using a windows version of filmconvert in premiere and it is the slider above color and curves
  6. Would be great if someone could translate the EBU findings into ISO I want to know the exact point in terms of ISO does the NR start affecting resolution. I have a couple theories I want to put to the test to alleviate some of the cameras shortcomings
  7. @Mattias Burling yeah I doubt Canon has "abandoned" their hardware. This is literally the fastest tech support I have ever experienced from a camera manufacturer. They were patient,responsive and didn't give me some copy and paste answer I remember contacting Samsung customer support asking if its true that they discontinued the NX1 and received the most vague answer and we all know what was the end result of that lol I am satisfied with Canon's support.
  8. copy @mercer I think we should all create a dropbox or google drive or something and compile all of the footage in one place. A couple of untouched clips with the ghosting and all the screen grabs etc. this way instead of sending Canon links to this forum like I did people can just individually open up support requests and send them the files. The more data Canon gets on this the better right ?
  9. it is a phenomenal camera @mercer but it makes no sense to have an intra frame codec if there is going to be ghosting in between frames. That totally defeats the purpose. I am either going to wait for Canon's response or sell my xc10 and get the xc15. Its a shame the reviewers haven't caught this because I would have just gotten the xc15 to begin with. Where is @Andrew Reid with his review of this anyway ? It would be nice if he made a post about this to raise awareness of it, if anyone can bring attention to this its him. oh btw the Cinema EOS Standard profile is a complete joy to shoot with. The skintones are perfect !
  10. Hmm maybe it's how the ghosting we are seeing is some type of delay the autofocus uses to lock on to areas of high contrast. Thats how contrast AF works right ? maybe thats why the ghosting is more prevalent on high contrast objects... I used a heavy grade diffusion filter the other day and there was less ghosting...I think you are onto something
  11. @jpfilmz wow ! im going to try and disable my autofocus and see what happens
  12. Yup I see it ! And its worse in 4K This is def a xc10 thing. Looks like Canon patched it with the xc15...
  13. Thats all we need is a sample. Dont get me wrong guys im only bringing this up to get a firmware update for the camera if need be Is this the xc15 ???? Theres absolutely no ghosting @hyalinejim I think we need to send our bodies in dude
  14. See i knew I wasn't crazy! Its clearly there its just acceptable to some just not acceptable for me! I've been shooting with a slow shutter to kinda mask it
  15. Even at 1000? Damn ? How does wide dr compare to clog in terms of noise? Im testing the cinema eos profile today with +1 sharpness in 4k and +2 sharpness in HD. Its worth a shot to see if that retains detail or affects the NR in any way @hyalinejim The ghosting is as clear as day here https://www.youtube.com/shared?ci=C5ZAcDtAq4s
  16. Lmao these companies aint giving us options man. Im sure Canon employed such aggressive NR to give an acceptable looking image throughout the ISO range sensor limitations are understood but its crazy how many people missed that NR issue. Maybe I need to start doing reviews my damn self ! 1000 ISO is my absolute limit. You may be right though, It was probably patched up in the xc15
  17. Still waiting on their results. A couple of reviewers caught the issue when doing rolling shutter tests. For now my max iso will remain at 1000...after that the NR goes bonkers
  18. do you mind posting images or vide clips of your findings?
  19. Thank you @mercer ! Hey @HugoS316 I would love your input on this !!!
  20. Smh Canon tech support wants me to send my unit in but I have a strong feeling thats just going to waste my time. We need a flood of people to email them so they can understand its a problem with the image processing and faulty hardware @hyalinejim
  21. I was hoping the 1080 footage would have improved noise reduction performance. I read in a review that the HD footage didn't have the ghosting @hyalinejim
  22. Still kinda crazy the xc10 is matching perfectly with a c300. Wow. How does the xc10 1080 24p compare to the 4k quality ? Is the bitrate high enough?
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