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CaMeRa QuEsT

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  1. I have a pair of big Canon copiers that also overheat when making copies nonstop for more than 5 minutes. My solution: running an 18" fan at full blast on them.
  2. Does the grayed-out 50.00P in RAW means the frame rate is actually available in the compressed formats? FF DCI 8K60/50p available right out of the gate on the first 8K capable consumer hybrid camera! That will be MINDBLOWING!
  3. Love how the reviewer describes the AF: "It's like Spider Man: takes a really vicious grip on the subject". Outtakes from the first video : "focusing is as easy as using a camcorder", "each frame is like a perfectly focused 8MB still picture" and "viewed on a 75" 4K TV the image has a natural movie look to it (refering to front/rear bokeh)". But the most important outtake comes from the second video: "the A6300... allows us to get rid of the follow focus crew member altogether". Brilliant, just brilliant. This camera is going to put a lot of people out of work!
  4. Andrew, I know you have wrote on the forum that you had send back the NX500 already because its 4k crop is horrible, but seeing that you have just done such a thorough review on the EOS M3 which you have found very lacking video-wise, wouldn't it be fair for the NX500 to have just as thorough a review, given that its video and stills chops are above the M3's at roughly the same price? You just left a lot of folks expecting your 2nd installment on the NX500, me included, and at least for me I didn't realize that you weren't going to until I read your posts on the forum, after opening your main page daily to see if you had finished your review and wondering why it took you so long, so many folks don't yet know that you won't have a thorough review on it. Please Andrew, give the NX500 the benefit of the doubt: it surely has a better 1080p than all other APS-C stills cameras out there, doesn't it?
  5. Thanks for pointing that out. My comments were made because your question states the D5200 image sensor as being made by Sony and my recollection of this was Chipworks' article on their findings that the D5200's sensor was actually made by Toshiba, so the purpose of my comment was to lead you to the correct facts. But since I haven't previously dug about the later sensors from the D5300 and the D3300 I assumed that just like on the D7100 all were carrying Toshiba sensors. Now, after digging further, I just came across Thom Hogan's findings that Nikon is basically making their own sensors for the D3300 just as they did for the D3200 and D3100 and that they might actually be using a Sony sensor for the D5300. Now all this makes absolutely no sense to anybody except Nikon, and their reasoning behind this scheme will be nice to know if you can get them to fess up. I mean, they need to spend 3 times the same resources to design 3 cameras that share the same basic sensor specs, for what reason? I doubt that none of the 3 different fabs they are using is able to handle the whole volume of Nikon's APS-C sensors by itself (Canon's fab can, and for the entire Canon line-up for that matter, even while that fab is ages old and should be highly inefficient by today's cutting edge fab standards, but then they are themselves their only customers), unless Nikon is doing this to prevent factory disruptions by forces of nature or politics, in which case they shouldn't even assemble cameras in Thailand at all given how explosive politics have ALWAYS been in that country, or at least divide assembly 3 ways between Thailand, China and Japan for all their cameras instead of placing each particular camera line on a different assembly plant as they are currently doing. This is highly interesting to me because I have basically gone through all of Nikon's 24mp DX line-up within less than a year and have found meaningful differences in the IQ of each one I've owned: I started with a D7100 I bought last Thanksgiving and it currently holds the highest IQ watermark for me, but I found it cumbersome to use and carry (it was my first DSLR after all, coming straight from cell phones, point and shoots and Nikon Fs) and didn't like how it handled artificial lighting in JPEG, which tended to output greenish, making everybody in the pictures look like little martians. I then got a D3200 and loved its simplicity and lightness, I also held high hopes for its purportedly in-house Nikon sensor, but in actual use I didn't like its IQ as it consistently outputs under exposed and warm (maybe because of its simple 420 pixel matrix sensor, as surely the 2k one on the D7100 should be able to get more proper exposure and WB), plus its video output is very noisy compared to D7100's. So now I have a D5200, which has IQ similar to the D7100 in terms of exposure, WB and noise, but with sharpness more akin to the D3200 and, ugh, buttons all over the body and in the wrong places. I was going to wait until the D5300's price came down lower but there is a great deal going on with the D3300 and I am now waiting for one to arrive next week, just in time to try that 1080p60 on my kids next weekend. I was expecting the D3300 to get IQ and video noise akin to the D7100 as I previously thought that it has the same Toshiba sensor, but now that I know that it comes with a Nikon sensor I am a little pessimistic about this given how Nikon's own sensor has disappointed me in the D3200. Well, I'll see how it fares in a couple of days' time, but if I have to go through the D5300 and maybe a future D7200 or whatever to attain IQ nirvana, then so be it. I have learnt from this experiment that digital cameras shouldn't be held for more than a year because technology is constantly changing for the better and therefore used prices for them suffer huge drops pretty fast, and because of that you should only buy a new camera when it is at its lowest price possible, so when time comes to turn it around you don't end up loosing much money: in my case I have profited on each camera I've sold.
  6. The D5200's sensor, and presumably all 24mp APS-C sensors used by Nikon thereafter, come from Toshiba. Go here for confirmation: http://www.chipworks.com/en/technical-competitive-analysis/resources/blog/inside-the-nikon-d5200-dslr-toshiba-found/ Also presumably, the only non-Toshiba 24mp APS-C sensor used by Nikon is the one on the D3200, which is actually a Nikon sensor: http://www.chipworks.com/en/technical-competitive-analysis/resources/blog/full-frame-dslr-cameras-part-1-nikon-vs-sony/
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