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About someguy

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  1. I have tried it and I don't feel it should be done. A small adjustment or slight zoom is ok but punching in for a different focal length? No.
  2. I agree, while being able to crop if a shot is fucked this isn't something you should be relying on. Let's not "fix it in post" everything.
  3. It's a $5K camera that you can take out of the box, plug in a microphone, start shooting and it looks great. What is wrong with that exactly?
  4. Samsung asked JGL to make a film with their camera as he has a large creative following with his HitRecord production company and website.
  5. Got my D-Lux yesterday, very nice little camera. I've never owned such an advanced camera, will take me while to go through all the options. A7II up next I think.
  6. I reject the premise of your question.
  7. Ah that's a real shame. Was hoping I could use it with my Leica glass. Fingers crossed their info is wrong.
  8. The original was sadly completely serious.
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