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Everything posted by Tone1k

  1. Native ISO of 3200 plus a speedbooster is plenty for low light.
  2. I would like to see someone make a battery grip for the Pocket 4k that could somehow house something like the Samsung ssd drive within it, can house an extra one or two batteries and have a usb-c connector lock device like the mini hdmi clamp found on some dslr cages. Would sell like hot cakes! Not keen on that idea, makes media managing that much harder on busy shoots.
  3. On the contrary, true professionals use the right tool for the job and do not rely on one camera to do everything. I've worked on high end TVC's where we have used an Alexa Mini, A7S and the old pocket cinema camera on the same shoot. Nobody cared what the clients would think (had 10 clients/ agency on set last shoot!) about the A7S, a 'consumer camera' being used. A professional sees the potential in any camera and just gets on with the job of making great pictures while people on forums bitch and moan because they can't find the camera that does it all. The pocket 4K will be an amazing camera at an amazing price. Sure, a tilting screen and internel ND Filters would have been nice but they are easy fixes.
  4. A $6000 dollar 'beast' is unaffordable? Surely if you need RAW then $6000 is super cheap compared to most other cameras out there. Not long ago $15,000 got you 2/3" chips and a Hi8 or SVHS back! You wanted 10bit, you needed to spend double that with similar features to this Ursa Mini Pro. Sorry I'm showing my age! Not sure you can expect another RAW recording camera, this time with 4.6k S35 sensor (original was s16) for $995 unless you accept similar flaws to the original pocket. The reason it was so cheap is because it was so underdeveloped so a sorted one will never fit into the same pricing strategy you mention. Id love you to prove me wrong, but I don't expect it.
  5. Lenses don't resolve in Megapixels and giving them a Megapixels rating would be misleading. So your saying that a kit zoom on a 24MP camera would give you the same result as a top end prime on a 6MP camera. I think you will find it doesn't which is why you can't rate lenses in Megapixels. completely agree on the t stop rating though. It ridiculous that you can buy a an f2.8 lens but only to really get f3.5 or whatever. False advertising really.
  6. Image quality is only part of the equation. For weddings, I don't think the difference will be all that noticeable. The work flow however, will be extremely noticeable. When doing weddings, workflow is an extremely important factor. While more systems will support h265 in future, support is still very thin and requires a much higher spec computer. Also. The h265 macroblocking concerns me. By the time h265 is widely accepted and easy to deal with, you will probably be wanting a new camera anyway. GH4 now, h265 camera in a few years.
  7. I think for weddings, the easier work flow of the GH4 would be far better and outweigh the advantages of the NX1.
  8. A movie about a woman accusing a man of something on Facebook and the world believing her straight away with no further proof and him going to jail sounds a little one dimensional and far fetched to me. I'd wait a little, do some more research, keep an open mind and get all the facts before you start putting those megabits to disk.
  9. Until now they have done it by releasing products that were not finished and with tons of bugs. Let's hope this changes. There is no mention in the specs of the video assist having any monitoring features such as peaking, histogram, scopes etc and for the price it wouldn't surprise me if it doesn't but on their website there is a mock up of the video assist connected to a Canon Dslr and on screen histogram, audio levels and other info being overlaid. So, anyone know if the Video assist has a histogram or peaking functions?
  10. The Blackmagic video assist wins hands down for its 50/60p capability. I shoot 50p often and the atomos recorders just can't handle it. I'm really hoping the BM uses an IPS. I can't go back to TN. ​Blackmagic say it's the same screen as the one on the ursa mini. Surely they would use a decent screen on that camera?
  11. Firstly, the Cosby case is nothing like this one so comparisons really shouldn't be made. Secondly, the scenario you have given me is not how I or you have found out about this. You're trying to compare completely different scenarios. Lastly, I ask you this. Is EVERY accusation made by a person about another person always found to be true? You certainly seem to think so but the facts are that sometimes accusations are made in revenge or other motives. Accusation are not always 100% true. ​You seem to have judged this case based on the fact that two women have come forward. But it's not two completely unrelated cases. One woman makes an accusation, upon hearing that another woman joins in. He may be guilty, but at the same time he may have two women that want a little revenge and one may spur on the other. The evidence just isn't there at this point in time for us to judge. ​I am not defending Philip, I am just saying that the way things have come to light via Facebook and the fact we have little to no real evidence means I can not pass judgement either way. You may have assumed him guilty from the get go but this is nothing but an assumption on your part with little to no facts of this particular case. Each case must be judged on its own merits, not on statistical possibilities. @​Christina, grow up. If you can't hold an conversation on anything other than Dynamic Range, Mbps, crop factors etc then don't read the thread. Pretty simple really.
  12. ​Ed, I am very much against any sort of abuse, especially to women so to think that you think anything different of me just because I am looking at the facts in front of me, i take offense to. I have a wife and two daughters and nothing needs to be changed about the way I feel about domestic violence toward women. Now, It would be very easy for me at my keyboard to accuse you of something quite serious on social media. After my accusation, should your friends, family and colleagues side with me because I am making the accusation without knowing me or the facts? Would you find that fair? If these women had gone to the police first with these accusations, and we heard about this via a police investigation, I would be more inclined to take their side from the get go, but the fact that neither of them did and they have made these accusations via facebook, means I have hesitations about siding with either party. @Oliver Daniel, I am disappointed that so many film makers are so keen to censor things. This is a forum, for people to talk. This is a discussion that is loosely related to the community we are a part of. So why can't we discuss things without being censored and our mouths shut by a moderator. "It's purpose - nothing good"? Plenty of good can come from discussion. To those that find it depressing, stop reading the thread! I find many films disturbing but I don't think they all need to be pulled from the shelves .....
  13. JazzBox, current MFT lenses really aren't suitable for eng style shooting reliably. The decent ones have no servo and are limited in their range. Original eng cameras had the B4 mount and interchangeable lenses (and most still do) but usually only one lens is bought or carried with each camera. You rarely see eng crews changing lenses in the field. The lens on this camera has a great range and due to its design, they have been able to include 5axis stabilisation which you don't get in traditional b4 lenses. This is obviously not the camera for you but believe me it will find plenty of customers. Eng crews just want something that works, reliably, ergonomically and with minimal fuss. Being able to attach a 25 1.4 prime is really not a priority for them. For you, it might be, so choose the camera that allows it.
  14. Then don't suggest an ENG camera is a mistake. It's just not the tool for you. I certainly don't want to watch the news shot on a iphone. How information is presented is also important. Does your newspaper print its pages on toilet roll? Im sure many people could make great images with this camera. And while ENG might stand for Electronic News Gathering, ENG cameras are used for more than just 'news'.
  15. Sorry Andrew, while your letter to Panasonic may reflect 'your' views, alluding that Panasonic has made a 'mistake' is a bit rich. While I won't buy a camera with a fixed lens for my use, at work, I see plenty of ENG crews around the world using these types of fixed lens cameras every day. The one camera doesn't do all jobs.
  16. ​And if I was a woman and physically abused by a man I would go to the police……but they didn't. It works both ways. Im an 'innocent until proven guilty' kinda guy as are most of the decent legal systems in the world. We will see what pans out here but so far my thoughts are this: The girls did not report any abuse to the police, why not if they thought it was as serious as they now say it was. Any physical abuse is serious, so go about it the correct way and report it to the police. Do not just do nothing and report it years later via social media unless you are doing it for revenge. Again, any abuse is a series matter but at the same time it is easy to make accusations against someone you don't like. Making these accusations publicly will cause them a huge headache wether they are innocent or guilty. If they are a public figure, this kind of revenge is easy as is evident with Kessler dropping him. They haven't given him a chance, but taken the word of two women they don't even know over his. Guilty or innocent, Philips brand has been tarnished for a long time. We don't know what Philip is doing privately about the matter so we shouldn't assume he is doing nothing. He has spoken out publicly in response to being accused publicly. Privately, he may be doing more.
  17. ​If you want to do 4K it is. As I am looking at a GH4 or a7s as my next camera, I'd be interested to know if you would 'generally' rather work with the a7s in 1080p or GH4 in 4K. which gives you more advantages? Again, I know there is not one camera that does everything but most of us only by one camera. I'm talking generally from IQ, to DR to options in post. Gh4 4K or A7S 1080p.
  18. So, the a7s without the Atomos doesn't make the list?
  19. So, the A7s doesn't make the list unless paired with the Atomos??
  20. Hi Andrew, Your list has the a7S with Atomos recorder but as the a7S is already $1000 more than the GH4 I wont be getting a recorder to do 4k with the A7s. So, how do you compare the GH4 with the a7S on it's own? Cheers
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