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Everything posted by kidzrevil

  1. kidzrevil


    @jagnje @Parker i use the novoflex nx adapter, you can control the aperture with that adapter
  2. kidzrevil


    @Parker the images are pretty nice no doubt about that. Even at 18mm its sharp and doesn't look clinical imo. Size and weight are a turnoff but I'm giving it a chance
  3. kidzrevil


    cool i'll keep that in mind. You said the 85mm 2.8 is the one that has the 3D rendering right ? If so i'll get that one cause I'm looking for character in my images
  4. kidzrevil


    @TheRenaissanceMan not yet but I'll have some up very very soon ! yeah I got the aeg 28 f/2 and the aej 50 f1.4 , hoping to add the 85mm f1.4 aeg and a full frame cam to go with it
  5. kidzrevil


    Glad im not the only one ! Not sure if I wanna buy that samsung lens. Im tempted but I need lenses I can use with other mounts since I switch bodies so often :-(
  6. 10bits of data from a shitty sensor is still 10bits of data from a shitty sensor. None of it really matters if you expose well and your grading doesn't require you to make crazy adjustments to the image. Not even raw can save you from a crap exposure etc. imo color science and dr matters more. I had such high expectations from my gh4's 10bit output and I was disappointed in the fact that it looked too close to the original. Made little to no difference in image quality vs 8bit. now I wait patiently for a Canon 5d3 raw or blackmagic user to tell me my statement is bullshit and I need to have a seat somewhere LOL
  7. sgamut was neverrrrr meant for an 8bit color space. I don't even know why sony gave us hope with implementing it into an 8bit camera LOL. I always got the best results from cine2,cine4 and autumn leaves picture style. Use something optimized for the 8bit color space bro. stay away from sgamut and slog
  8. try leaving it at 2.8 and zoom through the entire range. I noticed a slight change in exposure with my sigma zoom....but I think that's due to the nx1 image processing ? not sure
  9. kidzrevil


    yeah the lens is dope for sure ! its the same issue I ran into with my milvus glass. Its like you say you can go handheld but would you wanna ? Nope. I don't like anything too front heavy on my camera bodies. Anyone want to buy a sigma 18-35 ? LOL
  10. kidzrevil


    Image quality is great but god damn this thing is huge. Camera is hella front heavy now. Not really a fan of big lenses...gonna give the Sigma 18-35 another day
  11. Unfortunately I do not have any children to shoot however I have a background in shooting fast moving objects such as incoming aircraft during military operations and the occasional live performance. Never once lost sleep over not having autofocus. Not denying the importance of it for SOME people but it's certainly not a deal breaker nor does it rule a camera out for professional work. Pro's have been shooting manual before AF was even a thing. Different strokes for different folks but not all of us rely on AF or some of the other tech like stabilization. Some of us are pretty old school and it works. Cheers. @Shield3
  12. kidzrevil


    @Nikkor If I don't like the sigma 18-35 im gonna get the contax zeiss 85mm f1.4 aeg ! Good call on the contax zeiss glass bro, they def have character over super clinical sharpness @TheRenaissanceMan
  13. Why is everyone screaming that they didnt want to use samsung glass like the nx1's mount isn't adaptable ? That isn't much of a valid reason to berate the camera when you can mount lenses from canon all the way to m42 mount. @Shield3
  14. The nx1 bit rate hack has officially thrown the macroblocking argument out of the window. People are reaching up to 200mbps with no compression artifacts @Don Kotlos
  15. I literally have the same card you have. I am using the kino seed version of the hack is that the problem ? @Pavel Mašek
  16. kidzrevil


    Does it fit super 35mm sensor ? If it doesnt break the bank I will consider it
  17. kidzrevil


    @mercer Hahahha ! I was curious about the classic zeiss and this "look" all the old school photographers rave about. I see it now, totally different rendering from the milvus glass I shot with. Its a nice balance between modern & vintage with tons of micro contrast. Now im patiently waiting for the contax zeiss 50mm f1.4 and the 18-35mm sigma to come in. Optimum range of focal lengths for me
  18. anyone experience random dropped frames when shooting at 180 & up ?
  19. kidzrevil


    Contax Zeiss 28mm F2 "hollywood" is awesome.
  20. yeah nx1 @ 160-200 mbps is giving me some serious results @Marco Tecno , the web uploads don't do it justice at all. I am considering getting an a7rii as a second camera paired with contax zeiss glass so this thread is very interesting to me
  21. after I installed the first time it was easy to get the others working. Took an hour not because it was that difficult but because I can be retarded when it comes to these stuff (i.e. magic lantern lol) for this one I used the kino seed 1.52 I think
  22. I never used the a7sii but I am considering it since I've had good experiences with the a7s (aside from the blue channel clipping which is terrible). The nx1 for sure is nuts in good lighting. Ridiculous at base iso but when you hit 1600 and up the a7s performs better. Much cleaner. The nx1 at default settings with just -10 sharpness looks good straight out the camera, something most people cant say about the sony line of cameras. Definitely something to consider...they are both great cameras but I am an nx1 owner... I may get an a7rii as a second body
  23. kidzrevil

    TRUMP +1DC + F35

    @Zach Goodwin *face palm* he's talking about the dog schidt glass ??
  24. The novoflex nikon adapter for nx1 has aperture controll lever in the mount bro
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