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Everything posted by kidzrevil

  1. That's true, it does save us a step. I've been experimenting with putting filmconvert grain right underneath my color correction in adobe premiere lumetri and adding negative sharpness. Seems to blend in the grain organically and the contrast curve darkens it. I still use the grain very sparingly but in the end its kinda like adding the noise back to the image that the noise reduction removed. Really like the look of it just gotta work on my export settings for it
  2. Maybe they used nr as a way to effectively use the limited bit rate ?
  3. I think its that damn noise reduction algorithim at play. It can make a mess of things sometimes. You need a super high resolution lens or stop down to "trick" it into understanding that is DETAIL do not touch it
  4. I started using cliptoolz and it is amazing. I like how it downscales the 4k footage
  5. I'd do the gh4 with all voigtlander 0.95 glass or an a7sii with some fast canon fd L series glass. I currently have the nx1 and love it but it has no future. If you are expecting and nx2 dont hold your breath lol
  6. I made adjustments to the curve. I raised the lower end of the curve until the waveform showed the absolute black was not crushed and then I lowered the highlight end. Pretty much installed my own toe & knee into the curve while leaving the midtone portion of the curve linear. The shadows are crushed with gamma c but I like the look. I left the rgb curve alone as well. Next I will try experimenting with gamma dr
  7. Anyone with a personalview account interested in contacting vitaly ?
  8. Im still here. How do you make posts sticky on this forum ? We need to find a hacker whos committed to this before we worry about creating a timeline of changes imo
  9. Appreciate it ! Your work is awesome btw No mbl ! Just -2 saturation. Im going to test with good old 0-255 next because I see there is a jump in brightness with 16-255. I think the 0-255,16-235 & 16-255 have the same data its just read different by the nle. Try doing your tests with 0-255. for an in camera "grade" like the osiris vision x or kdx lut, try shifting the hues to the left. It changes reds to a more pink color and blues to a teal color. Its the same result you'll get when applying a lut
  10. Its definitely possible. We already collected all the firmware, we may have to write something up so everyone can copy, paste and send to the magic lantern team
  11. Lmaoooo ! I've been spoiled by luts myself but I started off video learning how to use curves. You can get cross processed looks with curves too. These LUTs dig so deep into the image they will work better with 10+ bit footage. So yeah its important to learn to live without em. btw i've been writing a guide on how to achieve film looks with and without looks. Taking the science of analog formats and applying it to the digital age
  12. Lmao an incredibly detailed pile of shit. The zeiss milvus lenses rock ! i think i am done with LUTs. The results i've been getting with gamma c and minimal correction are better. The color fidelity is incredible and macroblocking is no where to be found.
  13. I've been shooting gamma c at default contrast -10 sharpness and -1 / -2 saturation and wow. Blown away. These were shot with 16-235 but Today i am experimenting with 16-255 as I've read technicolor cinestyle used that range to optimize the image for the encoder. 16-235 remapped to 0-255 automatically in premiere and I assume the same would apply to the 16-255 footage ! for this look I did NOT use LUT's aS I noticed LUT's were exaggerating compression artifacts in the image even when denoising before applying the lut. I went old school and just installed my own toe and shoulder using curves and kept the curve in the midtone region linear. Using the zeiss milvus lenses it looks my theory is true. You can beat the in camera sharpening if you use a high contrast lens that can resolve up to 6k. I assume the noise reduction and sharpening algorithim sees the areas of the image are true detail and leaves those areas filled with fine detail alone. This camera deserves the moniker "baby red" because the image quality is stunning WHEN TREATED CORRECTLY.
  14. +1 for the concert LOL ! I at least want to get a quote from them to know how much we have to raise
  15. kidzrevil


    Thank you for pointing that out ! Swore i seen an aperture ring on these oops ?
  16. kidzrevil


    I dont use rigs but its good to know that there are even bigger lenses being used on the nx1. Now i dont have to worry about destroying this mount !
  17. kidzrevil


    I got a novoflex one. Novoflex is completely overrated btw lol...ill look for a fotodiox one. These lenses are incredible dude
  18. kidzrevil


    Yeah and you gotta unscrew this thing on the lens to declick it. Im not sure what im going to do to be honest I need time to think. i would rather a thinner adapter that is closer to the sensor vs one as thick as the nikon adapter. That weight in the front from the lens sitting on such a thick adapter is more taxing on a mount than a thin one. Plus I don't think the weather sealing will work as effective with an adapted lens as well as a native one will, key reason why it would be smart to get a Canon body. Volker's vids show the level of quality you can get out of the body so I wont be losing with the hacked Canon. Either way canon or nikon mount i'll use em on the nx1
  19. kidzrevil


    Yeah but its not clickless ! For some weird reason i am not seeing the same sharpening artifacts i got with my other lenses in the nx1 video. Think my theory is correct about the body. Anywho im for sure sticking with these lenses just probably in a different mount. may need to go to the 5d and use the ef mount version. Strong feeling they are too heavy for the nx mount
  20. kidzrevil


    Hell yeah bro ! Felt like I was cheating myself using the other lenses after seeing these ! Its jpgs edited in vsco it aint even the raw stills ! And yeah its san diego zoo I love doing my cam tests there ! only thing about these lenses are they are HEAVY. Scared I will damage the NX mount. I may send em back to get the canon mount versions instead in case I do end up getting a canon body. So far so good though the lenses really bring out the detail in the sensor, cant wait to see the video
  21. kidzrevil


    Shots from the zeiss milvus 35,50 & 85. Woah. Major
  22. Exactly ! Im with you 100% on the first two adjustments you mentioned
  23. Im with you on keeping it realistic. Increasing/enhancing whats already there vs adding new features is more plausible. Please link message me about this bounty thing
  24. yeah ! I like them too. If we can live with anamorphic flare then we should be able to live with filter reflections ! i bought some zeiss milvus lenses im thinking the better coating of the newer lenses should help minimize these reflections
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