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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. Shame, let's hope they have worked on the feature. Being able to dial in the ISO difference, ala ML, would be pretty damn cool. Ghosting would be a problem for alot of shots, but still an interesting feature, if they got it right.
  2. From what I was reading about the t6S mode, it does do alternating low/high ISO frames... that is why it is only available in 720p mode, as it needs 60p. The 800D should be able to do it in 1080p. The one sample I could find looked pretty unimpressive though, hopefully they have worked on it a little more. The ML HDR feature was pretty cool, to be able to blend it in camera would be a nice touch.
  3. Just looking through the rumoured specs and noticed "HDR movie".... Is this a new feature, or has it been on other Canon cameras that I have missed? If it is new, I wonder how and what they are doing to get it. If it pushes the camera above 13 stops, without comprimising the footage, it could be an interesting feature. On a side note, this confirms Canon are not gonna start throwing 4K into any old camera. I think the 5D IV will probably be the only other 4K model. http://photorumors.com/2016/02/15/this-is-the-new-canon-eos-80d-dslr-camera/#more-79395
  4. Looks great! It's a perfect drone camera.
  5. I'm trying to say that the above shot is purposfluly made difficult in terms of colour and skintone, yet still shines. You are not blown away by the colour science here? Skintones look perfect to me.
  6. I did, it's a pipedream wishlist. Yes, M43 lenses would still work on an s35 sensor, with some kind of crop mode (both video AND stills)... That is not a business strategy that any sane company will adopt though. The GH5 will be optimised for THEIR lens range and their loyal non video centric users who will have a stack of m43 lenses. It would be a PR disaster. A bunch of features that don't even work with their lens line up. "Shoot 24mpx stills, unless you have our lenses, in which case "shoot 16mpx lens"... yea, great sales pitch. If you want to have pipe dreams, fair enough... Just ask for a completely new lines of cameras, with a range of Panasonic s35 lens.
  7. This is what I want, but with 6k and internal 2K raw, for $1799: S35 14+ stops of dynamic range with V-Log. Dual native 800/5000 ISO Weight: under 1 lb. Formats: 4K, UHD, 2K and HD. Apple ProRes 4444 (up to 30p), ProRes 422 HQ (up to 60p), HD, Panasonic’s AVC-ULTRA family of video codecs. Support for the Academy Color Encoding System (ACES) ND filters: CLEAR, 0.6, 1.2, 1.8 OLED EVF 24-bit LPCM audio in-camera Focus Assist IR (for scenes even darker than ISO 5000 can handle). Anamorphic lens de-squeeze Special REC functions (PreRec, interval, one-shot) IP control via Panasonic’s AK-HRP200 camera remote controller Built-in GPS 3G-HD-SDI LAN Genlock in timecode in/out USB2.0 Host and USB2.0 Device (mini B)
  8. Yea, that is what I have heard.... Early figures were quite good, then Sony's FS100 and F3, even the GH2, took away some of it's market. I'm not clamining to have facts and figures, just what I have heard. Follow the logic that if it had been a success, surely they would have made an AF200 by now?
  9. I actually wouldn't buy that camera if it was 8bit 4:2:0 People need to start shouting from the roof tops that it is no longer good enough. Whether Andrew chooses to believe it or not, the combination of 10 bit and 4:2:2 (or higher) is where you can really start to get the best out of log footage. I don't want to climb a mountain for 6 hours to then find my shots ruined by banding. 10 bit solves this issue and really helps the log curve store the information correctly.
  10. Last week you were saying you didn't care about 4k... Now it's all about 6k?! I'd much prefer internal 10bit 4:2:2 (or compressed raw)... Better DR and low light.
  11. Just what I have read from numerous sources, backed by what I saw in the industry myself.
  12. It does look nice... I don't find it particularly film like, but it also doesn't feel particularity video like either... Has quite a distinct look and feel.
  13. Jimmy

    stacking footage?

    It is pretty much what the HDR trick with magic lantern was doing.... Laying a low ISO and high ISO frame on top of each other
  14. re: the middle ground camera.... Pretty sure Panasonic got burnt with the AF100, so no surprises they are tentative to go back there. I actually think the DVX200 is a nifty bit of kit and a better bet for them to make money from event shooters and such than joining Sony in the race to the bottom. We all want the best for our money, but I can see why these companies are not so quick to jump into the murky world of the $5k +/- camera. Also, isn't it well know that the photo and cinema divisions are completely separate?
  15. Personally, i think the sensor (assuming it is the same as the Varicam 35) slays the Sony offerings, so this talk of it being underspec'd for the price seems a bit skewed. I'd prefer good specs and great IQ rather than great specs and good IQ
  16. In what respect? This, on paper, competes with any cinema camera on the market. If it can hold 14 stops through the ISO range, with dual ISO, that will be amazing.
  17. Everything I have seen from the earlier Varicam has been very impressive, not sure why it didn't take off... Refining the size and ergonomics should help. Seems a great new camera, but too rich for me.
  18. The first thing any potential hacker should do is rlist what simply isn't possible or would be a huge undertaking. Things like log, 10 bit etc, 4K/60fps seem like they would be very tough to implement and test, whereas upping the bitrate might be a simpler task.
  19. ML changes everything. Unless you need 4K and HFR, you will struggle to get a more pleasing 1080p image than the 5DIII with raw
  20. One thing I will add.... If you are travelling to places you will probably not return to, IQ should be top of the "pros" list... There is nothing worse than getting back and looking through some 8 bit, 4:2:0 junk. As someone who traded up their 5DIII for an A7s, I speak from experience... I traded up image quality for tech specs and regretted it. I know you have ruled out the 5DIII Raw.... But it might be worth a rethink... You will look back at those raw files in years to come and still feel satisfied with the look and quality. Same with Blackmagic.
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