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Sebastien Ross

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About Sebastien Ross

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  1. nikon will keep F-mount. That's it. Japanese compagny like nikon are proud, so proud, no way they would adapt to any other system. They might source the sensor tech from samsung or get the one from Leica SL and apply nikon magic to it. Or wait till sony accept to sell recent BSI tech They most likely will release fm2/f3 style body with Evf and will sell like hot crepe if the video spec aren't too bad. ....Keep on dreaming nx user hahahahahahahaha
  2. I'm not saying product isn't important, but we live in a world of specialization, Luxury lenses and Canon cinema lenses are great products. I don't blame them to focus a bit more on that side: EF mount is adopted everywhere already. BM, RED, KINEFINITY, even SONY design the E mount looking at the EF mount Just like sony with their recent announcement of Sony Semiconductor Solutions division. They now represent more a bit more then 40% of the sensor market. It wouldn't make sense for them to push too much the R&D for sony lenses.
  3. It's ok to spit on canon from time to time, I would like them even more... if they could get their head off their own ass and push a bit more innovation to a general mass and stop protecting that much Cinema EOS. But clearly they aren't doing everything wrong here. 50% of the top 8 most wished items of B&H is not bad when it comes to what it does really matter for them.... sales. Anyone have save the CEO interview where he says the 5dmk2 was a error for Canon and they are a lens manufacturing company?!
  4. Totally, I know they don't fit the bill of the title...but I also know samsung could pull that out for 3-4k with a nice adaptable mount. They could cut cost with parts out from JCV with their JVC GY-LS300, using the NX1 sensor, samsung magic tech and .....ok maybe I'm dreaming ! Forgot to included the Aja cion also with the recent price drop, they all are 5000-8000$ market once adding everything you need to shoot.
  5. Cineform or any compress raw it's all I want along with xlr inputs and maybe few high frame rate options. Oh wait.... Kinefinity and black magic is offering that !
  6. No problem for unlimited recording with sony. I have the sony a7s and the shogun (had a ninja star before too). A client wanted 2 hours+ long real time video in 4k for a slow tv channel concept. Never had any issues with overheating and been powering this setup with goal zero batteries all day (sherpa50 or yeti400). Very easy setup with the official sony AC adapter. I've always set my cam to viewfinder only when it come to long takes(as they wanted static shots), the viewfinder will go on when your face get close to the eye sensor (to verify my exposure was still right and all.) ..and off once your off the cam. Shogun have a neat option to black out the screen when you don't need it. Biggest take I did so far is 3h30 of 1080p prores LT feeding the ninja star...witch is a big stupid amount of data. The a6000 should be a perfect partner in crime to your a7s, and would be much easier to color match. Sell those panny/canon, i'm sure you won't regret it.
  7. Thanks guys for the honest review !
  8. I wasn't keeping the exposure at the same level, just dropping the shutter to film in moonlight condition.
  9. What is your setting for viewing? (Auto / monitor / viewfinder) I don't own a monitor but when I record my a7s with the atomos ninja, I put that option on Monitor...otherwise the image is only in the EVF of the camera.
  10. Agreed, but i've find it more present at 1/4 compare to 1/60 at equivalent iso.
  11. It's happening with a cap on the mount also. Lense with metabones, FE native lense or cap on the mount the vignette it's always the same.
  12. Totally true...Just tested the crop mode... super clean up to 25 000. Sweet :P It act also differently in slog2 than other profile ...huh!
  13. Alright purple half vignette hahah Been running for 2min before. Like I've said I tested it in store too, with brand new one, demo, etc... Lens or Body cap on. It as something to do with the shutter speed for the a7s specifically... The purple noise is minimal or absent at 1/50 and 1/60...but keep increasing when you go under those shutter speed (at very high iso) I know It is hot iso, not asking it to be clean...i'm curious why it is left top and bottom corner mostly. Might have something to do with the sensor readout or fuzzynormal could be right.
  14. Hi guys, I've been testing a lot the a7s in low light and I've ran into some purple noise issue coming from the sensor. Sony canada is pretty useless about that... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpvACzU1Nj0&feature=youtu.be I've tested it with 5 different A7s, they all do the same...In video mode, going under 1/50th with iso higher than 12 800, always give me that purple fringing (not as bad as the youtube video...witch is at the worst setting, but still, it's a bit frustrating) Technically, i know it doesn't respect the 180degree rule going under 1/50th for 24p/25p...but it could be useful is certain situation. At first, they blame the metabones ...just like everyone (ex:
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