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Everything posted by kidzrevil

  1. I have tested up to 160mbps. Impressive leap in quality for sure ! I have ran into problems such as a laggy UI when recording video and a delay when you stop recording. you will notice the lag as you watch the histogram literally freeze while you are recording. So far so good though I will try 140-150 and see what happens
  2. @MountneerMan @outerbeat I think I am using version 2 of the hack. I am using a Lexar uhsii 2000x 300mbs card and I still get the "memory card is too slow" message randomly. Seems as if the codec sometimes will exceed the 160mbps
  3. @outerbeat @Pavel Mašek im using a uhs-ii card by lexar. Maybe its time to go over to Sandisk ? I'll try the 150 mbps. Hopefully the hack doesn't affect the audio since lag is present when you stop recording. Im hoping the bitrate can be pushed higher by disabling audio recording
  4. @SMGJohn yeah bro, I've said it a long time ago on this thread, the picture profiles are like their own film stock. Each profile has its own curve,saturation etc. some of the best rec709 colors imo
  5. I have been recording with 160 mbps but I have tried 180 mbps and got the card is too slow message. 160 mbps seems to be the sweet spot but it lags the camera after you end a recording. Still it isn't too bad and the quality is evident. I noticed my handheld footage even at higher shutter speeds did not look jerky. Some may say the improvements are minor but its very noticeable to me since I shot a ton of stuff on the nx1
  6. No it raises or lowers the black level so a +8 mp uses the 9-255 range and a 15 mp uses the 16-255 range of data. The 0-16 range of data is usually the "garbage" area when it comes to in camera compression. I spoke to visioncolor and thats why they use the 9-255 range for their visiontech profile and I assume thats why technicolor cinestyle uses the 16-255 range. Use normal gamma to avoid banning and adjust your blacks in post. The results are great especially at high bitrate
  7. @Otto K fixed it, I had to reset my Bluetooth/wifi settings. @vasile I am in love with this hack ! I just got it installed and at 160mbps the files are looking awesome. The detail and the motion cadence have been improved. The extra bits are making my handheld footage look very fluid. You truly have done something incredible with this hack
  8. I've tried installing the hack on my nx1. I am at the step where you have to activate Bluetooth but the Bluetooth option on the camera is greyed out and wont let me select it. Any idea what could be the reason why ?
  9. This is incredible ! I've been shooting with raised master pedestal around 8-9 and it helps alot. Im gonna install this hack today and shoot some clips. Raised pedestal + increased bits to the shadows should work wonders with underexposed footage
  10. @Pavel Mašek hmm how can I install this using the settings that you just reccomended ? I want to test it out before I use it on anything serious. and you are right about the luma range thing. I've been noticing a lot of detail when converting to 16-235 from 0-255
  11. @Pavel Mašek you've noticed an improvement in image quality with the bitrate hack ?
  12. @KarimNassar looks really good ! How do you like the nikkor ais lenses with the nx1 ?
  13. I have a question : is the blue color channel clipping problem still present in the a7sii
  14. @/Chop N Shoot Films/ ??? not saying anything is wrong with it, I haven't tested it yet. I was saying I hope we can get the hacked bitrate high enough to totally get rid of the macroblocking in the deep shadows
  15. @mercer i've been considering selling off my kit. Might get a gh4 with nikon ais glass or a7sii with voigtlander lenses
  16. Everyone is focused on the super high end. My bet is if there are any new dslr/mirrorless style cameras announced the manufacturers as usual will give em a ton a great features all while crippling something so they can release a new version i.e. sony business module. Im looking towards these companies like craft for innovation
  17. probably way off topic but if anyone wants to buy some zeiss glass message me
  18. kidzrevil


    @jonpais I added +10 sharpening in adobe premiere lumetri because for some reason the image compressed better on vimeo with the extra detail. Either way anything coming out of the nx1 is going to look sharpened because of the sheer amount of resolution downscaled from a 6.5k sensor to a 4k image which gets downscaled even further to 1080
  19. Im about to upload something with some serious macroblocking. Has anyone else experienced a wavy macroblocking effect in shadows especially with handheld footage ?
  20. Hmmm you guys could be right about the downscaling of the sensor and screen you are viewing the footage on can attribute to the oversharpening look. Any improvement in image quality with the bit rate hacks ? Hoping we can get the h.265 codec bitrate high enough to at least eliminate macroblocking. I can settle for that for sure
  21. @Gerbert Floor thank you ! I do not use ND's I will use a small aperture and high shutter speed if I have too. The image is graded with impulz luts and deluts, it was simply to test how vimeo handles the different luma ranges. The camera has decent dr and you can still get clean images if you under expose and boost exposure in post. To me the nx1 is comparable to the a7s cine profiles in terms of latitude in the mids
  22. any luck with in camera sharpening ? I can live with the NR (I suspect NR is apart of h.265) but if we can get absolute zero digital sharpness that would give us a better image
  23. @ricardo_sousa11 i love them ! Great video btw, what were your settings ?
  24. @ricardo_sousa11 yes lets keep this alive ! I am learning more and more about the nx1 landscape (normal gamma) saturation 0 contrast 0 hue -3 tiffen black pro mist for smooth roll off to the highlights zeiss milvus 50mm f1.4 and zeiss milvus 21mm f2.8
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