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Everything posted by Madcypher

  1. Great write up and love the footage. Was that shot in 4K with the Shogun? Can anyone point me in the direction of the "lab" write-up, I'm just curious to see what all the hullabaloo is about. Thanks. **Update** Nevermind, found it with Google! Laughed at the comments first and that review! Wow. Thanks.
  2. Hello, How as this observed; before or after the conversion and on what monitor at what resolution? I'm just trying to get an understanding of the problem, if it's really stemming from the H.265 codec or other factors are clouding the facts. My UHDTV can play raw H.265 files so thank you for the download link, I'll load those to a drive and view them on my set.
  3. Hello, The spec sheets don't list the bitrates for video, can you confirm 100% that there is an 80Mbs "Pro" option? Thanks.
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