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About griplimited

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  1. Tokina +0.4 Achromat in great condition with original leather case and box. Holy Grail of diopters. 72mm Asking $400 SLR Magic +0.33 and +1.33 Diopter kit in great condition with original case. 77mm Asking $160 Located in Los Angeles, CA plus for Shipping and PayPal
  2. Enjoyed the movie and this doc. Amazing that they had to start from north of the continent and finish south due to weather limitations 5 months later.
  3. Hey @FrankLad How are you liking the Polaroid diopter? Have you had a chance to try any others before in comparison? I was looking between the 500d and 250d to stack. Thanks
  4. Makes sense, I was wondering about the naming scheme on it. I thought it was going to be called wonderscope from Andrew Wonder. hope to hear what his thoughts are on it.
  5. This is very intriguing. It's amazing why I'm not seeing much curvature from the image in macro mode. Looks like standard Macro lens in a way to be honest. I'm still confused by it altogether, but will re read it a few more times. Thanks for sharing! Brings new joy to the lens.
  6. Really want to see a comparison. I have 8 32gb SD cards that will be unusable after the update.
  7. Pre 36, non multicoated. I have it listed as $3500 on a few platforms, but entertaining offers. Had a rental property not listed for a couple months and need to recoupe funds. boo. I'm based out of Los Angeles, CA. Thanks Johnson
  8. ​This right here. I have a few Pelicans and I find it's more troublesome to pack it and get ready to transport it. Now I keep my camera in a bag that's ready to go.
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