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Everything posted by kidzrevil

  1. wow damn thing looks like it shoots down aircraft lolllllll nikkor 55mm sounds good !!! I had the 50mm f1.2 and loved the image out of it. Have you ever shot with any contax zeiss glass ? @BrorSvensson
  2. I am currently on the hunt for some new glass. I am looking for preferably full frame lenses with an organic look. I don't really care for sharpness as long as it can resolve 4K imagery. What are some of your favorite lenses for the organic look ?
  3. kidzrevil

    One Lens?

    @mercer I'll look into that dude, I got my eye on the 85mm f1.2 the 50mm f1.4 and the 28mm f2. Footage from the contax lenses look good ! You used it on a 4k body ?
  4. FILMCONVERT has released a poll asking for feedback on which camera they should profile next ! This is great news, especially for the NX community in lieu of the recent hack (I have reached 200mbps h.265 with it) for the nx1 and nx500 please vote for your camera of choice. It's no secret I will vote for the nx1 :-) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1RwpU59GuqnpQokOVYs_io8O9zpLgWIbZ25xakl4oSKk/viewform?c=0&w=1
  5. kidzrevil

    One Lens?

    How do the contax zeiss hold up in 4K ? Im curious about the contax zeiss and leica r's for my next purchase. The IQ im getting in my vimeo uploads dont justify the price of my milvus glass, so im looking for something with character but enough res for 4k
  6. Throw out a few conflicting opinions and watch people on forums get ready for an all out deathmatch lollllll
  7. agreed. Lenses from Canon and even Nikon have a look to em. Beautiful but they look like stills until you throw something like a tiffen pro mist filter on them. Really liked vintage lenses cause even though they were meant for stills they still have a quality to them that feels very cinematic like the helios 44 and super takumar 50mm
  8. I'm impressed with the look of this camera. Can't wait to get my hands on a rental
  9. @tomastancredi all handheld except for the interview portion, internal codec with cinelook v ! :-D
  10. @vasile I was just gonna ask how can we contribute to the cause. A 20 euro donation doesn't sound bad to me at all. The quality of your work alongside @Otto K @kinoseed is incredible
  11. deluts v2. I hate his latest pack. It's super contrasty and overdone. I don't know what color space they are intended to be used with but even converting to log before using them I get lackluster results. Its more of an issue with the lut than the camera @Marco Tecno love the second image !
  12. Me too ! I have been working on in camera settings that work well with the codec and in post production. Popular LUT's from visioncolor,koji & deluts work damn good with what I came up with. So far I have finallized everything except my sharpness settings. I have a theory that the in camera sharpness affect the NR @Marco Tecno
  13. nice ! let me know how the LUT works out for you. I'm glad you like it, I really like what the hue does to the skin tones especially in post production. I haven't used the custom profiles because they all seem to be the standard picture profile. I like to use the other profiles like portrait and landscape for their subtle differences in contrast ant saturation so I stay away from the custom profile do you mind helping me test this picture profile using -5 sharpness with the high bit rate hack ? I have a theory about the cameras in camera sharpness and how it affects noise reduction. @AaronL I am using film convert for the grain. Grain size is always either super 35mm or 35mm perf to match the sensor size.
  14. @mercer i usually use kelvin or a custom white balance, both work well
  15. @TheRenaissanceMan slr magic makes great wide angles. Love the close focus of their lenses, it def comes in handy !
  16. @Liam @mercer thanks guys I appreciate it ! Looking back at this footage really makes me miss that GH4 man. I kinda prefer the motion cadence it has. It has energy, same with the g7. And those voigtlander lenses were hella sharp even with the pro mist diffuser
  17. Shot this with a gh4 and some voigtlanders a while back
  18. Makes sense ! I see adobe premiere has sequence presets for dnxhd as well. I used cliptoolz to convert to dnxhd 422 8bit when transcoding my h.265 files. Do you know any app that does dnxhd 422 10bit transcoding ? @Don Kotlos
  19. Damn ! I never tried uploading to 4K before. That sucks bro. You should try and upload a 4K video this week to see if there are any improvements in the compression @andrgl
  20. Im sure you will be fine. 5D mark iii raw is more than capable especially when 5D mark ii footage has made it to the big screen for yeaaaars now
  21. @wolf33d I don't know what im talking about and you really think the GH4 Or any modern camera for the matter cant take a landscape shot cause of the sensor size ? Wow seriously ? I've shot with a multitude of cameras and never thought to myself "fuck im about to miss this shot because my sensor size is aps-c and not FF". Get out of here man I shot with everything from m43-FF on paid assignments & millitary photo assignments without issue. To each his own though. Btw if you want to see my work message me and you can test my level of knowledge there sir Please keep in mind, we are talking about a guy who is asking for an affordable camera to do a little travel photography while he is on holiday. We are not even talking about a paid gig. I doubt if he considers a m43 camera to do so he's cheating himself or wont be able to capture these moments or whatever point you are trying to make smh
  22. GH4 Is such a great camera dude! I'd run out and grab all the m43 mount voigtlanders if I were you
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