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About M.N

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  1. My original post gathered a lot of attention from this blog. And so 3 weeks later, I'm writing to those who haven't seen The Rivalry yet....watch it :)
  2. Hey guys So I have roughly 600$ to spend on a new light for my next short. I'm looking for something versatile, a ''main'' light to make my life easier. What's popular out there at the moment? Thanks! Oh, and for those of you who haven't seen it... my first short... I'm hopeless, I know.. :)
  3. Thanks a lot Rak. It was my first time using FCPX. I'm still learning. Man I wish I knew that then... lol Thanks for the info buddy... you probably already know this, but if you haven't tried Frite Alors in Mtl, you have got to!
  4. Merci beaucoup Daniel, J'ai hâte de commencer le prochain film. Disons que je commence à m'ennuyer de ma caméra. ;)
  5. Just want to thank you all for the kind words and support. When I first uploaded my film to the net I thought I would get destroyed (the internet CAN be a very scary place) You guys and gals are truly kind people. :)
  6. Well that's mighty kind of you, mtheory! I'm crossing my fingers hoping that my film submission at the Music Bed's Film Supply contest will win. If not, I do plan on starting a Kickstater campaign to help raise $ for The Wind at my Door. If you'd like....but only if you'd like...you can vote for it here. :) https://www.themusicbed.com/projectfilmsupply/stories/the-wind-at-my-door
  7. Big thanks to you Greg, The film took forever (5 months). We shot mostly on weekends, at night. We didn't have a script so I would re-shoot a whole lot, trying to make sense of the story. For instance, when I first started shooting this movie, it was a drama about a divorce. It's safe to say I'll never shoot without a proper screenplay again. :)
  8. Thank you Flynn, The next movie (I think) will be a drama about a hit and run and the consequences for everyone involved. It's actually been submitted to The Music Bed's Film Supply contest and, so far, stands amongst the most popular submissions. You can vote for me if you want lol :) https://www.themusicbed.com/projectfilmsupply/stories/the-wind-at-my-door I'm aware I'm a shameless self-promoter, but in this day and age... ;)
  9. Big thanks for the kind words buddy! I submitted to nofilmschool.com and I'm awaiting a response...
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