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Posts posted by Jimmy

  1. Yea, it is interesting, for sure....

    As the gap between image quality on each camera decreases, then other aspects will come more and more into play. Camera movement is and always will be a sure fire way to get a more cinematic image... the fact that it should have a very nice cinematic image too is great.

    I imagine that blackmagic will soon enough announce a 4K version of their micro, but that will be a 2017 camera, no doubt.

  2. I'm done with 4:2:0, 8 bit video... So i'm not gonna compare it to the Sony/Samsung products.... But yea, if you want an A cam, this aint the one, it's a niche market.

    If they had 10 bit ProRes though, as an option... I'd be very interested in an Inspire 1 with X5R

  3. The funny thing is, i think indie community were making great strides towards demanding the right things from a camera... and the industry were starting to listen, then 4K came around and alot of people were again ready to accept 4:2:0, 8 bit, low bitrate etc just to get 4K.

    Hopefully when we all have the camera described in Andrew's post... We don't then collectively dump it all for 8K, 4:2:0 etc!

  4. It just reinforces everything i've found with other Sony products I have used... slightly blue/magenta cast that is just a bitch to get back to "normal". In some lighting, it looks beautiful, especially night shots in already cold lighting. I wonder if is it a WB issue? With the A7s, I now use manual WB to dial in a slightly warmer temp than it should be.

  5. A friend of mine who bought a 4K TV said to me, "I brought this one because it has the fastest refresh rate," the guy in the shop had told him that meant it was the best... He was suckered in.

    Everything looks shit, bar sports... I switched it off during a film and he didn't like it and switched it back on.

  6. Grading is powerful... But it is not a garunteed safety net.

    I find Sony has a slight blue/magenta cast on skintones... When you warm those skintones to make them more natural, you also warm areas of the scene that then could look unnatural.

    The gap is getting smaller though... Looking forward to testing the FS5... With raw, it could be a winner.

  7. Do you guys think that Sony will ever make a FS5 like camera that uses the A7sII sensor?

    It seems like the dream combo for alot of people that are used to DSLR style shooting, but would love the benefits of NDs, audio, 10 bit, raw out etc in a relatively small package.

  8. Raw on the FS5 can go straight to ProRes on the Odyssey 7Q+

    Much more practical than handling the file sizes of Cinema DNG raw in 4K!!

    Yea, the Raw > ProRes mode is amazing.

    I have heard a rumour that the FS range will get internal compressed raw in the paid upgrade though, seems unlikely, but would be immense.

  9. They should at least make one, even if it is in that F5 price bracket. Too niche maybe.... But it seems like the A7s is hugely popular.... With 10bit, NDs, HFR etc, it would surely sell well enough to justify.


    Just seems odd that no one (especially Sony) have released a FF, low light video camera.

  10. Isn't the A7S II 4:2:0 though (internal)?

    PIX-E5H looks cool, but a decent price that could go towards whatever main camera I buy in 2016 (Probably RED or Ursa Mini).

    The above seemed a cheap little solution for the few times I need ultra low light 4K (eg, shooting realtime auroras).

    Still hoping Atomos bring out a 4K ninja star... Would be perfect!

  11. Can anyone more technically minded work out if it is possible to use the 4K HMDI out of the Sony A7s, via this into a Microsoft surface, to record 4K files?

    I know it is a bit of a pain, but $300 or so (off ebay)... might be a good way to get the occasional 4K lowlight shot, rather than upgrading to the new model.

  12. I had fs700 and Odyssey 7q... It was great in every way... Except colour... Even with raw, it just didn't quite cut it for my tastes... But that is a stylstic choice.... I'd definitely recommend trying one... I can send you some dngs if you would like to test


  13. MX, yes, to an extent, 4K, raw and pretty good DR.. If I could deal with the size, it would be an interesting prospect, though the low light is not great... the rest, not really. Compromises with them all, in terms of longevity.

    Where do you really see technology going that is going to make 5K/60fps/14+ stops DR/ 2000ISO / raw redundant? Maybe global shutter? NDs and a nicer OLPF solution would be cool, but not essential....  It really is film replacement, unlike the last 3 you mentioned.

    I make most of my money with landscapes... 1080p is not good enough to hope that it will be relevant in 5+ years.

  14. Disagree, to an extent.. I'm not talking about the value lasting a long, long time, but about having image quality that has very little compromises and will stand the test of time.

    Unless you want crazy ISO or HFR, The image from a Scarlet Dragon should hold up for many years, on pretty much any screen or device that displays 2D video content.

    I've been here with music production and still imagery... We are hitting the point of diminishing returns, where the gap between top and mid range is getting minimal.


  15. My line of video work just doesn't justify that kind of outlay... Upfront or credit. $5k-$10k is the kind of investment I want to make on my next purchase and I want to get it right, something that will last a long, long time. Scarlet Dragon checks alot of boxes.

  16. I've been weighing up getting a Raven, but it has a few short comings that might make me regret it, down the line... Since the Scarlet W was announced, which is still a bit much for my wallet, I have been keeping an eye out on used Scarlet deals and it is an interesting market.... Full MX kits for $6k or so and I just saw a full Scarlet Dragon kit for $11k!

    I've used Red One MX a fair bit and find it a good, but bulky camera... Does anyone have experience with Scarlet, especially Dragon? How has customer service and repairs been for anyone here in Europe? That is my main concern... With a canon or sony, I know I can get it to a service center, without worries.

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