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Everything posted by Grimor

  1. For perfect cooking it is better to place 2 or 3 centimeters of the Lcd screen. This sweet spot gives you and instant burn you can use for artistic purposes like making permanent guidelines or drawing your signature on the screen ... just kidding
  2. What a source of information!! Plenty of examples and exercises. Thats what i was looking for.
  3. Never heard this, but lesson learned! Always put a cap on the loupe
  4. Thanks @Philip Lipetz . I have panaleica 25 and im really loving it.
  5. How worse are the new kitter 12-60 panasonic (3'5-5'6) vs the premium new Leica? If you can trade kit for leica, how much did you pay for the leica one?
  6. @j-oc @Cinegain Thanks alot! Great start point .
  7. True. You are right, but i can get a Feelworld from amazon premium in 1 day but not a cinemartin. The 90$ campaign seems only a marketing strategy, and real price is almost the same as feelworld/seetec.
  8. Interested in the cinemartin monitor I find a strange website, a price that is more expensive than advertised, and an official YouTube channel (Tony Hernandez account) with amateur reviews by a spanish named Alejandro, and very good references (payed opinion?) from most important video blogs. Red flag to me. Are they a legitimate company? Are they rebranding chinesse product without warranty/customer service? What do you think, guys?
  9. Is this a fake news? Viral marketing campaign? They left a few units in the top of the shell
  10. Talking about color grading, whats the best way to learn color correction/grading? I use to practice with youtube tutorials almost for everything, but about gradding all the tutorials out there seems to be so different. Diferent people making diferent techniques. Any recomendation? May i pay for a grading course?
  11. I remember the first time i saw "Modern Family" tv show. The camera movement was so annoying. (and those fast zooms...) Now you can see it everywhere, its like a modern fashion trend or tendency.
  12. Camera movements its a important point that people forget to mention. Clever use of a slider or a crane gives you instant film karma.
  13. Whats the anamorphic? Usually zooms and modern lenses dont fit as well as old pancake primes with 2x projection anamorphics. In my experience (im still a little noob ) focus throw like optex 1.33x works best in the other way. Perfect with panny 12-35mm and no so much with old primes.
  14. What of those 35NAP is better for modding? Is the last number (3M, 2M) the minimun focus distance?
  15. This and DOF equivalence with cropped sensors.
  16. Where are you when we need some help, @tony wilson ?
  17. Grimor

    Film Grain

    What about blending mode? Always think that "overlay" was the correct way, but recently some people claims that "soft light" gives better results.
  18. It's add a colour cast. I'm far away from a colourist, but this method seems to be so... simple?
  19. Probably the best advice and the most missing thing in time. I'll try to consider in the future, and i'll think less in gears, upgrades and "in post fixing"
  20. Pole heigh and weight are used for balancing. But if you need a special dimension of the pole you have to correct the weight. Longer pole = less weight need. Usually heavier setup and longer poles are more stable.
  21. For Glidecam only practice is needed. A lot of practice, and nothing more. For perfect balance you need a stand or anything that keep it in place by its handle. Then put a quick plate between camera and glidecam. When it's perfectly balanced put marks on quick plate so whenever you put the camera on glidecam, you can repeat exacly the same mounting position. Thats the way you can set it up in 5 minutes in every location. Another important thing is the way you handle it. You have to use booth hands. The main one in the handle and the other hand with just 2 fingers in central bar to avoid the spinning and making little corrections if needed.
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