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  1. Yes, these are H265 files, straight from the camera. I notice the 40Mbit @ 50/60p is fine but it's the lower 16-18Mbit 24/25P modes where macroblocking can happen. So the problem and solution appears to be related to the relatively low bitrate.
  2. Overall, a superb camera, especially for photos. Samsung has come a long way from the NX200! One small complaint: Since the Nx1 is capable of 80Mbits, why didn't Samsung increase the bitrate for 24/23.98 for the FHD modes? Pro mode in 24/25P allow 16-18 Mbits which doesn't make sense considering the 50/60p modes allow for 40! I notice heavy macro-blocking when the scene is heavy on details(trees for instance) and then the skies become a macro-blocking mess. Seems H.265 is more prone to this than H.264. If Samsung truly is going to update the firmware to improve it, I hope they do two things: 1. Increase the bitrate for the Full HD modes(23.98/24/30) because why not? The hardware is capable of it! 2. Allow for uncompressed HDMI recording for FHD modes as well as adding additional 4K modes(not just 30P) to external recorders.
  3. ​Can you state the Mb per second in the new PRO setting for HD? in H.265?
  4. ​If it comes with an EVF, it would be perfect.
  5. ​Can you explain further what you mean? I see the exposure shift but am unsure if this is really a problem or not? Could this be related to perhaps the BSI sensor of the NX1? Maybe it's too sensitive to light than other sensors? Or is this really a bug?
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