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Ty Harper

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About Ty Harper

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    Cameras, lenses, lighting, audio
  • My cameras and kit
    Canon R5C

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  1. Been a Canon shooter my entire career (7D/5D MKII/III/1DC/R5/R5C) and have always bought used but if this R50 V has no overheating issues I might make an exception - altho the dream is really the pro level FF version you're describing...
  2. Pretty sure it's the Powershot V1 that has the fan not the R50 V - and that would track with traditional Canon cripple-hammer logic. This guy put thermal pads in his OG R50 and it seemed to work but I don't myself doing all that:
  3. If it overheats like the OG R50 that'll be a deal breaker for me.
  4. This looks to be the B cam to my R5C I would've picked up for an upcoming trip but doesn't seem like it will be available to Canadian markets in time. Ah well, at least this looks to be the start of more pocket options from Canon so will be interesting to see what else is coming down the pipeline.
  5. Canon R50 is a cheap option. No Clog but HDR PQ is usable and you get Zebras for exposure control. I think it's got a 1 hour record limit and overheating is an issue - BUT if you've got some DIY spirit and are willing to add the thermal pads like this guy did you should be ok. I was actually gna pick one of these up for a trip but just figured I'd save some $$ and go with my stripped down R5C instead.
  6. Yes, you can use TC on top of those crops (s35 and s16) and assign the TC feature to a button on top of the camera for quick punch-ins. It is a f*ckin' game changer for me! And yes, Clog2 is 'available' in RAW mode. As far as R5 MKII vs R5C - have you seen Josh Sattin's comparison tests? Bcuz it really is a toss up between these two. I think the big pro with the R5 MKII for me is the full sized HDMI ports (I refuse to use the micro ones on the R5C bcuz I don't have $1K to replace them) - while the R5C gives you all those Cinema features + longer battery life than the R5 MKII. Also, after using IBIS on an R5 for almost a year - I honestly do not see IBIS as that important compared to DIS. I ended up selling my R5 and buying a second R5C. Both featues are only really good for stationary tripod-like shots imo - and a gimbal is still the way to go for anything else. The used price for an R5C ($2500 USD) vs a used R5 MKII is something worth considering too. All that said I have been pondering for a year now on what my C-cam will be but I've decided to wait to see what Canon puts out this year first (there are rumors of some potentially big reveals in 2025).
  7. Posting in this thread bcuz I doubt it's been mentioned before and I honestly misjudged the usefulness of this new feature. Canon added the teleconverter feature to the R5C last year and while initial reviews/tests concluded that the feature was really only good to 1.5x mag with anything past that (2x, 2.5x, 3x) being deemed not as good - it has been flagged by several R5C users that those conclusions were not accurate. In fact (and I can confirm with my own tests) that the R5C's TC feature produces very good results across the entire magnification range. What matters is that you are exposing properly but also maaybe giving it a bit more light than usual. So now my trusty Canon 17-55mm f/2.8 EF-S has new life with a focal range of 27mm - 264mm with the 3x footage being about as great as the widest end. Anyways, just one more reason this cam continues to be a great hybrid option.
  8. Ty Harper

    Camera 2025

    For hybrid cams it's really worth looking into the R5C imo. Almost all of the early issues (including battery life) have been addressed. You can now do 8K RAW internal w/o the need for an external power source. And recently Canon added a teleconverter (with 1.5x, 2x, 2.5x and 3x magnification) feature that is another f*ckin' gamechanger. I can now walk with my trusty old Canon 17-55 f2.8 EF-S and have focal coverage that goes from 27mm to a whopping 264mm if necessary AND the IQ is so good (as long as you are gving it a lot of light). Or clap on my 40mm pancake knowing I got coverage - not just up to 3x mag - but I can also put it in S35 mode and add another 1.6x on top of that! I now have two of these cams with no regrets - so yeah, I'd highly recommend looking into a used R5C, which can be had for $2500 USD in my neck of the woods (Toronto).
  9. Earth will definitely put us in our place in due time. That is inevitable and right fully overshadows everything we're talking about at the moment.
  10. This has been the part I think most people continue to struggle with. We need to get used to the idea of AI achieving something, as an inevitability. Period.
  11. Absolutely! I first saw the video via an IG acct so I used Google Images to search for the original video and all I got was what seemed like all the images the image I clipped was trained on.
  12. Yes I'd agree that that is where we are at this moment - but obvi that will eventually change. At the very least I'd think that you won't need as much location shooting, b-roll/alternate shots, human extras, etc.
  13. Longshot here, but anyone have experience with the R50 in hot climates (100F or so)? I'm researching the R50 at the moment for an overseas trip/passion project (can be had for $300USD nowadays!) and I'm wondering: (i) If anyone who has used it in hot (100F or so) conditions can chime in about experiences w/ overheating (like, how much time you've gotten on average when shooting very short - 60 sec or less - clips)? (ii) Given that it only has HDR PQ and no CLOG at all - how does the HDR PQ matches up with other cams (like the R5C, R5, etc) I'm aware that some have successfully added thermal pads to reduce overheating but I'm hoping to not have to do all that! Again, a long shot but any informed opinions are appreciated!
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