First of all, thank you so much for your kind answer to my newb question.
Only part I didn't quite get was this
" One convenient thing about anamorphics is that even though they have poor close focusing, their wide frame means you will likely be further back from your subject for almost everything"
Did you mean that the wide framing would want you to go further back from your subject to include more of the scene?
Or did you mean that the anamorphic element would make your framing look wider than normal? Sorry for the newbness again lol.
In terms of other things you've kindly put down, I've also come to the same conclusion after searching on the web.
I think I asked these questions due to the fact that I live in a place that is quite detached from the anamorphic hype and couldn't
get any useful advice. And also I needed a 72mm or bigger achromatic diopter for my lens but couldn't find any that existed other than the tokina. Ones that seem to fit these criteria always seemed too strong. +2 or higher.
I think
1. I will try singlets for starters
2. Maybe try to use a smaller achromat in front of my lens using a step-down, and hope that I don't vignette heavily
3. Save up and try for the SLR magic diopter option. They seem to be the only other option to the tokina in my case.
I will try some of these options, if not all, and report back.