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Geoff CB

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About Geoff CB

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  • Location
    Harwich Port, MA
  • My cameras and kit
    Nikon Z6, Sony F3, 16-35 F4G, Nikon 24-70 F2.8G, 70-200 F2.8G, Voigtlander SL 20mm, 28mm, 40mm, 90mm SL Lenses, Tokina 28-70

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  1. I would not trust the lidar setup for a run gun situations, especially if you need to quickly change lenses. I don't even know if that would work properly with a zoom. Just get a A7III, or if you can wait a bit the A7IV when it's announced, and the tamron 28-75.
  2. What lenses? Are you shooting in low light? I would not buy a A7III right now given an update will be right around the corner.
  3. Hey Sven, I was lucky and purchased the camera directly from a friend who was not using it. Gave me a great deal on the condition that I not turn around and sell on eBay for a profit because I've been working with him. Always good to buy used from keh/adorama/b&h. Saw a good deal on a S1R +24-105 on ebay that currently has some low bids, which is supposed to get a 5k update soon, but that is a roll of the dice.
  4. Pixel 3a. Mainly use it in "Night Sight" mode for extra quality.
  5. Completely agree. One of the big advantages of hybrid mirrorless camera's is the light weight and flexibility to strip down the rigging. It means this camera cannot be used for vlogging or on a gimbal without rigging it up. The Z6 and Z7 were not even usable while using an external recorder, as they both have terrible output delay, and the image was line skipped in RAW, creating issues with moire compared to the internal recording. The lack of internal 10-bit AND lack of internal LOG drove me to completely abandon the system.
  6. Yes that is true, I was only commenting on currentsheldon's idea that they could just give a upgrade to the S1H for 120p in 4K.
  7. That would be great if the S1H sensor could do that. The sensor itself is limited to 60 fps 4K in the Super 35mm crop. You would need a entirely new sensor to do 4K 120p.
  8. Geoff CB


    The 40mm and 28mm along with the 20mm 3.5 and 90mm 3.5 is my favorite set of lenses. Great separation, smooth rendering, and extremely light. Highly recommend them. With low light performance getting better and better I think they will become more and more useful.
  9. Hopefully they don't go the Nikon route on quality and pricing. Nikon's 1.8 optics are perfect, but that causes them to be wildly expensive. Hope the Panasonic ones are "good enough" and affordable.
  10. I would give it a shot, and see if the files play back on the Ninja.
  11. If you have the original drive with footage on it put it back in the recorder and record a new clip. Then try and pull the files again.
  12. From a music video shoot today. Voigtlander 21mm 1.4 Panasonic 24-105 F4
  13. In terms of visual post effects that can effect the image. "Sharpen & Soften" effect in Resolve and a slight drop in exposure.
  14. IBIS really saved my butt on a corporate shoot today. Really love that I can get away with handholding it. Here is one with a Voigtlander 21mm f1.4 M-Mount that I'm trying out. Not the biggest fan because it has pretty bad fringing.
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