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Everything posted by kidzrevil

  1. you think you'll be able to test those Sigmas this week ?!
  2. hmmm maybe the nx1 is not a fair comparison to the 5D then. Admitedly the softer look of the 5d raw has a very organic feel to it
  3. im doing something wrong, ill figure it out
  4. ha that makes sense, guess I was underestimating the Samsung ! The more I read you guys feedback is the more I want the 5D. I think I can match the sharpness to the NX1 with a high quality lens like the Milvus glass without the compression and sharpening artifacts. If that truly is possible then I just may have found a nice camera to compliment or exceed my nx1
  5. yeah ! And albert fast keeps his at -5 and I cant seem to find the same issue in his vids. You don't notice it if the shot is locked down but handheld (the way i primarily shoot) you see it. Especially on shots like this. See if you notice it at the top row of the seating UPDATE : I just contacted mosaic engineering (creators of the 5d anti aliasing filter) about possibly creating a custom aa filter for my nx1 body. Hope they get back to me
  6. Anyone notice major moiré/aliasing like effect when shooting 4k ? Im noticing it even more when my shots aren't locked down like the image is oversharpened or something ! funny thing is I don't see it in any oF Andrew Reid's or Albert Fast nx1 footage
  7. Some ideal settings let me know if it works for you guys
  8. the nikkors are gone ! Pawned em all off on ebay. Im really making the leap to the zeiss milvus glass. I may just get one or two instead of the whole set and get the 5D as a second body. I've seen a lot of great work posted here from the 5D but none seems night and day in comparison to the image I am getting out of the nx1 to be honest but then again I am looking at it compressed on the web. I am just not seeing the dramatic difference everyone is claiming...you've seen my gh4 & nx1 work afterall...
  9. still weighing out my options ! I was gonna invest in the 21,35,50 & 85 mm zeiss milvus...but if I get the 5D i'll just settle for the sigma art lenses or 1 or 2 zeiss glass. Really weighing out my options right now !
  10. there is a guy who has been featured on this blog who has hacked an nx camera before enabling things like longer record times. We don't need new features just alteration to existing ones. The one at the top of the list is upping the bitrate to 200mbps-300mbps since the camera supportd UHS-II http://www.eoshd.com/2015/11/there-is-now-a-samsung-nx-hack-by-a-guy-who-looks-like-steve-jobs/
  11. not enough support maybe ! Let's see if we can generate support via this thread ! Spread the word !
  12. lets reach out to him ! Sent you a private message bro
  13. Hey I started a petition for an nx camera hack. Your support is appreciated ! http://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/19099-petition-for-samsung-nx1-hack/
  14. I started a petition for a Samsung NX camera hack. Your support is needed ! http://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/19099-petition-for-samsung-nx1-hack/
  15. I started a petition for an NX camera hack. Really need you guys support http://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/19099-petition-for-samsung-nx1-hack/
  16. the debut of the Samsung NX1 they showed the world that a new challenger has entered the 4k market. The specs spoke for itself and the stunning resolution & color reproduction spoke even louder. The camera did have a rough start but quickly addressed the issues with constant firmware updates. Image quality aside the most revolutionary feature of the camera is the Tizen OS. Samsung has releases the open source code to the NX line of cameras to the public and rumor is they have reached out to the Magic Lantern developers. This is great news for many reasons. 1) this is the first time I have seen a camera manufacturer openly embrace the hacker community. The same community that has made Canon cameras so popular in the video arena and has pushed the GH2 into new heights. 2) this could inspire other manufacturers such as Panasonic, Canon, Sony & Fuji to release the open source codes to their future camera bodies 3) if a hack for the NX1 & NX500 were to go live we can see a tremendous increase in image quality and yet another tool to capture stunning images on a budget in a professional environment. More than anything for an NX1 hack we need to double the existing bitrates. The camera supports high speed SD cards (SDXC UHS-II/U3 @300mbs) so it would make sense to increase the bitrate by at least double to avoid/eliminate macro blocking in the shadows and at high frame rates. Last but not least completely disabling in camera sharpening and noise reduction will help rid us of the electronic look. I as well as many other Samsung users on EOSHD and other forums would love to see this hack go live. If you feel the same and in the future will not have a problem with helping us crowd fund the project simply comment with : "+1". The more support we get the more likely this is to happen. Please do not comment with why this shouldn't or couldn't happen. This is not what this thread is for. It is a show of support for a hack. Thank you for your time !
  17. once you shoot with the NX1 eventually you realize you gotta take what you learned from shooting with other cams and throw it right in the trash. It handles things soooo differently but challenge accepted anyway there could be an advantage to shooting 16-235 if it is actually pulling the highlights into the usable range. Now we don't need to pull the highlights down so much using curves and I assume the transcoding tools are expecting 16-235 anyway since thats what prores uses to begin with. This could be the optimum way to shoot with this camera. Makes sense to me because the NX1 seems clearly optimized to be viewed on Samsung TV's. They had to have made this with their 4k tv's in mind
  18. kidzrevil


    its a still image but looks no diff than the frame grab !
  19. vivid saturation : -5 or -4 contrast : 0 sharpness : -10 hue : +9 luma range : 16-235 if transcoding 0-255 if editing native files in premiere master black : 0 expose to the right and use over exposure guide to properly expose important details
  20. "the next big thing" video looks awesome !!
  21. im down to crowd fund a hack. We are just missing one key element : a hacker
  22. kidzrevil


    sold my FD lenses, they made me a small fortune ! After my nikkors go I will be shooting with a 50mm f1.4 super takumar. I use it as a backup.Love the rendering of that lens !
  23. Looking good dude ! Love the skintones on the last shot
  24. kidzrevil


    my kids will just have to tough it out with a high school degree LMAO ! Zeiss milvus here i come
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