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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. Please list the 4k/60p cameras that would be ideal for adventure shooting... I try to stay on top of these options, but must have missed a bunch.
  2. Do a better job for you. If had to carry a camera over a glacier, would I prefer the RED One and huge tripod? Or a weather sealed 1DX-II?
  3. Being able to shoots stills springs to mind! Size, lack of attention they generate, cheap batteries and various other reasons too.
  4. It is funny reading comments on some stills forums claiming that DPR are biased..... Towards Nikon! Goes to show that you should just do your own tests and use your own tastes to determine a big purchase like this. There will be bias, or perceived bias, in any review/test etc... We are all shaped by our previous purchases and experiences, eliminating bias is next to impossible.
  5. If you do go down the smaller drone route, I would recommend getting a good tx/rx too. Once you get creative with your controller settings, you can start doing nice pans, slow dolly like shots etc using automated settings. You will be surprised the footage you can get with a good tx/rx, a phantom and a GoPro with H3-3D gimbal (shoot in non fisheye mode, with the GoPro).
  6. Try and check it out before you buy... it is a big, somewhat dangerous bit of kit. It's a bit like seeing a Red epic in pictures, then seeing and holding one in person.
  7. Ahh, this whacky place! The 1DXii will soon be in Andrew's collection alongside the XC10 and 1DC ... Yet he'll carry on the rhetoric and call people nobs for pointing out the inconsistencies. Fair play to the kid... he must sit at home laughing while he types.
  8. I'd choose to run my own tests. I have zero problem if you test this camera and rip it to shreds, based on your own findings. The above article is just the worst type of "journalism" though... To then have the front to bad mouth the people you are cherry picking your info from and accuse them of sugar coating their findings is laughable. You talk of seeking the truth, giving honest opinions.... yet peddle this misinformed, 2nd hand nonsense. I think the people going out about buying cameras like the XC10 might encourage them more
  9. This article is embarrassing.... The guys that did all the hard work gave it a positive review with some negative caveats... Andrew then takes those few caveats, without any real world testing or insight and creates this clickbait monstrosity to fit some ludicrous Canon narrative (while using the 1DC and XC10). Great forum, dreadful blog.
  10. Start small... These things are tricky beasts and 1 lapse of concentration can see you in trouble.... The DJI stuff is clever, but you still need to take alot of care and attention. Get a 2nd hand phantom or something and really learn the thing, then see if you feel comfortable with a bigger rig. I know from experience moving too quickly onto a more powerful copter and getting in what is known as the toilet bowl... 1 droidworx drone and a bmpcc smashed to pieces on only our 3rd flight! Once you feel comfortable though... The inspire is a nice copter... Really nice... Not sure I would want an X5R on 4 blade copter though... With 6 blades,.you have a far better chance of landing if one goes wrong.
  11. Interesting.... I'm looking for high rez, small footprint for my 360 rig, this could be good. 10 bit 4:2:2 would be the cherry though
  12. You are right... Yet if that is the only way to get 4:2:2 and really good motion cadence, then that seems like a positive, not a negative. Having a bleeding edge codec is not always a great thing, go ask Samsung.
  13. Which part of the 1DX II is 10 year old tech? Hopefully the 5D4 has the same tech coming
  14. Not sure how this is an elephant in the room... Like the other thread, it is just a quarterly, with minimal details to draw any conclusions from. I imagine that their mobile sensor tech is lumped in with the imaging department too, so it is a little skewed when trying to use it as a baraometer for sales in the cameras we use and discuss here. I do think Sony have set themselves up well for the foreseable though, with a good range of products in exciting areas like mobile tech and VR, as well as strong offerings in the imaging field. But seriously..... Don't get excited about quartlies, they are useful, but are in no way an accurate way to measure the long term health of a huge company. Apple's quartiles fell for the first time in years, this Q1, whereas Samsung's were up... I don't really think that equates to a huge sea change towards Samsung though... It is just a quarterly.
  15. I would take a bet that no one will notice. Nearly ever film gets projected at 2K resolution anyway.
  16. Magic lantern would have shown the same with most any camera in the world, if they had access to the full firmware. Manufacturers have to aim for a certain level of performance with an average SD/CF card, especially with the consumer range. What I would like to see manufacturers do is add a paid "pro" firmware upgrade, that would assume certain minumum specs on your media
  17. Please Arri .... We know you can make an Alexa mini with the 65mm sensor for £2k Whhhhhyyyyy don't you ruin your business to fit my very particular needs.... Whhhhyyyyyy?
  18. I agree with a poster earlier that it is not 100% filmic, and not 100% video... But a new digital style that I personally think looks great.
  19. I really don't see anything in this short that isn't accessible to most Indies... We are not talking sweeping crane shots or even an octocopter ... Just good lighting and a gimbal or two on the riding shots. Even the editing and grading is fairly standard stuff.... Now when you see an expertly shot goPro video that has been smoothed and massaged to death, I fully agree... But this video doesn't seem like it is miselling what a $6k camera can do in the hands of someone who spends $6k on a camera.
  20. btw... is filming someone welding/cutting metal the high end equivalent of making a "cat in the garden" demo video?
  21. Hopefully the right balance of grading and custom settings will help get the best out of this camera... In that framegrab above, there is a good level of shadow detail in the clothing, the back wall etc... so maybe they were going for that look rather than protecting the highlights. I would have bought this camera if it had C-log though... Of all the frustrations around canon, not adding c-log to their flagship DSLR ranks the highest. Nice footage indeed, but knowing it could be 1 or 2 stops better is a punch in the face i'm not willing to take on a flagship model.
  22. Agreed... The people saying you can get a nice image out of the A7s are correct, in some situations it can look beautiful, but it is a pain in the ass to get anywhere even close to a nice, full raw image ... If that is what you are used to, then go for BM, Canon ML or Kine etc
  23. XC10 could be a wildcard too?
  24. They'll continuing selling to consumers in huge quantities... Alot of consumers are plain dumb... They think that a bulky DSLR is what sets them apart from the iphone crowd... They don't even look at mirrorless options, as they are not big and bulky, so cant be good enough. I was in Portugal last week and any photo being taken was either on a phone or a Canon/Nikon DSLR.... No exceptions. It is easy for us to know that X mirrorless camera would be way better for someone going travelling around Europe.. But some consumers just buy what they know, be it a brand (Canon) or a type of camera synonymous with quality (DSLR). The bubble has burst for Canon and Nikon due to smartphones, they will never have the same insane profits as in their heyday, but they are going nowhere anytime soon, professional or consumer. I would bet my house on it 100 times over
  25. Every discussion is! Again, my point about stepping back from our own needs is relevant here though... The 80D has a very specific target for video shooters, namely vlogger, travellers, instagrammers and such. They want good AF, Wifi and good colour over 4K. I would never buy it, but I guess others are
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