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Everything posted by kidzrevil

  1. Canon is recommending that I send my unit in for repairs...I don't think its an issue of fault hardware just aggressive image processing. Should I send it in ? ?
  2. @UHDjohn fortunately I havent seen any banding in my clog footage one stop over and I use diffusion filtration on my lens
  3. not sure. I am going to rent an external recorder and do some testing. The xc10 being able to output 10bit + the 2x downsampling to 1080 should help the c-log performance
  4. has anyone ever used this with an external recorder ? Im reading reports that the hd footage after the firmware update is much improved http://gadgetflux.net/canon-xc10-firmware-update-v1-0-2-0/ im wondering if it would be wise to get something like a atomos ninja star and use high bit rate 1080p 10bit footage in hopes of defeating the noise reduction issue
  5. that shot at 0:30 is mindblowing @hyalinejim im gonna keep that in mind when exposing the image. My personal max iso for 4k footage is going to be 1000 iso. Testing the 1080p footage to see if it holds up better than the 4k
  6. wow you just gave me an idea check this article out. One of my favorite DP's underexposes images and brings it up in post and the effect is beautiful....thinking maybe we can get the same result out the xc10 http://nofilmschool.com/2016/08/how-cinematographer-christian-sprenger-shot-donald-glovers-atlanta
  7. The only thing I have on is the 3 axis ibis @mercer My post workflow is in adobe premiere I dont need to transcode it works natively. When viewing the raw files you can see it. I have the exact same issue as @hyalinejim
  8. a lot of reviewers shoot charts, very few take their cameras out in the field and really push it to its limits before they send the body back to the manufacturer. Some only shoot in ideal conditions or in studio so you won't notice these things which is totally understandable. I have a really critical eye & shoot in a wide variety of lighting conditions so so I tend to get lucky and catch these things. This is exactly why I STOPPED listening to the pro's and I test myself. Everyone is a "pro" these days lol. Maybe they did fix it in the XC15 hopefully they can fix this cause it is very limiting. The shot in my bathroom is at 4000 iso and 1/48 and you can see the ghosting The shot of my front door is daylight white balanced, natural lighting with 1/320 shutter and you still see it especially if you look at the lock on the door canon CPS customer service has been very helpful and responsive in trying to address the issue. @mercer are you experiencing this problem as well ?
  9. the new filmconvert allows you to adjust softness @hyalinejim try it out @Tim Sewell
  10. Can anyone post an example of an NX1 with the 16-50s with image stabilization? I am curious to see how good it is
  11. I ruined great footage on a paid gig because of this ghosting issue but luckily I had a lot of great shots in mind. This hardcoded temporal noise reduction or whatever it is makes a camera designed to be handheld very troublesome.
  12. yup, I use shutter speed and the in camera ND filter to adjust exposure :-D also started a new topic on the XC10. Hopefully canon hears us out and updates the firmware hate to say it but the problems in the XC10 image processing is non existent on the sony rx10ii. No ghosting above 500 iso. The noise reduction processing in the xc10 can be a nightmare
  13. Recently I picked up an XC10 as my go to camera for my personal projects and it works wonderfully in good lighting but I noticed something odd about the motion cadence at high ISO's. Upon further inspection I noticed a severe "ghosting" effect which seems to repeat the last 3-4 frames. This has made what would otherwise be great footage completely unusable. Other users have reported the same effect at even lower ISO's from 160-500. I hope this gets addressed in a firmware update because it is far wiser to apply noise reduction in post. This in camera temporal noise reduction makes it harder to use programs like Neat Video to reduce noise. an example of the ghosting at lower iso's provided by @hyalinejim We need the option to totally disable in camera sharpness in the other picture profiles and the ability to disable or at least adjust the strength of the noise reduction the last two examples are shot with the wide DR profile at 2000-3200 iso. Please post any examples of your footage that includes this type of artifacts.
  14. good idea on registering for CPN ! Im going to have the post up within the hour we could do another thread on feature requests for the xc10, for now lets tackle the essentials @Lintelfilm
  15. Where did you find a 1dc for $3k ?! That is the Deal of the century ! Damn that's pretty serious ??
  16. @Tim Sewell that last image with the kids looks cinematic as hell ! Love it
  17. I use the expodisc, works really well most of the time but I have trouble white balancing in mixed lighting. You put it infront your lens run the custom white balance and your good to go. Generally I expose my images by eye. I still go by ansel adams zone system since all these cameras meter exposure different. The last vid I did I ended up shooting on Av mode f5.6 with the exposure locked at 500 +1 overexposed. That works for run and gun too! PM me @hyalinejim so we can compile the info needed to start the thread. If anyone else wants to contribute to the thread please PM me as well with a link to the uploaded video showing ghosting. If possible send the xml file with the metadata to me as well
  18. Guess we can't judge a camera by its specs after all :-D Im enjoying these tests you are posting, would love to see more from you in the near future @tomsemiterrific
  19. Xc10 at the top @tomsemiterrific! I am amazed at how close they match. Dare I say they look identical, wow
  20. @mechanicalEYE @mercer thanks guys !. Looking forward to an xc20 or something with like a 28-85 f1.4 lens or something from Canon in the future??
  21. I honestly thinks its in fact the temporal NR. I don't see any of the compression artifacts I used to see in h.264 codecs with low bitrates @tugela Agreed ! I've been pleasantly surprised with CLOG and how easy it is to grade. @BenEricson here is my first attempt at CLOG
  22. @Mattias Burling that really sucks well hope we can raise enough support for the camera to get them to update the firmware. The temporal noise reduction has to go, it makes the motion look blurry sometimes
  23. @Justin Bacle ah man that sucks bro ! They can at least give us another firmware update to address the ghosting ! Otherwise great camera just gotta learn a lil more about it
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