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  1. I had a feeling the case was going to be dismissed. Here's why - Nikon was approaching the case with evidence that Red should never have been granted the patent in the first place. None of the other companies Red sued took this approach. My guess is that Red realized there was a good chance they could lose the case. Rather than risk having their patent taken away, they walked away instead.
  2. This is a superb article! Very, very useful. Would it be possible for you to upload the camera original clips somewhere? I would love to play with them in Davinci.
  3. It's true the internal layers are for stills only, but I'm not sure that is the whole story. If you examine the rear of the 4K unit, you'll see video inputs for Layer IN and Layer Matte IN. There's also H Matte IN, which I assume means Holdout Matte. So, there seems to be a lot of potential here.
  4. If there's a way to get the focus info of the physical camera into Unreal (in real time) so that it can be applied to the virtual camera, the answer is probably, yes. The question I have, is how do you get the foreground object AND it's matte out of Unreal as two separate video signals so they can go into the Ultimatte?
  5. Blackmagic has released not one, but four Ultimatte hardware keyers! https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/ultimatte And from the sound of the blurbs, the technology is truly state of the art. It will be interesting to see whether they're really as good as they claim. I hope they are.
  6. The footage looks bloody fantastic! Thanks so much for posting! The only thing that bothers me is it appears to be excessively sharpened. Is there a way to turn down the sharpening in-camera (uh, phone)? Also, I would love to see some 4K 60P footage.
  7. Would it be possible for you to upload some of the original 6K 50P raw clips? I would love to be able to try them out in Davinci on PC.
  8. Thanks! Have you shot any raw 8K 50/60P? I would like to know how it handles in post.
  9. QUESTION: When the camera is in standby, is there power to the lens? Can you adjust the aperture in standby? Does the lens only go dead when you hit record?
  10. Some observations: The clip is obviously dropping frames. No doubt the SD card the person popped into the camera wasn't fast enough to keep up. The clip was shot with a frame rate of 25P. I figured this out by interpreting the clip at different frame rates and at 25 the sound syncs perfectly with the picture. You can hear the clicks on the camera when the operator was changing the exposure. Each click should sync with a change in brightness of the picture. And this happens when the clip is playing back at 25P. All in all a good showing.
  11. Please, please post the original unaltered clip! We're like beggars desperate for a hand out!
  12. Thanks for the excellent report on the Samsung NX1. When you go back to see it again, could you please check out the quality of 1080 50/60P. Since the full res sensor scan tops out at 30P, I would assume that 50/60P would have either line skipping or binning. But, the question is, what does the picture actually look like? The Sony A7s has a similar problem when doing 50/60P in full frame mode. In that case, the picture is quite low res. If it turns out that the NX1's 50/60P picture is similar to the A7s, could you suggest to Samsung that they provide a crop mode on the sensor in order to get a non-line skipped readout at 50/60P. Hope that all makes sense, and thanks again!
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