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Posts posted by Jimmy

  1. I guess we should be thinking about the next 1D-X replacement too... Isn't that due out before the 5D4? (I know price is a big issue here, but the 1D-X will partly dictate how they cripple the 5D4). I think protecting the 1D-C is a ship that has sailed.

    On a side issue, why do they protect dedicated video cameras? Would people who need a professional camera like a C300 really not buy one just to save a few $K and lose out on all the video centric features. They should just make the flagship DSLR match the flagship video camera, but without the XLRs, NDs etc... I'm sure they would shift loads of the latter as B cams, without massively effecting sales of the former.

  2. There have been rumours around that the next set of Canon cameras will use dual gain to hit similar DR as the C300 mkII. If that happens, they will have to work hard to cripple the video image down to expected levels!

  3. Do we even need to speculate about the Canon 5Dmk4?

    As it is sooo easy to predict:
    1) they'll sell bucket loads of it. (thanks to their marketing machine, their size, and retail presence, and idiot friends giving recommendations to their mates while not having a clue....)
    2) but tech spec gear heads like ourselves who actually know their sh*t will be very very disappointed in what a flop it is. 

    ​and if it is basically a cheap 1DC (which would be my guess)?

    For every "idiot friend" there is also someone who is anti "insert brand" and spreads FUD.

  4. ​Jimmy - I have the A7s as well and just ordered the NX1. Have you done many shoots with both cameras? How well do they match up?

    ​I don't really do narrative, so use the each camera for different needs.

    I think as long as you get the exposure right though, they should match up well.

  5. I have the NX1, I love it for slow motion and 4K and in the right light, it creates a beautiful, detailed images, but you have to REALLY protect your highlights, they blow so easily. The rolloff isn't awful, but in harsh light, it is hard to use. Also, transcoding is a pain and low light is pretty bad. Maybe future upgrades will bring a bit more latitude and other features.

    I also have an A7s and that is my go to camera for everything else. If you can spring that little extra cash, it is by far the better camera, imho.

  6. It is almost perfect, especially the global shutter and DR. I will be very interested to see if DJI or others make a nice gimbal for it (the marketing images look very much like a DJI gimbal?)

    I just wish they had though about post stabalisation. The 2.7k sensor would have been so much better. No matter how good your gimbal, adding a touch of stablisation in post just gives it that floaty, filmic feel. Hopefully the 1080p will be good enough that you could stabilise and resize it back up and still have a detailed image.

    I would also like to see 48p and maybe a smaller battery. It is pretty damn exciting though.

    My "bread and butter" work is now calling for 4K, but this camera would really suit a more narrative based work (where I don't think 4K means alot, personally).

  7. What I would like to see more focus on, on various blogs, are the tools that complement the cameras.... Dollies, gimbals, cranes, lights etc

    The cameras are hitting saturation point, but there are some really interesting tools that can help with the cinematic look, every bit as much as DR, resolution etc.

  8. If GH4 does add v-log and it works well in the 4:2:0 colour space, I think most will choose that option... Though rolling shutter might sway it back in the direction of the XC10

    Btw - I really am not yet sold on this thing... Need to see it in person, test it out etc... I just think it MIGHT be a good option for drone and gimbal use, if you need 4K and good DR.

  9. I'm very much on the fence... need to see jello, usable DR, AF, lens characteristics, 1080,60p, low light etc etc

    Will rent one when the next assignment comes up (I only do drone work 5-6 times a year, but the cam would quickly pay for itself and lends itself well to a few other niche markets we work in).

    Obviously alot of posters here are very much narrative based and this camera is next to useless for that (other than gimbal work, perhaps).. But I hope I might add a voice for the niche markets. (To emphasise the niche markets I work in, 90% of my money comes from shooting in portrait for mobile phones!)

  10. ​What kind of BMW ad doesn't have the budget to rent RED? Not being a jerk, just genuinely curious.

    ​They are not tv spots.

    BMW hire out a race track in south Portugal to test soon to launch models. We shoot promo stuff that gets sent out to various big players in the industry to start wetting the appetite.

    We have used GoPros, then when we moved to GH4, people noticed the quality upgrade.... Pulling photos is also part of the process, so 12 stops would help. We have to shoot in some really harsh daytime sun. Maybe the XC10 can take it up yet another level? I look forward to testing it.

    Would I prefer a larger sensor, a nice F2.0 12-35mm lens,,,, hell yea,,, but I do see uses for this niche camera.

    The BM micro would be a dream for 1080p, for our needs though, 4K is a must

  11. ​If you want higher quality 4K on a drone, then the Panasonic LX100 is the obvious answer :-)
    NOT the Canon XC10

    ​and if you need 12 stops DR?

    This is sure a niche product I wont be pressing "buy now" any time soon.... But it is fairly unique in it's image quality and size.

    I cannot afford to fly with an epic or C300 II... So if I want 4K filmic quality, the options are low. GH4 has low DR and no log mode, as does all the other small cameras mentioned. BMPC is heavy as hell, as is the 1DC (for my particular drone).

    This camera, though flawed in some ways, ticks boxes for my personal needs. I am sure it does for others too.

  12. Well, I would hope andrew has thick enough skin to appreciate when people ask him for a little less bias. If this lens issue is a big problem, then every blog and forum will bring it to the fore and I wil join in with the condemnation.

    Quite why a prototype deserves an article is beyond me though.

    As for the price, if you want to name me all these 4K, 12 stop, 4:2:2 cameras that will sit snugly on my drone. be my guest.

    I dont give a flying, steaming shite what brand name is on my camera, I want IQ, and, from what I can see... as a drone camera, although it has issue, it still ticks boxes that no other camera can, right now.

    the reason i like this blog, this forum and everything about indie guys is the idea of jumping through hoops to get a quality that is generally out of bounds, due to price.... As a drone shooter, this camera has that indie vibe to it. Taping shit up just to get an extra stop or two of DR. That's the buzz of indie shooting. 

    Of course, if it is perfect out of the box, fantastic.... but the idea that it has to be condemned due to a small issue seems to go against every other blog article Andrew makes from other manufacturers. Indie is indie, it has no brand. Do what you need to do to get a better image.

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