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About Kristoferman

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  1. I suppose I don't understand the snark? Is it just a general snark toward RED? Because as a consumer, I feel it benefits me to have options regarding dual iso cameras. The more companies that want to implement that technology, the better.
  2. Would love a preset for the Lomo anamorphics.
  3. Fixed color temp will get you more light output at the same rated wattage. In bi-colors, half the leds are daylight and half are tungsten. So if you're at either daylight or tungsten, you're only getting half the potential light output. Even if all the led lights were going, fresnels would most likely offer superior light output, since there is a big reflector behind the lamp. Also fresnels offer much more controllable light. You can go from zoom to spot, whereas with panels, you're at a fixed, often wide, beam angle.
  4. I'll probably go if I can get in for free again.
  5. What you're looking for doesn't exist for your price point, sorry. The fs700 is the closest probably but it's still more expensive with a raw recorder and doesn't do autofocus very well. Also no stabilization. So yeah, what you describe would be pretty amazing for less than $3000 but I wouldn't expect all those boxes to be ticked any time soon
  6. Hey thanks a lot for sharing! Very cool.
  7. Sure I'll pay 15 grand for an 8-bit "cinema" camera. Maybe it'll even have peaking!
  8. I've never thought kinemini footage had bad color.
  9. Kine Mini ? Pretty big list of demands for your price point honestly.
  10. Yeah but the iPhone has less chance of exploding in your hand whilst operating so that's a pretty big plus.
  11. Never seen this footage before. Some seriously beautiful stuff in there!
  12. What would the color mode be for the original a7s? Any other changes for the original? Thanks
  13. Do you have more frames or footage of 2x anamorphic with the 63mm Nikon lens? Thanks for the info again!
  14. looooove birdemic! I thought i heard a sequel was coming out, does anyone know about that? I'm aware I could probably look it up, but where's the fun and camaraderie in that?! Back on topic though, I couldn't believe what I was watching the first time I saw Birdemic. The main actor is sooooo wooden and terrible. Everything about it is pretty terrible really though. Makes it a blast to watch! Even though there are so many great moments, the one that got me was the sex scene in the motel. It was so bad and the actors feet were ridiculously dirty! Gross.
  15. Lol poor guy being legally insulted. When you're a thief, you'll get treated like a thief.
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