What I would like to see is XY film scanner using video mode to improve resolution and dynamic range. It's only about making proper code - mechanics and optic is easy.
Is it possible control X-H1 through gimbal or lanc controller? One hand operation on e.g. bike):
electronic manual focus
power zoom
trigger (not via jack port)
Blackmagic Micro had nice interface for that. Why not through USB interface?
I would like being in Av mode take pictures and movies (1/50s, 24p, manual ISO) both with own predefined settings. In left hand use follow focus and in right hand arm rig with remote buttons: picture/movie trigger, focus assist (zoom), ISO change. Is this possible?
It's written in Filter Meister. Not compatible with recent apps. Must be rewritten. With this app you can export results as look up table - Photoshop .amp file.
This very basic inverting plugin for Photoshop (not CS6) that preserves film character for possible grading. Just write orange mask RGB, define image Gamma, white point and middle tones brightness with sliders: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0ByP8kkW_h00uN3pPNGZZR2hIZU0/edit?usp=docslist_api New GUI: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0ByP8kkW_h00uRTROeHFMU3UtN2M/edit?usp=docslist_api it's 10 years old :)
I've started shooting celluloid with Canon Scoopic and Beaulieu (16mm and S8) for fun and I like the effect on screen. Kodak short ends are quite cheap and I've tested 13 years old GPX with great results. I like film especially with PMT scanners - superb match, see my drumscan samples various films light same scenes: https://www.flickr.com/photos/66109016@N04/ I wish I could use photography films in cine cameras. When I watch old S8 films brought by people for telecine I always smile. I like digital too for different tasks.
Is it possible to grade Sony A7 (not A7s) video as stills in Adobe RAW Converter? There is a problem with dynamic range too. Any idea for settings (portrait -3)?