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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. I am a little doubtful that it is footage from the 4.6K... I would have thought one of the better known videographers with close links to BM would be first with footage? Or is this guy linked to BM?
  2. Some strange blooming in the highlights too
  3. Not sure if this is legit or not?
  4. Was Jobs talking about video? No. Have the majority of posts in this thread been about video? No Were you talking about video when you said "Tablets are not that useful for creative work anyway."?
  5. The surface, pen and illustrator/Photoshop is a stunning creative tool, to say otherwise is just to admit you are vehemently arguing about something you don't actually know about. My wife is a clothes designer and it has changed her creative methods almost 180 degrees. Microsoft didn't get it all right, not even close... But the surface is pretty special for alot of creative uses.
  6. Does the timelapse mode allow for slow shutter speeds? It seems like Canon have done it again though... Really underwhelming, on paper, yet has an aesthetic appeal and camera design that just looks like it will work well. If the lens had been F2.8 (or better) throughout the range, it would have stole the show.
  7. EF... ProRes etc are easily available to cash buyers. Nothing to do with BM, they just also know to pay. Now paying GoPro whatever it takes to shoot native cineform raw would be a good start (for alot of companies).
  8. I guess we better wait to see the if the rumour is true before worrying to much anyway!
  9. I've never wrapped my head around the Mbps MB/s thing... So this is only actually 30MB/s? http://www.fotosense.co.uk/sandisk-64gb-extreme-pro-sdxc-uhs-ii-memory-card.html?gclid=CjwKEAiA1JuyBRCogJLz4J71kj0SJADsd6QRdBLA3c410EbUY_00TLooeFSHawrObJVhYL67Et0OlhoC9PHw_wcB#fo_c=77&fo_k=743f21e7c5bb6d9b3e90de18f4fe9df9&fo_s=gplauk
  10. I use Photoguard too, they paid out after my 5DII, lens and tripod went over a waterfall in Madeira (and nearly took me with it!).. We found the camera, was surprisingly good condition, but wouldn't power on and the lens was smashed up... Photoguard paid out without any headaches.
  11. http://www.sonyalpharumors.com/sr3-sony-working-on-internal-compressed-raw-set-of-codecs-for-the-fs-cameras/ Fingers crossed on this little rumour, would be a bit of a game changer, imo. An FS5 with internal raw would check a hell of alot of boxes, in a small, light package, for a great price. Any tech heads here that can work out what kind of compression levels (if any) would be needed for raw 4K on the fastest FS5 media available?
  12. No doubt NAB 2016 will bring something like that (and with the new sensor tech)!
  13. Pix-E5 looks an interesting device. @AaronChicago , that's a shame, I know it is supposed to be a studio/live cam, but they must know people will use it for other stuff.
  14. Anyone going with the studio 4K version? Shame the video assist doesn't do 4K, seems a great size.... Atomos and Oddysey seem a bit daft to couple up with the BMSC 4K, size wise.
  15. Good old Georg Lukas! Once you at at root level, potentially the sky is the limit in terms of the features they (he!) could add. It's a bit like writing software for a jailbroken iPhone... Once you are in and behind all the locked doors they put in place, you can write almost any software imaginable.
  16. While it is very unlikely that we are in for another ML like experience, it is linux based and you only have to see how people are modding Android to see that potential, if they get to root level.
  17. Would be quite funny if the NX1 is discontinued, then a hack makes it the dream camera... They will be like gold dust.
  18. Micro studio is shipping now, so I think it is fairly close
  19. It is a shame they have not done a GoPro style wifi video feed to a mobile app... I'm still trying to work out if it can do raw 60fps.. Data rate would be 130MB/s, so should be ok with the new extreme pro SDs
  20. With the Ursa 4.6K announcement... The Micro BMCC passed me by a bit, but I have been checking out the specs and it looks great.... I can live without 4K for some of my work, but have always felt that a lack of HFR let the BM cams down a bit... The Micro has 60fps, great. Pre-ordered Is anyone else getting one? Has there been much news on a release date? What are you going to use for monitoring? Is the 60fps in raw?
  21. Tugela... If someone's test (that has cost you nothing) is not to your very specific way... Go rent the cameras and do your own. It's pretty simple.
  22. Arghhh, these reviews are making it harder and harder to decide... It is summarising exactly what I thought the C300II would be... a really great, practical camera with a beautiful image, let down by the lack of HFR. I just know it is gonna be a success though, where the Sonys will plummet in value.... and RED Raven will be a bit impractical (for my uses)... Hoping for some Ursa 4.6k footage to appear soon to make the choices more simple.
  23. Yea, the AF is gonna be pretty amazing for interviews and stuff. Interested to see it on a gimbal.
  24. You can't really put a value on something like the AF system, unless it is something you are interested in... At which point the camera's value might make sense.
  25. Soon enough, we will have these sort of sensors combined with lytro style DOF, in our mobile phones.... with about 16K, giving us perfect digital zoom for a 4K finish!
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