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Posts posted by Jimmy

  1. Second video looks great. Really looking forward to seeing this camera with more cinematic camera movements.

    Judging it on Bloom's is daft... underexposed on a cloudy day, with location/people walking around like a stock video. Also, Bloom said that he needs to learn the camera settings much better... He probably had sharpness up, by accident.

  2. The "Look Test" video seems to show quite a drastic drop in sharpness in C-Log, indicating there is zero sharpening going on, in camera, compared to the other gamma settings.

    I imagine alot of people are shooting C-log and maybe not adding much/any sharpening in post.

    It's not NX1 sharp, but the standard gamma seems to suggest it can hit 1DC levels.

  3. "Easily outperformed" on paper....

    The most important "feature" (at least for some) is the image though. I can trade in some resolution, some slow motion options etc etc for a beautiful image.

    That said, the lens is just too slow for the sensor size.... It is a deal breaker. Not sure what they were thinking really.


    Hmm, please do not imply that somebody cannot do correct colour grading when he express his opinion about Sonys Color Science...

    Frustrates me too. S-Log is harder to grade than C-Log (or Canon Raw).... S-Log can be graded beautifully, of course, but it is just more labour intensive.

    I do not currently own any Canon gear, but if they finally do bring something interesting out, I will change to Canon again, as the colours are just great.

  5. I have heard from a DP I work with in London saying that the dual sensor readout of the C300 mk II is going to be in the next flagship DSLR, along with 4K... No idea where he is getting the info though. I'm not claiming any insider knowledge, just hearsay.

    I do think they will HAVE to react though.... Not so much because they care about video shooter, but pulling 4K stills will start becoming more relevant to photographers.

  6. ​Erm 1080p from Canon sensor (pixel binned) vs 4K from Sony sensor full pixel readout you say will be better in overall quality? Does not compute!!

    ​The reason it does not compute is because you are using a quote that I made long before the new Sony announcements. The landscape has changed again, Canon need to add 4K to their higher end models (and from what I have heard, 4K and wider DR are on the way)

  7. ​There was plenty of bashing about Nikon, even an open letter when they launched the Nikon Df - although I think a bit uncalled for, at least not because of the Df. Plus, despite not being their focus, Nikon has actually becoming better and their recent cameras are leaps beyond they were before. The D750 seems to be pretty good and the D5000, D3000 family also improved. Which is not something Canon is doing, improving, much less innovating like Sony, Samsung and Panasonic. So don't take this and morph it into some sort of one-sided thing or biased, Nikon had plenty of bash before and Canon is deservedly bashed still.

    Maybe on the forum... Not on the blog itself... Every other post is half dedicated to Canon's failings

  8. At least with Canon there is some hope for trickle down though (plus they fell as backwards into the ML Raw delights), Nikon ride on the coattails of the industry, generally putting out the bare minimum. Canon have shown some initiative, like the 1DC and C100 mkII, even if it is overpriced.

    Luckily, I have generally stuck to manual lenses that can usually be attached to anything, so don't feel attached to one system or the other. I can see how it breads resentment/disappointment though.

  9. The elephant in the room with these articles that lead to the inevitable Canon monologue.... Why not bash Nikon? at least we know why Canon do the things they do, and at least they do release things like the 1DC (Camera of the year!). Sometimes I think they are pressured by Sony to stay a step behind.

    Anyways.... A7R II looks damn cool, hoping the 5 axis stabilisation is good, that would be the cherry.

  10. Pulling the actors, script, sound lighting, budget card is null and void in this discussion since it is a given that such things are in place for Hollywood pictures!

    ​In what world is it null and void? McDonalds could start shooting it's adverts on Arri65 or 8K Dragon... People wont start asking them to make 120 minute McFeatures though.

    Stick Brad Pitt in front of a 5DII and it will look a million times more "cinematic" to the average joe than some stock actor in a McDonalds ad shot on Alexa65... People are conditioned into what they think the cinematic look is simply because it was released in a cinema, with marketing, with actors they know and done in a certain way that they don't understand (mainly s35, good DP, good grade, good score etc).... even if all those things are applied to a McDonalds ad, they will never connect it with a cinema feature. The human mind doesn't really work like that.

    You can say that the average joe will say things like "wow, shows on HBO look like films",,,, That is part of the above conditioning... Good actors, DPs etc (and these will also shoot 65mm, if the director/producer desires).... But to say that Hollywood needs to separate itself from tv ads is crazy. People just do not think in this way.

    The only real clamour towards 65mm, in terms of selling it as a differentiator,  will come from the IMAX side of thinks... but the audiences already know about that and, as stated above, it is very much limited to areas with IMAX.

    Anyway, there will probably be more 65mm shots in the coming years... But is in no way becoming the standard, which is what brought about this conversation.

  11. Hollywood needs to upgrade to bigger than s35mm in order to differenciate itself from the roves of cinematic mcdonalds adverts. 

    Pretty sure things like actors, script, directors, sound, lighting, budget etc do just that.

    I doubt any average movie goer sits and watches a great s35 film and thinks "not bad, but the format choice was a bit too close to that TV advert I saw". We are already about a decade into cinematic TV.

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