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Everything posted by kidzrevil
This is with the zeiss milvus glass (and tiffen black satin filter) this is with my nikkor 50mm. Download originals My theory are the zeiss (and any other high resolving modern lens ) is producing true resolution at 6k so the image processor is not sharpening the image. You can see in the nikkor that since the lens is not resolving at 6k the processor ramps up in camera sharpening. I attribute this to a lot of the sharpening artifacts in the second video I never used the a6300 so I truly do not know but I personally would not. I always worry about damaging the mount of smaller cameras. I am iffy about even putting them on my nx1 ! Oddly enough I think the sony sensors look better with canon fd lenses. I only got the zeiss for the nx1 cause the sensor is very picky. Its resolution hungry
He pulled that article out of the deepest,darker,corner of his ass. Not only was it extremely opinionated, his many examples showed nothing. Nothing of value at all I started off as a photographer and have done it for a couple of years in the military and I still think what your saying and what he's saying...just isn't real.
I have to change my entire post production workflow SPECIFICALLY because of how they compress the grain and this new auto adjust quality crap they launched @Mattias Burling.
I hate to say it but the vimeo era is done. Sad because I was a major advocate of vimeo ! I absolutely refused to touch youtube smh. I think the issue with vimeo is their new compression scheme is terrible and goes against their theme of providing a quality service amongst other things. They grew too fast and didn't have an infrastructure in place to cater to the flood of people...now they don't know who to appeal to. Im considering cancelling my account and using youtube...
the fact that its becoming common understanding that if you shoot with a sony with the lcd in its normal position it can overheat is alarming enough. No other camera made did LCD position contribute to overheating. The design sony is going for with tiny cameras is more of a curse than a gift
hmm I think i'll write one too along side a dedicated review when I relaunch my site. It would be nice to have reviews reflecting all of our collective findings since the 1.40 update. I will be shooting all of my personal projects with the nx1. Hope our efforts will help draw in some more attention towards the camera
please please please lets keep this about the g7 gh4 w/ speedbooster. There is a thread dedicated to the a6300. thank you !
ha its expected when Sony's latest mantra is to make everything as small as possible LOL
Thank you for the support.
Just uploaded a video to vimeo...my connection here is pretty fast and still the quality is absolutely terrible. This is tragic dude. My one and only source for delivery is the web and now its making less and less sense of owning a 4k camera w/ high end lenses if vimeo is going to destroy yhe footage like it is. Doubt my output on vimeo ever exceeded 720p
@richg101 it all comes down to preference. The look of blade runner & the professional are amazing yet some of the other movies in their time suck aesthetically. Now we have shows like Daredevil shot on 6k cams and red dragons with high end lenses and not only do they look great the aesthetic is completely different. Its all a matter of preference. I def do agree that some of the vintage lenses look way better than modern ones imo. They were built with aesthetic in mind...now they build lenses based on computer calculations with only sharpness in mind
I honestly think that article is bullshit on soooooo many levels. Completely subjective. Was his point that modern lenses render flat noses ? Wtf ? Was i the only one who read that and went ".....wtf ?"
@TheRenaissanceMan @Geoff CB exactly. The FD L series lenses I had were some of the best aesthetic wise. The weight,handling and focus ring was top quality. But as what was said earlier, the pixel density is just too much for these older lenses. Parting with my FD's and Nikkors to raise $ for the zeiss glass was one of my hardest decisions. The post processing ends up being excessive with older lenses, with the newer glass I guess the video processing doesn't see a need to jack up in cam sharpening. Thats my current theory. There is some kind of threshold for detail that needs to be resolved before the nx1 triggers the processor. Its kinda like the crispening feature on the sony a7 line
It is what it is man. In my personal findings glass made in the late 70's for film cameras for obvious reasons just didn't perform as well as glass designed for digital bodies in the new millenia. it's just a very demanding sensor that sadly older lenses can't keep up with. I guarantee you any of the lenses designed by Samsung resolve a hell of a lot more detail on an mtf chart than a vintage lens. I doubt they built the camera with lens adaptation in mind. Everything was designed for them to take advantage of their own high end tech.
@Geoff CB sorry if I came off as if I were trying to say those vintage fd's and nikkors were crap lenses. They have a very unique character to them but H.265 is totally unforgiving in my opinion. Weird artifacts galore. Low resolution and low contrast areas of the image takes a hit. Gotta be a combination of h.265 and the noise reduction. I found it better to use the modern glass. Im sure the same holds true for users that use their S line of glass. Im guessing the sensor is made specifically for high resolving glass...hence the emergence of their S line around the time the nx1 dropped
Voigtlander makes some damn good lensss
Milvus glass has me booking as much gigs as possible just to pay it off LOL ! The nikkors like the 50 1.2 started to resolve good detail at 2.8-3.5. Shooting wide open even if you nail focus gave a diffused look which on any other camera would look beautiful but on the NX1 just looks low res.
Very sharp ! i like it
Yeah had to get rid of them smh really loved them too especially on my a7s. The nx1 sensor is a gift and a curse
Agreed @chauncy . It has its quirks like the in cam noise reduction but its not a deal breaker. Love what can be done with the nx1 image
Yeah I was using them and they only perform optimally stopped down (on the nx1 body). I loved the aesthetic but the optics is designed for film. Since then I've got the zeiss milvus lenses and they are ridiculously sharp and contrasty. Think the nx1 is optimized for lenses built for digital sensors. Its a gift and a curse because my nikkors and canon fd's were fine on the gh4 and a7s
Gonna take a look !
Nice ! Shot with its once and loved the red ring flare you get shooting wide open. Had to send it back cuz the canon mount aint have aperture control
Thank you for catching that error, my bad