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Andrew Rieger

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  1. Ok let me back up. There are a handful of cameras that pump out a decent HD image. I'm a renter so ive tried all of them. There are no cameras under 10k that I would consider buying due to deal breaker issues. The C100 2 comes closest as far as HD image quality is concerned but that camera is still brutally overpriced for what it is. I also like the Canon 1dc, lovely image but even at $7k, it's still overpriced and with no high frame rates and difficult post, it's also not worth buying. Blackmagic is hit or miss. They have a great filmic look but their cameras are notoriously unreliable and I pretty much can't trust them for paid work. Panasonic have backed themselves into a corner with m43 which will always be a disadvantage in the low light department. Nikon has never even spoken to someone who shoots video for a living so their cameras are almost always DOA. The Sony A7s has a stunning sensor and very lovely 1080p but their color science is bogus, I had to turn picture profile off and no slog 2 in order to get decent gradable skin tones but when I did that, there was a 2 stop hit in dynamic range. Since it's still 8bit color, the image falls apart quickly. Basically every camera company is run by morons when it comes to video. Canon literally hate their customers. They will give you the quality you want but they will charge you twice as much as you are willing to spend. Seriously, the c300 2 should cost $7k at most. It's especially frustrating since Samsung are literally sitting on a gold mine of video tech that they have decided to waste on cell phones. Fuji color can't be beat their video functionality almost always sucks and I'm sorry but I'm not seeing the image quality in these samples. The motion cadence is pretty unpleasant and I am seeing aliasing which at this point, is totally inexcusable. Everyone always talks about how many great tools we have at our disposal but I don't see it. I think most sub $10k cameras are garbage when it comes to image quality. I'm slightly hopeful for Panasonics new camera but with Varicam branding, I have a feeling it will be a pricy item. Keep in mind that Panasonic have the GH5 due later in the year so I doubt they would produce a Varicam in the prosumer price range.
  2. Eh, not seeing what you are seeing Mr. Reid. I see some very noticeable aliasing. It certainly doesn't look filmic. I'm seeing vastly superior HD with my C100 MK2. Its sad that we still can't get solid 1080p out of a stills camera these days.
  3. Does Nikon even bother talking to users before they release these things? Its crazy how much more advanced Samsung and its even more tragic that they are basically abandoning the video market. They never stood a chance breaking into the photography market but if they made a dedicated video camera that was designed to compete with the FS5 it would probably be a major hit.
  4. And just like that, the Nikon D500 is dead for video. Thanks for nothing Nikon.
  5. Full Spec Sheets can be found here: Nikon D500: http://imaging.nikon.com/lineup/dslr/d500/spec.htm Nikon D5: http://imaging.nikon.com/lineup/dslr/d500/spec.htm
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