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About herakel

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  1. herakel

    BM or Red?

    I had the BM production camera before and there was the problem with FPN wich could be annoying some times and it seems some ursa mini owners are experiencing the same problem. The pocket camera however is a masterpiece. Pity it doesn't shoot slowmotion. But as for Red Raven, its a very interesting camera indeed.
  2. herakel

    BM or Red?

    Yes, BMPCC is to small/light weight for Ronin. It does work however, i recently shoot a shortmovie with this combination. But its far from ideal, i can tell you. Investing in lenses is a good idea. However, the ones i have are good and fullfill my needs. Micro cinema camera is a good(and cheap) alternative wich im considering.
  3. herakel

    BM or Red?

    Ah ok didn't know that. But it doesn't seem to record raw? i would like to have raw as i have been used to it now with the pocket camera.
  4. herakel

    BM or Red?

    Well, Alexa is way to expensive for my budget. At the moment, Raven is most interesting because of size and slowmotion capabilities. About Sony fs7, actually i haven't thought of that one. Though it seems to be quite big, similar to ursa mini. Also, its the problem with lenses. I have two pair of Samyang EF lenses wich i can use with either raven or ursa. Though i dont think Raven price has to be that big. The only thing i need to buy is brain + jetpack as it can be powered through the ronin and controlled through wifi and a 3rd party monitor. @bzpopBM micro cinema camera is really interesting indeed! btw here is a showreel of most of the things iv done
  5. herakel

    BM or Red?

    Hello Right now im shooting with the blackmagic pocket camera wich is absolutely amazing. However, it doesn't really suit me well since its quite small and i have it mounted on my Dji Ronin. Another reason is that i shoot musicvideos and they often require slowmotion wich the pocket camera doesn't have. Therefor im looking for a new camera to buy and the ones iv been looking into are the new Ursa mini and Red Raven. It seems like Raven is better suited for gimbals wich makes it very interesting. The price of the ursa mini and specs are tempting aswell. The only problem with ursa is the size imo. The fields i work in are musicvideos and movies. Wich one is the better choice for me? and in terms of image quality, do these two cameras mach?
  6. Hi I recently bought a Sony a7s camera and im also planning on buying a atomos shogun external recorder. However, i have been looking into the blackmagic production camera aswell and it seems quite good. So my question to you is wich setup is best, because they almost cost the same(ie sony a7s + shogun). Is it worth to sell my a7s and skip buying the shogun and instead buy the blackmagic camera?
  7. herakel


    I got my Samyang 35mm T1.5 today, so i did a test.
  8. herakel


    Will a century anamorphic lens with 58mm thread be compatible with a samyang fullframe 35mm lens on a Sony a7s? I do have a A7s myself though no lens yet, only a 18-55mm lens i borrowed from my friend. However i dont know if its fullframe or not and i have to zoom to 24mm in order to not see the edges of the anamorphic lens.
  9. Yeah i have been looking into some Samyang lenses, they seem to be quite good and not to expensive. I think a normal lens would be a good choice. I dont have much knowledge about lenses in general actually and i had a panasonic gh3 before with only one lens, so this is quite new for me. However, i do have a century anamorphic lens(1.33x) with 58mm rear and would like to know if its compatible with fullframe lenses, or maybe thats irrelevant?
  10. Hello I recently bought a Sony a7s camera. However, i dont have any lens for it yet and im not sure wich one to buy. Therefor im asking you guys if you could recommend some lenses in the price range of around 550 Euro. Best regards
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