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Everything posted by kidzrevil

  1. Thats fine. The max speed of UHS-II is 300mbps. Didn't care to mention the lexar as their speed is manufacturer specific and doesn't reflect the max potential of the Uhs-II / U3 technology
  2. I cant believe im even considering moving to youtube smh. I heard somewhere that even if you mastered or planned to master a file in 2k you should upscale it to 4k with a high bit rate to force youtube or vimeo to display the footage at the services highest bitrate
  3. Nx1 gives some of the best image in the market. The ergonomics was a big win for me. The sensor IS picky with lenses though, that may cost you some extra $$
  4. Interested in picking up the voigtlander 40 to use as a standard walk around lens. How do you like the look on the nx1 ?
  5. I do stills and video depending on needs of client so I found the NX1 great for my needs. The a7s and I assume a7sii functions the same as its predecessor is a great camera too. 12mp is enough to work with in stills and the video quality is phenomenal. If you have legacy lenses i'd go a7sii. Recently I had to make a ridiculous purchase and get some zeiss milvus glass for my nx1 cause in my tests showed that the sensor is very demanding. The nx1 requires a high resolution lens where the a7s doesn't because of its 12mp sensor. Some say you can get away shooting with a low res lens on nx1 because 4k is only mp but they fail to keep in consideration the fact that the camera is downscaling the entire 28mp sensor to 4k. So please keep in consideration how much this will all cost you if price is a factor. one thing stopping me from returning to sony is the blue channel clipping. Some say you can beat it by raising the white balance 5600k and up but that creates a whole other set of problems in post when trying to get a correct white balance. Hope this helps
  6. I might as well stick around for the gh5 if thats the case
  7. Let me get this straight...the g7 is better than the gh4 for video ( in terms of quality not features)
  8. a7s with leica m mount voigtlanders lenses were good to me but that sony blue clipping was terrible. I cant recommend the a7 series because of this unless you are sure you don't shoot in clubs or areas with neon lights
  9. think its the downscaling idk but its annoying. GH4 doesn't even compress the noise like the nx1 does I'm totally petrified to shoot video above 1600. Funny thing is as mentioned by you guys shooting at high iso is fine with raw stills. A little noise reduction I can hit 6400
  10. If we see progress with this soon we can start funding ??
  11. Totally agree. The NX1 sensor is very demanding to say the least. You need a high resolving lenses to make the most of it. Although I've received great results with nikkor and canon fd vintage lenses for some odd reason the 4k video is even more demanding than the stills. Might have something to do with the compression. Either way I recommend a sharp modern lens. I currently own some zeiss milvus glass but I am going to get a voigtlander 40mm f2 as my general use lens because its sharp and contrasty and under $1000. Can't beat that
  12. If you need anyone to help test im down !!!
  13. I've shot up to 3200 in raw and got great results. I wonder what we can do in video to alleviate these issues ? Currently I am leaving contrast at default and removing saturation since I have found out 16-235 helps avoid macroblocking and you can expose the image up to a stop brighter before you get the highlight overexpure zebras. My theory is that the oversaturated color channels affects the performance of the image somewhere down the line
  14. Lmao thats Jubilee from xmen bro, its from some prints I made. Doesn't look as good as a tiny avatar I guess ?
  15. ?? Your point ? Dont mean to sound combative but I dont understand where you are going with this
  16. I am still considering selling the nx1 and if I do grab the gh4 or g7 i will commit to those. I never use a different manufacturer as a second body because I can personally tell the difference in the "look". Overall bro panasonic produces stellar imagery in stills mode when shooting raw. With a speedbooster xl you now have an aps-h crop which I am excited to experience for the first time. Whether nx1 or gh4/g7 you are not losing but the extra stop of light from the speedbooster is appealing to me especially since I plan on staying at or below 1600 iso
  17. Lmao I appreciated your tests bro ! Actually going to try playing with the -5 contrast just with 16-235 instead as I feel h.265 works better with it. No macroblocking
  18. Only in video. Whatever is going on with the image processing above 1600 is totally breaking down the image. The effect is seen earlier (at lower iso) in 1080. Weird sensor processing + codec combo. In this regard i rather an gh4 or g7 with speedbooster ! Yeah sony is just ridiculously overpriced BUT specs wise they look damn good on paper. Honestly didnt see much of an improvement over my gh4 when I bought an a7s. Only really seen the benefit when shooting in terrible lighting and need high iso. Funny thing is if the lighting sucks it makes shooting in high iso a useless/novelty item imo. Currently im really thinking the gh4 is the most reliable option out now. Nx1 is good cause of the high res stills look spectacular especially when you downscale to like 12mp. Currently spending some more time testing ny nx1 before i make the decision to go gh4/g7 with speedbooster and zeiss milvus glass
  19. All we have to do is email them ! They already said they were interested. If it wasnt for Samsungs dick move to pull out they wouldve been did it.
  20. I definitely wont be able to work with compressed footage at that data rate. If we can get it to 100 or even the highest the uhs ii cards can handle would be great. 100 mbs with noise reduction and in cam sharpening off would be easier on the codec anyway
  21. The point of the thread is so we no longer have to use these workarounds. We can finally get TRUE support. There is a lot that can go wrong with these rec709 to LOG luts. LOG by nature works better if it is supported by the manufacturer i.e. SLOG2 because it is fine tuned and BUILT for the camera. Not all LOG profiles behave the same because of that reason, even the slog2 on a high end sony performs different than an a7s for example. other benefits include a speedier workflow and grain fine tuned to the samsung sensor and no color clipping that you usually get when using LUT's on 8bit footage. So please email them, I made a short sentence you can copy and paste Email filmconvert with the statement I wrote so we can get true support for the camera instead of using these workarounds. Thank you.
  22. If they support the standard,vivid etc. profiles that would be two birds with one stone
  23. Great suggestion but no thanks bro. I don't use rec709 to conversion LUT's. It's not true log
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