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  1. A few days ago I helped a friend with a shooting, he was using the a7s, the first one, and he was shooting everything in 1080p. The footage was really impressive, I started looking at a few samples online and I found this: https://vimeo.com/104968552 It's 60p so it should be even worse than 24p and in my opinion it looks better than most of the normal consumer cameras. I've read that even the a6000 should have better 1080p than the a7s but I had that camera and I don't think so, maybe I'm wrong but even by today standards the a7s look like a really fine camera. Is there anyone still using it?
  2. The xt3 has 4k 60p and other cool stuff but if you're more of a photographer maybe the a7rii will suit you better
  3. I was just talking about the AF in video! It's a bit slow and not super fluid so I would not use it for paid work but the camera it self would be 100% usable for a weeding or whatever as far as I've seen. Tomorrow I'll shoot more with the light of the day. What's the quickest way to downscale 4k to 1080p? Does it make sense to scale down the footage before editing to have better performance if the output would be 1080p anyway?
  4. Just got the g85 for 320€ with an olympus kit lens(probably garbage but still), I was doing some test and wow, the quality for the price is amazing, 1080p is good but get 24p only in avchd, the 4k is really great, and I was using a CCTV lens. I tested it against the d600, I know that it's not a camera meant to shoot videos, but even at 1600(g85) vs 800(d600) iso in 1080p the difference is night and day! Photos are a bit meh tough, I already knew, probably a fuji x-t2 would be a better hybrid camera. Btw the autofocus may not be great but for personal usage it's totally usable, the IBIS works really well and the EVF it's much better than my much more expensive X100f and than the xt30 that I've tried.
  5. Thanks to everyone! Do you think that there's something for less than 1000€ that has significantly better DR? I was considering having a single camera to do everything and for 900€ you could find an a7r II or and eos RP
  6. I was looking into the a6500 but where I live it's really expensive, around 700€ used, the a6300 is not that expensive but then it's around the same price as the xt20 which I would prefer I can live without the fastest AF, I realy enjoy shooting with manual lenses! I previously owned the gx80 and I really liked it, especially for the size, but I was missing the mic in, I know that I could use a recorder but I'm not doing any fancy stuff so having everything in a single camera would be awesome I was thinking about it, it has no crop for 4k and 120fps but no mic in, I know it may sound lame, I'm not even using a very good mic but It's really convenient sometimes 😕 The xt30 is really beautiful, I do really like the eterna profile, I'm currently using a x100f but I was looking for a simple and cheap setup for run and gun video stuff, I think that eventually in the future I will sell everything and I will get an xt3
  7. I was looking for a camera to shoot video on a budget and even if I'm not really into m43 I found the g80 for around 300€ used and it has a few things that I would really like to have: Decent build quality IBIS Nice IQ for video but 4k it's not mandatory, I shoot mainly 1080p Flippy screen Audio in Is there an APS-C/FF with the same spec for around 500€(used)? In the fuji lineup the only camera with ibis is the x-h1 but it's more expensive and the only "normal" lens with OIS is the 18-55, sony has many cameras but again the price seems to be higher for the a6300/6500/6400 and the a7/a7r/a7s are not the best from what I've seen( I'm talking about the first gen models) All canon dslrs lack ibis but there are some model with software stabilization, the iq is not the best but i think it would be enough and they have great af but spending double the money for a canon m50/70d...I don't know if it's worth Do you have any suggestions?
  8. Thank you! Right now I'm testing picture profiles, what do you think it's the best? That's a really nice camera, I've looked at it but I think that now that I now what IBIS is capable of I don't wan't to lose it!
  9. BTW I got the gx85 in the end, the ibis is really amazing, with an adapted 50mm (so 100mm equiv) I can achieve some amazing steady shots, the body itself seems to be built much better than the g7 and with a pancake lens the camera is almost pocketable. The only downloadside is the missing jack input but I can charge the battery using my phone power bank, that's really useful!
  10. That is the only bad review I've found, that's why I'm not sure it's really softer than the g85 ?
  11. After a few days with the g7 I returned it to Amazon due to the fact that with the lightweight body+2x crop factor it was really hard to get handheld stuff and I've seen a gx80/85 for the same price on amazon warehouse. I've also found a local used g80/85 and after talking to the seller he told me that the 1080p on the gx85 it's much worse, I've also read a few thing online about it, is it true? Isn't the gx85 exactly the same as the g85 minus jack input, good evf and articulated screen?
  12. I found a used g7 on amazon for just 50€ more than the gh3 and I've bought it! It has warranty and I could always send it back if I don't like it ?
  13. If you could get the gh3 and the gx85 at the same price what would you chose?
  14. Now that we are talking also about fuji, are the x-e3, x-t20 and x-t2 better in terms of IQ?
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