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Posts posted by Jimmy

  1. ​The film industry is moving towards larger sensor #Fact

    Inform yourself , Arri just released their Large Sensor camera which they are shooting Star Wars: Rogue One, Red with their "Weapon" Camera have also gone large format. 65-70mm film has always existed, but you can assure in the future we will continue to see this format much more even though many films which have been in production for years were shot on S35 sensor cameras.


    IMAX with Interstellar showed the world how amazing an image can be. Red Weapon will carry that torch ad Arri with their Large Format is going to revolutionize the industry. Quote this...........



    As I said before (you really do have a problem with reading people's posts) I have already mentioned there are exceptions to the rule... But they are EXCEPTIONS... 99% of hollywood films to be released in 2015 will be S35... The % won't change hugely anytime soon.

    As you have already mentioned, 65mm has been around for decades and has been proven to make beautiful images... Why weren't Spielberg and Co throwing the s35mm cams in the bin during the 80s era of great films?... Budget certainly wasn't the issue.

  2. To be honest, that "ridiculous DR" has taken some beautiful landscape photography. Landscape photographers don't tend to shoot in the midday sun, as no matter how much range you have, it will still look ugly and harsh. No one will complain is they up it, but I don't see landscape photographers crying hard about it, if they don't. It's been like this for years now.

  3. ​The film industry is moving to larger sensors #Fact

    Also outside of S35 crop format the Samsung lacks, dynamic range and color to even be anywhere close to considered a film camera. 

    ​You really like to use opinion as fact, don't you.... #Fact

    99% of the top end film industry still uses s35. Perhaps more. A few people like Nolan experiment here and there, but that hardly shows a seismic shift towards large sensor.

  4. ​This is kind of idiotic statement as digital sensors don't have colors. Look it up. The color comes after processing data from bayer filter, which isn't a sensor but thin glass on top of sensor), color is mostly interpretation. by software. 


    Digital Sensors don't have colors. It's not a film

    ​A million heart felt apologies.

    I can see how my misuse of a word, in a quickly written reply to someone else, would bring you to such levels of anger. I know put "sensor" instead of "sensor/colour science/camera", it was a massive error and will never be repeated..... I'm sure people were completely baffled by the sentence I wrote, such was the stupidity I showed. I hope you one day forgive me.

  5. I guess you forgot to learn to read while you were so busy being a colour genius.

    I said you can (generally) match the colours, but it is more hassle. Time is money. Matching 8 bit to 14 bit raw is also not 100% possible (Go Pro to Alexa skintones! hahahahaha). Maybe you know more than the rest of the industry though, perhaps you have the same plugins they have on CSI miami?... good for you.


    If Sony colours are for you, I fully recommend this camera. If you go back to my original post I said "My only concern" ... I don;t hugely like the Sony colours.... Sensors are not equal.... It is personal preference.

  6. The A7R/A7SII and the GH5 (and Ursa Mini) will officially be the end of Canon in the race.

    ​We hear this time and again, but... for now.. the 1DC is still the best lightweight 4K camera on the market, in terms of image.. imho.

    There is talk of the 1D mk 5 and 5D mk 4 using the same dual sensor readout as the C300 mk 2, giving 15 stops in stills mode, which could equate to a very nice video image with C-log. They might be slow to the party, but still have potential to make the best image.


    100% False , do a search on some images I've posted. If you understand how to color correct / grade you can push the S-LOG image anywhere you want. Learn the tools before posting false information. Canon DSLR have their color profiles baked in, you can achieve the same exact look with the A7s if you learn to read scopes......

    ​I was a colourist for 4 years. If you think the Sony colour is as good as any other camera, great... But it is your opinion, not a fact. I know some of the best colourists in London and they all generally dislike Sony... Yes, you might be able to match, more or less, footage from an F55 with an Alexa... But you will spend more time doing it. Their colour science is not their strong point.

  8. Good god, you talk, talk talk and forget to listen.

    YOU think ex machina is medicore.... Some think it is downright awful.... Others think it is pretty good.... Others think it is great. None of those things mean that reviewers are now soft or that people who agree with those people are not creative risk takers.

    I get the feeling that Andrew Reid created you in his lab to keep the clickbait going in his absence


  9. It seems you are aware that everyone's view is different, so probably wise not to make blanket statements like "reviewers have gone soft" and "Those who go with the crowd, they don't take risks".

    What about films that YOU like and get good reviews.... Do you then take less risks because you "went with the crowd"? Ludicrous.

  10.     And to have critics think Ex Machina is a great film? 

    Wow have the critics gone soft.

    ​You seems to have a similar god complex as the guy in Ex Machina. You don't like it, so every reviewer that did is soft?

    As for the exterior shots, I think they have some relevance. It highlights the irony of a creator of a social network cutting himself off from society. I also found the external shots between the two male characters had relevance too, it was a place where manipulation* was taking place away from the AI and, as mentioned above, gave it quite a caveman feel, away from the tech of the lab  (*In my view, the film is more about manipulation than AI or Sci-Fi themes).

    Regarding the female subservience. 1) Sex can drive technology.... video codecs, streaming tech etc etc were all sped up by the demand for online porn... 2) It doesn't take much thought to work out that a billionaire probably had all kinds of money digging woman around him, maybe he married one and it ended in tears... So creating someone who is subservient would make sense to him, he doesn't even want to communicate with his chosen woman.

    Regarding the "plot holes" of creating the machines themselves... Who says he did? The machines are clearly built from interchangeable parts which could be shipped in from any one of his dozens of sub sections that these huge tech companies have. He could also have many coders at work on the project, under insanely tight NDAs. Also, the fact that the young guy doesn't seem hugely surprised that he has a working AI suggests there were probably rumours flying around, which would point towards various people knowing bits and pieces about what was going on.

    I found it an interesting movie about how people (and the AI) manipulate each other for their own means (even one AI seems to manipulate the other). It had a few plot holes, as do most Sci-Fi films... and the cinematography was certainly inspired... But the overall themes are big enough to get past such small points.

  11. I wonder if all the people struggling with S-Log colour are using auto white balance? I find dialling in your WB and just pushing the warmth a little helps alot. AWB seems to work well at night though, if you want a cooler look (which I generally do, at night).

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