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Jed I. Clampett

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Everything posted by Jed I. Clampett

  1. What does anamorphic ready mean? Does it mean it does Anamorphic video in camera? or will work with the slr magic anamorphic lens? What do you have to do to shoot anamorphically with this camera?
  2. One big negative (no pun intended) of the Samsung is that it cannot be edited natively in my NLE of choice, in addition there is not intermediary transcoding codec and from every review the one from Samsung really sucks. They solve this problem and someone gives me options and I am all over this camera and its baby brother. You would think that Samsung would have a steller transcoding option that we would be raving about for its shock and awe, but at present it is a camera whose footage cannot be edited by me and I am not changing my computer and NLE of choice to use this camera.
  3. I see references sometimes that Canon Rebel camera footage is not 1080p. The settings on the camera say it is 1080p. If it is not true 1080p can you explain or confirm its resolution? This makes a huge difference for me since I have the settings in my NLE for 1080p. I am planning to output my work in 720p so I can crop video with minimal noise. I use a T3i and an Eos-m
  4. I don't know if Canon is making a mistake? This camera holds no interest for me. Nor did I have any anticipation that Canon would put out a DSLR for video purposes. I am not going to buy it, not interested in it nor do I feel that Canon is interested in me. My last 4 camera bodies have been Canon, but not likely to be their customer again. It reminds me of the record companies trying to continue to sell Cds with big profits and blaming their potential customers for downloading ripped individual songs since customers wanted the hit song, not the other garbage songs. It took Apple and itunes to make it happen and itunes is fabulously successful. In this way, what I want from Canon they are not interested in giving me, but it looks like lots of other mfg are. This may be a great strategy for Canon, it does establish Canon as the photographers tool for still photographers only. I think the only mistake I can make is to get excited to see what Canon will do next for me? This may be a great strategy about keeping the stills people happy, but for me I am looking elsewhere and there is plenty to choose from. I would just as soon not read about this camera, unless I was having trouble trying to sleep.
  5. Not a shock really, did you really expect this feature? What ever the reasons canon is not interested in DSLR filmmaking And I use two different canon DSLR cameras for filmmaking. This likely a smart move. It tells photographers that canon caters to photographers only and the perception is that canon As only their needs in mind and is less compromised. I think we are a niche in the overall market that DSLR movies are too complicated for jack and Jill, their needs are covered by cell phones. Thankfully both Sony and Panasonic and others are competing for our attention. I no longer look to canon for my needs and the new cameras hold no interest for me. I will add to my harem from other mfgs.
  6. good observation, so I conclude that it is all or nothing, meaning for most that to get an anamorphic lens
  7. Well Tito, I am asking about your taste, that is why I posted the subject. However the issue has not been addressed and I would be interested in responses by people who have experience with this.
  8. I have software that fakes the anamorphic look of flares and obviously can put bars to crop, but wonder if you have faked the look of anamorphic and are happy with the result? I use Canon Rebel Cameras and nikkor manual primes. The cheapest solution is the SLR Magic Anamorphic lens, but wonder how far I can get by faking it? I do believe it is about the story, but esp if I move up to a camera with higher resolution, then I can afford to crop without notice. I can do this with the Canon Rebels by outputting it in post at 720P which for my purposes is fine. I am going to test it anyway, but am interested in your experience cropping in post and adding flares if you are happy with the result?
  9. I wonder how much influence the video making dslr market is? I suspect it is not a big deal for Canon, it is an opportunity to gain market share for Sony, Samsung, Blackmagic etc. I suspect the blocking of Magic Lantern is deliberate. Canon's video cameras are simply out of my price range by a long shot, but it is possible for me to buy a Canon 5dmk3. All of this smacks of desperation to me. Like how the recording industry sued its customers and lost a whole generation of consumers as a result instead of adapting to new ways of acquiring music. I love music, but am not willing to pay $25 for a new cd, esp knowing I will pay $4 in a few months for it used or simply buy the tracks I like for a little money. I think that Canon is simply trying to make the same amount of money or more than they always have using the same sales tactics. Do not give the consumer all that they want so that they can make an incremental change for each model year and then take away a bunch of improvements so they can do it again like they did with their point and shoot cameras. It would not suprise me if Canon bought Digital Bolex or one of the competing companies and shut it down or If Sony bought it and made it more affordable. As some pointed out, don't buy a camera that you don't like, If you like the features of Magic Lantern and if Canon will not risk their video cameras, there is serious competition. What has happened is that Canon has been the "value" camera, it does most everything it always did without ML, that is no longer true. Canon dslr is now the status camera, not the value camera for digital filmmakers and poor filmmakers will likely turn to other options for value. I am taking this subject at face value, I think Canon did this to protect themselves, but I think it has a hole in it.
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