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About MrTony

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  1. Ed I enjoyed your piece as well, really connected with it and your raw true thoughts, the swearing part and just plain what we really need as humans. Thanks to Andrew for helping me find this piece.
  2. Happy New Year!!! I feel like 2014 was the year when manufactures had to tread into new territory with 4k, it being new and all, 2015 is when the manufactures of 4k cameras will start to iron out all the "rushed" mistakes and perfect it in the next generation modles. So if someone is still holding out on purchasing one, will more than likely make the purchase this year, when everything settles down. Maybe this is the strategy Canon is going by...
  3. Being bombarded left and right with a wave of amazing mirrorless cameras, from almost everyone but there own, canon has finally woken up from a delusional dream.
  4. Very beautifully shoot Andrew! the colors are amazing, while watching the video clip {before reading the article} I thought that you used stills in the video clip that's just unreal quality.
  5. B is raw I was thinking what if Andrew is playing with us and non of the two are raw but both are video just a different grading technique is used? :D
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