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About caseywilsondp

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  1. Truth is I don't even know what Andrews suggested settings are, other than gamma DR. Doesn't Andrew supply a lut with the purchase of his e book?
  2. Doubtful without some serious tweaking. Give it a shot and see if you like it. Maybe you do, maybe you don't, but try it with my settings before you make up your mind. My guess is Andrews guide will give you more latitude than mine, but I've liked the constancy of the colors and safety from banding that my settings deliver.
  3. I feel colors end up looking very natural: My testing results: http://caseywilsondp.com/2016/01/27/best-nx1-settings-for-4k-video/ Luts for nx1: http://caseywilsondp.com/2016/03/24/samsung-nx1-free-lut-pack/
  4. I have not extensively tested negative saturation, but in my limited testing of contrast/ Saturation, colors seemed to break a little faster with saturation modifications. -5 contrast seems to be the sweet spot for me with 0 saturation.
  5. Maybe, I haven't used the latest version... but I saw no quantifiable improvement in my tests with 180mb.
  6. he used the shogun in test 2 at least so the high bit rate hack wouldn't have given any benefit anyways (also, it doesn't give any benefit internally that I've seen either).
  7. ok just a quick preview of the test i shot earlier. here are unedited 14 bit jpegs from the timeline. one is at bit rate 80mbps, 180mpbs, and one is 660+ mbps (shogun). can you tell from the stills (shogun might be obvious)? i'll upload the actual video files a little later. if anyone wanted to take a stab at grading these, i'd love to see it. wanted to test banding, shadow detail/macroblocking, skin tones, but had to run the test really quickly so I chose these settings: normal gamma, -10 contrast (to induce banding), -10 sharpness, 16-235 the color chart is just for reference, btw.
  8. continuous yes... at least it hasn't cut out on me during my tests yet. later i could try a lower bit rate like 120 or something, but right now I just don't see benefits unfortunately.
  9. I think PAL is your problem then. Try NTSC?
  10. yes, but the hope would be that higher bit-rate would help that problem. ill do some tests at iso 100 but I'm fairly positive the result will be the same.
  11. I'm having no such issue... camera boots up at the same speed as before, and no menu/touch screen issues. Maybe I'm doing something different, but when checking the footage it does indeed have the increased bit rate. Just tested 1080/120 at 180mbps and like mentioned it came out at 109fps and the bitrate was only 160mbps (still a huge increase). However the footage appears to be no different. That was at iso 640, which isn't ideal for this camera at 120, but honestly the 120 is fine at 100-200iso anyways so I was hoping that this would improve that. Again, just a quick and dirty test, but the footage while having a higher bitrate, is virtually identical in quality.
  12. Seems like the biggest benefactor of this hack is 1080p, which is great because 120 quality was not awesome before.
  13. vasile, thanks for your hard work! this is exciting stuff. did some initial tests of 80 vs 180 (highest my card can write continuously) and I see little to no difference, so double checked the file and sure enough it is 180mbps. That was just a rough shadow/highlight/detail test. Later I'll sit down with some lights and a person and set up a scene to really test it out. My guess right now is that hevc is extremely efficient, so the difference between 80 and 180 are going to be negligible. 320 might be different, but I can't test that until I get a faster card. This does seem to make sense because even at 660+ mbps to an external recorder, the main improvement is only in shadow macro blocking... even with nearly 600 more mbps. It's also being written as prores, so that could even account for some of the improvement.
  14. not 120, but here is 60fps 1080p internal vs high bit rate http://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/18661-your-ideal-nx1-settings/?do=findComment&comment=129594 I'm not entirely sure the camera is outputting 422. 8bit 422 on other dslrs produce much less banding which leads me to believe the nx1 is outputting 8bit 420 over hdmi. macroblocking is precisely what increased bitrate will help us with, however. 80mbps: 600 mbps: clearly here is some jpeg compression from the upload and its a major crop of the origional, but the difference i think is clear. higher bit rates = less macroblocking and more fine detail. it will not significantly reduce banding, we need 422 and ideally 10bit+ for that.
  15. having used it with the a7s, that's just untrue. 422 8bit with big bitrates gave a hugely malleable image that virtually never banded (and we're talking about using it with slog2, a super flat image). I can't speak for the gh4 also, whats unweildy about prores lt? however, for the nx1, I'm not sure the price is worth the extra bitrate. while people have said its 422 over hdmi on the nx1, i don't see the color improvements i would expect if that were the case. not being a Samsung engineer i can't say for certain what bitrate is actually being spit out, but it is an improvement over the internal files particularly in shadow detail and virtually eliminating macroblocking. highlight detail is also a little bit improved, but not much. if I didn't already have the shogun I probably wouldn't go out and buy it, but because I own it the little extra improvements are worth the extra weight on my rig. anyways my post wasn't about the usefulness of the shogun, it's about keeping peoples expectations when it comes to higher bit rates in check.
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